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Lecture 4 Alignment basics

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Why sequence similarity? ‣ Mapping problems ‣ Database search problems ‣ Evolutionary problems ‣ Functional similarity

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s/t dot plot

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s/t dot plot

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s/t dot plot (word = 4)

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s/t dot plot (word = 4)

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Distance (D) and Similarity (S)

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you can turn s into t by: ‣ substituting a character in s from t ‣ delete character in s ‣ insert a character from t to s

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general case

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AGAG(s)versus AGG(t)

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Distance (D) and Similarity (S)

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Adding cost

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DAG: directed acyclic graph 1 3 2 4 5 (i 1, j) (i, j 1) (i 1, j 1) (i, j) (si, tj ) (i 1, j) (i, j 1) (i 1, j 1) (i, j) (si, tj )

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Dynamic programming: AGAG versus AGG filling matrix

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Dynamic programming: AGAG versus AGG filling matrix

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Dynamic programming: AGAG versus AGG filling matrix

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Dynamic programming: AGAG versus AGG backtracking

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Effect of gap penalties

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Global versus Local

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C A G A G G A G G C 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -3 -2 -2 0 -1 -2 -3 -3 -1 -1 1 0 -1 -4 -2 0 0 0 -1 -5 -3 -1 1 1 0 C A G A G G A G G C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 2 1 l global alignment is CAGAG- GAG-GC with score 0, while an optimal local alignment is G G ote that the optimal global alignment fails to align the two identical subsequences. r the local alignment algorithm is that the scoring scheme must be such that random pected score of less than zero. us, it is very sensitive to a realistic choice of scorin -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -1 -2 -3 -4 -3 -2 0 -1 -2 -3 -1 -1 1 0 -1 -2 0 0 0 -1 -3 -1 1 1 0 G A G G C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 ignment is CAGAG- GAG-GC with score 0, while an optimal lo e optimal global alignment fails to align the two identi alignment algorithm is that the scoring scheme must b G A G G C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 3 2 1 while an optimal local alignment is GAG GAG with lign the two identical subsequences. ring scheme must be such that random matches

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More realistic scoring schemes

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Arbitrary gap penalties single position). However, this is unrealistic, particularly for one kind of event. In o do occur as single character events in reality. Indels of multiple positions can be of a single position. us, we would like to handle gaps more realistically. trary Gap Penalties ne an arbitrary function γ(g) that species the cost of a gap or indel of length e for nding the optimal alignment becomes: S(s0..i , t0..j ) = max σ(si , tj ) + S(s0..i−1 , t0..j−1 ) −γ(k) + S(s0..i−k , t0..j )for k = 0 . . . i − 1 −γ(k) + S(s0..i , t0..j−k )for k = 0 . . . j − 1 we have added iteration over ∼ n possible gap lengths to the computation of ea hm is now O(n3). ne gap penalties n specic forms of γ(g) the computation can be bounded. e common case score, in which the score of a gap depends on only two values, an initiation c dless of length, and an extension cost e for each additional base in the gap. In o − (g − 1)e. is can be computed by the following recurrences:

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Affine gap penalties . Ane gap penalties For certain specic forms of γ( ane gap score, in which the s gaps regardless of length, and a γ(g) = −d − (g − 1)e. is can b S(so...i , I(so...i , Specific gap penalty function: e gap penalties n specic forms of γ(g) the computation can be bounded. e common case score, in which the score of a gap depends on only two values, an initiation dless of length, and an extension cost e for each additional base in the gap. In − (g − 1)e. is can be computed by the following recurrences: S(so...i , t0...j ) = max σ(si , tj ) + S(s0...i−1 , t0...j−1 ) σ(si , tj ) + I(s0...i−1 , t0...j−1 ) I(so...i , t0...j ) = max −d + S(s0...i , t0...j−1 ) −e + I(s0...i , t0...j−1 ) −d + S(s0...i−1 , t0...j ) −e + I(s0...i−1 , t0...j )

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• Alignment as a recursive problem with “optimal substructure” • Solved efficiently with “dynamic programming” • Global (Needleman-Wunsch 1970) • Local (Smith-Waterman 1981) • Under specific models and scoring schemes • Similarity matrix + linear or affine gap penalty (Gotoh 1982) Summary

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Banded Smith-Waterman • If we expect few gaps, or gaps are very costly, then we would expect the optimal alignment lie mostly on a diagonal • In banded Smith-Waterman, we ignore cells more than a certain distance from the diagonal (set them to zero). Thus, the complexity is reduced from O(n m) to ~O(n k) where k is the width of the band • (Similar to the microsatellite finding idea)

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Banded Smith-Waterman • Main problem, this is local alignment, the optimal alignment may not be on the main diagonal • How can we decide what bands to search? • Inspiration: dotplot, use short matches to guide search

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(human/marmoset genomic DNA)

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Banded Smith-Waterman • Main problem, this is local alignment, the optimal alignment may not be on the main diagonal • How can we decide what bands to search? • Inspiration: dotplot, use short matches to guide search

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Approximate local alignment with word-match heuristics

