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1 W e b A r c h i t e c t u r e Frontend Architecture

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What We Will Cover • Architecture Variants • Integration Patterns

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State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic

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SSR State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic

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State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic

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Templating 6 Demo


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Data binding 7 var myViewModel = { personName: ko.observable('Bob‘), personAge: ko.observable(123) }; Hallo ! myViewModel.personName('Mary'); Demo

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Custom Elements 8 Example class MyElement extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { // ... do something inside the element } } customElements.define('my-element', MyElement); Hello World

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Components 9 @Component({ selector: 'my-user', template: '
' }) export class MyUserComponent { // View data for data binding type = 'default'; tags: Array; } Harry Horse

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React 10 Templating & data binding done differently Core concept: "Virtual DOM" Basic Example

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State Business Logic Rendering Logic API Client API State Business Logic

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Backend communication with Fetch 12 fetch('‘) .then(function(response) { return response.json(); })

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Ember Data 13 App.Article = DS.Model.extend({ title: DS.attr('string'), content: DS.attr('string'), comments: DS.hasMany('comment') }); App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({ author: DS.attr('string'), content: DS.attr('string'), article: DS.belongsTo('article') }); let article ='article', 32); GET /article/32 HTTP/1.1… article.get('comments').forEach(... GET /comments?id[]=4711&id[]=4712 HTTP/1.1…

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State Business Logic Rendering Logic CSR API Client API State Business Logic Routing *

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Single Page Apps – Why Routing? 15 Bookmarks? Deep links? Reload? Solution: Store some app state in the URI

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Routing 16 RouterModule.forRoot([ { path: 'customers', component: CustomersComponent }, { path: 'customers/:id', component: CustomerComponent }, { path: '', redirectTo: '/customers' } ]) without History API? with

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State Business Logic Rendering Logic API Client API State Business Logic Routing Routing Rendering Logic v v

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Prerendering 18

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Hydration 19 How to simulate readiness? What about Events (Clicks etc)? How to match server-side HTML to client-side DOM?

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State Business Logic Rendering Logic API Client API State Business Logic Routing CSR with Prerendering Routing Rendering Logic v v Hydration

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Special case: Searchability 21 No Hydration needed

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Features of an SPA Framework 22 Data binding Templating Components Dependency Injection Routing Talking to backend services Prerendering Hydration

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23 SPA architecture variants

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Classic SPA Architecture 24 Component 1 View Component 2 Component … Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Model App

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Flux SPA Architecture 25 Component 1 View Component 2 Component … Dispatcher 1 Store 1 App Dispatcher 2 Store 2

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Self Contained Component SPA 26 Component 1 Model / Service / Dispatcher / … App Component 2 Model / Service / Dispatcher / … Component … Model / Service / Dispatcher / … Router Component

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Self Contained Components 27 Component 1 Model / Service / Dispatcher / … Web Browser: (server-side rendered) HTML/DOM Component 2 Model / Service / Dispatcher / … Component … Model / Service / Dispatcher / …

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State Business Logic Rendering Logic API Client API State Business Logic Self Contained Components Routing Rendering Logic of the page of components

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29 Edge Rendering

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Latency Browser DC CDN Latency Latency

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ESR State Business Logic API State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic

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CSR with Edge Prerendering State Business Logic Routing Hydration State Business Logic API Client API Rendering Logic State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic v v

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33 Consequences

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Executing Code No Trust Trust Trust No Control Low Control High Control Low Observability Low Observability High Observability No Latency to User Low Latency to User High Latency to User

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Rendering Logic API Client API Routing CSR with Prerendering Routing Rendering Logic v v Hydration State Business Logic State Business Logic Same functionality, different implementation?

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36 ROCA (Resource-oriented client architecture)

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ROCA 37 RESTful Server-side HTML (SSR) All application logic on server No duplicated logic on client + No application logic on client! Client-side (self contained) JavaScript components =

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State Business Logic Rendering Logic API Client API State ROCA Routing Rendering Logic

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39 Integration

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Why integration? Legacy systems Microservices Internet services In general: Workflows spanning multiple systems 40

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How to integrate? Backend • RESTful APIs, Central Brokers, Database, SOAP, Data replication, Build dependencies, ... Frontend? 41

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Frontend integration? 42

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Links Magic integration concept User doesn't recognize system changes as long as the styling stays the same 43

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Links (redirection) Where to go back after completing (or aborting) a workflow? Return URIs may cascade Simple but very powerful concept 44

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Monolithic SPA Dedicated frontend app team Tends to grow Backend are API only 45

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Modular SPA Teams expose own functionality via app modules Modules may be loaded asynchronous Framework updates are hard 46

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Flat SPA Backends with own UIs Central App should not implement much logic Suitable for Dashboards 47

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Complex DOM components Teams develop web components for their functionality CSS may be bundled or even isolated (ShadowDOM) Components should be loaded from the backend defining them 48

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Transclusion Clientside Serverside (ESI/SSI) Challenge: CSS/JS 49

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IFrames Nearly as secure as Links Nobody likes IFrames... ... but nobody knows why 50

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