A presentation by @stuherbert
for @GanbaroDigital
Go 100% Code
Or Go Home
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It Started
With A Tweet …
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It Started With A Tweet
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“With 100% code coverage,
you could still ship bugs.
Without 100% code coverage,
you’re definitely shipping bugs.
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This factual statement
proved controversial.
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“100% code coverage”
is a trigger for most commentators,
not a target.
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Makes Me Blue
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Do you target
100% code coverage?
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Why not?
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In This Talk
1. What is Code Coverage?
2. What does it tell us?
3. What can’t it tell us?
4. How can we mitigate that?
5. Why does Code Coverage matter?
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I’m Here To Pick A Fight
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What Is
Code Coverage?
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Code coverage measures:
the lines of code
in your unit under test
that were executed
when you ran your tests
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What Does
It Tell Us?
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Code coverage measures:
the lines of code
in your unit under test
that were executed
when you ran your tests
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Code coverage measures:
the lines of code
in your unit under test
that were executed
when you ran your tests
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We can see exactly
what a test is proving.
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Use code coverage annotations
to tell PHPUnit
what part(s) of your unit under test
you are actually testing.
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Code coverage measures:
the lines of code
in your unit under test
that were executed
when you ran your tests
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We can see which code
is currently untested.
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Untested code
is potentially
unexecuted code.
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Code coverage isn’t just
for the original author.
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The next maintainer
doesn’t have to start
from a position of faith alone.
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Just because we live in times
where science and engineering
are out of vogue,
doesn’t mean we have to
pander to the forces
of ignorance.
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Guesswork is for amateurs.
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What Can’t It
Tell Us?
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Current code coverage tools
cannot prove
that every code path
has been tested.
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Code coverage tools
cannot prove
that we’re testing
the right thing.
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Code Coverage Does
• Prove that code executes
• Prove that code is tested
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Code Coverage Does Not
• Prove that all possible paths have tests
• Prove that we’re testing the right things
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How Can We
Mitigate That?
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This isn’t a talk
about how to write tests.
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But the arguments against
100% code coverage
are usually rooted
in poor test design.
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(or poor code design)
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Code Coverage Does Not
• Prove that all possible paths have tests
• Prove that we’re testing the right things
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“With 100% code coverage,
you could still ship bugs.
Without 100% code coverage,
you’re definitely shipping bugs.
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Aim For The
True Target
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100% code coverage
is the wrong target.
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Don’t think in terms
of lines of code.
Think in terms of behaviours
and responsibilities.
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Test your requirements
and your robustness.
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“With 100% code coverage,
you could still ship bugs.
Without 100% code coverage,
you’re definitely shipping bugs.
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With 100% behaviour coverage,
you’ll rarely ship bugs.
Without 100% behaviour coverage,
you’re definitely shipping bugs.
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Code Coverage Does Not
• Prove that all possible paths have tests
• Prove that we’re testing the right things
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One day, machine learning
will be able to solve that
for us.
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Until then,
old-school code reviews
can help a lot.
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Outcome-oriented testing,
driven by ISO 25000 SQuaRE,
can also help.
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Even a bad test
still proves that
the code executes.
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1. Code coverage proves code runs.
2. Test behaviours, not code.
3. Use humans to check what you’re testing.
4. Use standards to guide your tests.
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Why Does
Code Coverage Matter?
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Makes Me Blue
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I’m Here To Pick A Fight
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Let’s say your app
is 10,000 lines of code.
Your code coverage target
is 60%.
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How many bugs
have your tests found
in the 60% of the code
that you have tests for?