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Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel Duke University + RStudio RStudio Cloud Teaching and learning with 🔗

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RStudio Cloud is a lightweight, cloud-based solution that allows anyone to do, share, teach and learn data science online, in the browser. There is nothing to configure, no dedicated hardware, no installation.

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Hello RStudio Cloud

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Why? RStudio in the cloud

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lots of friction points ‣ Install R ‣ Install RStudio ‣ Install the following packages: ‣ rmarkdown ‣ tidyverse ‣ ... ‣ Load these packages ‣ Install git much less friction ‣ Go to ‣ Log in ‣ Start coding…

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How? RStudio in the cloud

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RStudio Workbench* You have ‣ sysadmin experience / IT support ‣ hardware / local VM / cloud computing credit ‣ RStudio experience ✓ Free licensing for teaching with RStudio’s academic pricing ✓ Çetinkaya-Rundel, Mine, and Rundel, Colin. "Infrastructure and tools for teaching computing throughout the statistical curriculum." The American Statistician (2018).

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RStudio Workbench* You have ‣ sysadmin experience / IT support ‣ hardware / local VM / cloud computing credit ‣ RStudio experience RStudio Cloud You have ‣ RStudio experience

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Why? RStudio Cloud

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RStudio Cloud in a nutshell ‣ Does not require IT experience to set up ‣ Features designed for teaching ‣ Organize class as workspace ‣ Leverage roles (instructor, teaching assistant, student) ‣ Turn projects into assignments ‣ Peek into student projects ‣ Ensure same setup with a base project ‣ System libraries work out of the box (e.g., Git) ‣ Knit to PDF and Word works out of the box

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Projects in RStudio Cloud

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Teaching with RStudio Cloud

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Shorter engagement Longer Engagement ‣ Workshop, short course, etc. ‣ Content can be organized in one (or few) project(s) ‣ Not keeping track of learners share project ‣ Semester-long course, multi-day workshop, etc. ‣ Content best organized in multiple projects ‣ Keeping track of learners invite to workspace

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Share an RStudio Cloud project 1

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instructor view

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student view

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+ ‣ Students land directly in a project upon login ‣ Great for sharing code in general, e.g. collaboration, reproducible examples (reprexes), etc. - ‣ Students need to remember to make a permanent copy of the project ‣ You can't keep track which students started their assignment ‣ You need to be granted permission to peek into student projects ‣ Permanent projects count towards students’ free hours ‣ Students control permissions + / - Sharing an RStudio Cloud project

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Invite to an RStudio Cloud workspace 2

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instructor view

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instructor view

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instructor view

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instructor view RStudio Cloud role permission course role Admin Manage users, view, edit and manage all projects Instructor Moderator View, edit and manage all projects TA Contributor Create, edit and manage their own projects Student Viewer View projects shared with everyone Auditor, Guest

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instructor view

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instructor view Base projects ‣ Anything you might want in all projects: ‣ R version ‣ Installed packages ‣ Files (e.g., code of conduct, submission instructions, etc.) ‣ Update as many times as you like! ‣ Changes are not retroactive

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+ ‣ Various permission levels ‣ Base projects with desired packages installed ‣ Assignments, which remove the need to remind students to make a copy of the project before starting work ‣ Ability to peek into students’ projects - ‣ Students land in the workspace, may need instructions for next steps (e.g., start the assignment titled Getting started) ‣ Student work counts towards (instructor/institution) workspace hours ‣ Instructor controls permissions + / - Inviting to an RStudio Cloud workspace

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Tips for teaching with RStudio Cloud

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Tips for teaching with RStudio Cloud ‣ Changes to an assignment student has started won’t propagate to student copies ‣ Packages in the base project are installed, but not loaded ‣ The latest information is always on the RStudio Cloud Guide and the What’s New page ‣ If you encounter slowness/glitches, check the System Status

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Tips for teaching with RStudio Cloud ‣ Create an additional account, log in as a student to see what they see ‣ Test assignments to set sufficient computational resources ‣ Use the “peek at your students’ project” feature sparingly ‣ Use the “assignment” feature for live coding starters

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Programming with 📦 rscloud

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Learn more about RStudio Cloud

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Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel Duke University + RStudio RStudio Cloud Teaching and learning with 🔗