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Copyright @ 2017 Aqua Security Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Containers, metadata and you Liz Rice @lizrice | @aquasecteam

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2 @lizrice Containers

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3 @lizrice Container Images

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4 @lizrice

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Metadata you can build in

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6 @lizrice Container images Dockerfile FROM MAINTAINER COPY CMD LABEL Image File system layer Metadata Metadata File system layer Metadata

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7 @lizrice

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8 @lizrice The only true identifier for an image is its SHA

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9 @lizrice The only true identifier for an image is its SHA sha256:da4fd23ca6bf973782f20c1c946fdb74d 0a17f874c634bfa82b0999975fb347c

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After the build

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11 @lizrice Image stored in a registry with a tag []my-org-name/my-repo:tag lizrice/hello:3

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12 @lizrice Labels can refer to external files Dockerfile FROM ... LABEL Image File system layer Metadata URL

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Is this sufficient?

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14 @lizrice ■ Testing ■ Vulnerability scanning ■ Security profiling ■ Approvals & signoffs ■ … ■ Deploy ■ … ■ Support ■ Prune What happens to your images after they’re built? - test results - vulnerability reports - seccomp / AppArmor profile - signoff records - check / use these? - support team contacts - deployment records

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Post-build metadata

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16 @lizrice

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17 @lizrice registry myorg/myrepo Store metadata for an image sha256:0a3... sha256:178... latest 1.4 images data blobs 1.3 metadata

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18 @lizrice Store metadata for an image registry myorg/myrepo sha256:0a3... sha256:178... latest 1.4 images data blobs 1.3 _manifesto metadata

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Manifesto demo

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Admission control pattern

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No content

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23 @lizrice Admission control Start deploy Is image OK? Run image Fail Check the metadata for the image ■ Test results? ■ Approvals? ■ Image / vulnerability policies?

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Admission control demo

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Trusted metadata

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26 @lizrice

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27 @lizrice

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Copyright @ 2017 Aqua Security Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved.