What Is The Best
Programming Language
For Your Web Product?
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Ievgen Kuzminov
7+ years
in Web Development
Ruby Team Lead
in MobiDev
Author of
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How do we choose programming
language for a product ?
❏ There is no “bad” languages
❏ The “best” lang - is the lang you know!
❏ Ecosystem does matter
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Speed vs Quality vs Price
Requests per Second in “Hello World”
has nothing to do here...
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Recent decade of The Web Dev
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The World Has Changed
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❏ Backend ~> Frontend
❏ Relational ~> Denormalized
❏ Majestic Monolith ~> Microservices
❏ Static ~> Realtime
❏ a lot more ...
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A new choice
❏ Application criterias
❏ Ecosystem: packages, tools, community
❏ Evolution roadmap
❏ A bit of personal “taste”
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Master of “yellow” titles
❏ PHP is not so awful
❏ Ruby is not so awesome
❏ Node.JS is not so almighty
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Master of “yellow” titles
❏ PHP is not so awful
❏ Ruby is not so awesome
❏ Node.JS is not so almighty
❏ “This city needs a hero”
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❏ Evolution
❏ Syntax
❏ Metaprogramming
A new choice (once again!)
❏ Application criterias
❏ Ecosystem: packages, tools, community
❏ Evolution roadmap
❏ A lot of personal “taste”
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Brief conclusion
❏ PHP: “classic” web portal
❏ Ruby: web portal + background jobs
❏ Node.JS: isomorphic app, API + SPA
❏ Elixir: your next “world class” pet-project