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Approximating Smith-Waterman • Assumption: the optimal local alignment will include short regions of very high similarity or identity • Heuristic: rather that considering all possible alignments, consider only those that pass through or near short regions of high similarity

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Filtration algorithm concept • Find a set of candidate partial solutions (seeds) using a fast method • Filter candidates using one or a series of more expensive criteria • Report results

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Seeds FASTA BLAST For DNA: All exact matches of length 4 to 6 For DNA: All exact matches of length 11

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Filtration FASTA BLAST 1) Rank diagonals by number of exact matches (roughly) and keep only the top 10 1) Keep only seeds that are paired with another seed on the same diagonal within a limited distance

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Filtration FASTA BLAST 2) Rescore top runs using similarity matrix, keep only those over threshold. Attempt to join nearby diagonals 2) Extend (ungapped) until score drops by a certain amount over best seen, keep best if score over threshold

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ungapped extension

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Filtration FASTA BLAST 3) Perform a banded Smith- Waterman alignment along the diagonals that score over the required threshold 3) From the center of every HSP, perform a Smith- Waterman style alignment, stopping when the score drops over a certain amount

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banded extension score bounded extension

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Performing initial seed match • Hash table: • Data structure that provides a mapping from keys to values (think dictionary) • Inserting a new key/value pair and looking up the value for a key are both O(1)

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Performing initial seed match target = “ACAGGAGGGAGA” Table: ACA → 0 CAG → 1 AGG → 2, 5 GGA → 3, 7 GAG → 4, 8 GGG → 6 AGA → 9 n - 3 3-tuples, n - 3 inserts, Build time O(n)

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Performing initial seed match query = “GGAGCCC” Table: ACA → 0 CAG → 1 AGG → 2, 5 GGA → 3, 7 GAG → 4, 8 GGG → 6 AGA → 9 Lookups: GGA → 3, 7 GAG → 4, 8 AGC → GCC → CCC → m - 3 3-tuples, m - 3 lookups, Lookup time O(m)

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Performing initial seed match m - 3 3-tuples, m - 3 lookups, Lookup time O(m) n - 3 3-tuples, n - 3 inserts, Build time O(n) To find all matches, build and then lookup: Total time O(n+m)

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Similarities between BLAST and FASTA • Fairly similar core idea, Filtration: • Identify a set of initial candidate matches (seeds) • Filter seeds using heuristics • Extend seeds that pass filters using bounded dynamic programming

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Extension • The vast majority of running time is in extension • The key to good performance is identifying just the right number of seeds to extend • Seed criteria must not be so stringent as to miss many optimal alignments • But must be stringent enough to achieve good performance

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Some types of seeds • Exact matches of length k (exact seeds) • Pairs that produce a score over T when matched (score seeds) • Specific patterns of matches spaced with mismatches (spaced seeds) • Fixed or spaced seeds allowing transitions at one or more position (transition seeds) • Arbitrary combinations

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Evaluating seeds • Seed sensitivity: probability that a biologically meaningful alignments that contain that seed • Seed specificity: 1 - probability of finding a seed match in unrelated sequences

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Balancing accuracy and performance • Fixed seeds: hash table • Scored seeds: neighborhood strategy + hash table • Spaced seeds: shifting + hashtable (non match positions can be completely ignored) • Transition seeds: transition insensitive encoding + hash table

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Seeds matter • Different seeds may be more or less effective for particular classes of elements • For non-coding genome alignment, transition seeds are much better than fixed spaced seeds • Allowing transitions at any position is advantageous • Optimal seed design is hard (Sun and Buhler, 2006)

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Scoring parameters

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Inferring a scoring matrix from data • For proteins, estimate from hand tuned structural alignments, using a time dependent model for extrapolation • No great analog for genomic alignments

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Inferring a scoring matrix from data • Start with two high quality sequences with known homology • Align with ungapped blast, +1/-1 scoring • Discard high scoring HSPs (>70% identity) • Infer new scoring scheme as log-odds ratio: (Chiaromonte et al. 2002) score of the alignment column x-over-y is the log of an “odds ratio” s(x, y) = log p(x, y) q1 (x)q2 (y) e p(x, y) is the frequency of x-over-y in the training set, expressed as a f of the observed aligned pairs, and q1 (x) and q2 (y) denote the backgro encies of nucleotides x and y as the upper and lower components (re Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 7:115-126 (2002)

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in the human genome. In all three HOXD matrix h 47.5% G+C T A C G T A –117 91 –114 –31 –123 100 –20 –114 100 –125 –31 –123 –96 –31 –125 100 –114 –28 67 –123 –31 –114 91 –109 s can then be used in the tradition (Chiaromonte et al. 2002)

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Long genomic alignments blastz and lastz

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Blastz ideas • 12of19 spaced seed (from PatternHunter) but allowing two transitions • Soft and dynamic masking of known repeats, and regions that generate highly repetitive alignments • Chaining: reduce overlapping alignments to a maximal scoring non-overlapping set • Interpolation: realign between best alignments with more sensitive parameters

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