T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
On Writing Friendly and
Welcoming Documentation
Sobre la redacción de documentación
amistosa y de bienvenida.
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¡Hola, soy Tracy!
(daring, not darling)
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
documentation =
More users.
Less support requests.
More contributors.
Mejor documentación =
Más usuarios.
Menos solicitudes de
Más colaboradores.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Most of these tips work
for all writing.
La mayoría de estos consejos
funcionan para todos los escritos.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Design for Non-Designers
Basics of designing so you can make effective,
lovely interfaces.
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Design for Non-Designers
Basics of designing so you can make effective,
lovely interfaces.
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Design for Non-Designers
Basics of designing so you can make effective,
lovely interfaces.
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Design for Non-Designers
Basics of designing so you can make effective,
lovely interfaces.
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Design for Non-Designers
Basics of designing so you can make effective,
lovely interfaces.
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Design for Non-Designers
Basics of designing so you can make effective,
lovely interfaces.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
We’re chatting content, not design
(and definitely not grammar.)
Estamos hablando de contenido, no
de diseño (y definitivamente no de gramática.)
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
How do we make our content,
technical writing, and documentation
easy to read and enjoyable?
¿Cómo hacemos que nuestro contenido,
escritura técnica y documentación sean
fáciles y agradables de leer?
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Creating friendly and
welcoming writing.
Creando escritura
amistosa y acogedora.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Remember —
your readers aren’t you.
Recordá —
tus lectores no son vos.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Write like a human, not a machine.
Escribí como un ser humano, no
como una máquina.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
But… avoid cultural references since
they won’t translate.
Pero ... evitá las referencias
culturales ya que no se traducirán.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Requests is the only Non-GMO HTTP library for
Python, safe for human consumption.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Try personas — create a character and
write for them.
Probá personas — creá un personaje y
escribí para ellos.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
"¿Qué tendría que saber Fred (un
diseñador que trabaja en su primer
proyecto de programación)?"
“What would Fred (a designer working
on his first programming project) need
to know?”
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
This document discusses using various kinds of authentication
with Requests.
Many web services require authentication, and there are many
different types. Below, we outline various forms of
authentication available in Requests, from the simple to the
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Remember that terms that are
obvious might not be obvious to
Recordá que los términos que son
evidentes para vos pueden no ser
evidentes para los demás.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
“Cream the butter”
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
“Cream the butter”
“Truss the bird”
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
“Cream the butter”
“Truss the bird”
“Fold the egg whites”
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
“Cream the butter”
“Truss the bird”
“Fold the egg whites”
“Render the fat”
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
“Cream the butter”
“Truss the bird”
“Fold the egg whites”
“Render the fat”
“Shock the vegetables”
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
“Cream the butter”
“Truss the bird”
“Fold the egg whites”
“Render the fat”
“Shock the vegetables”
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Link anything that you
don’t want to explain.
Vinculá cualquier cosa que
no quieras explicar.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
To get someone started with your project:
teach — don’t tell.
Para que alguien comience con tu
proyecto: enseñar — no decir.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
The son says: “Hey Dad, you said you were going to teach me how to
drive after school today. Are we still going to do that?”
The father, without looking up from his iPad, replies: “Of course,
son. The car is in the garage and I laid out a set of wrenches on the
workbench. Take the car apart and look at each piece, then put it
back together. Once you’ve done that I’ll take you to the DMV for
your driving test.”
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Reading the source works for someone already familiar
with your project. Your writing about your project
and documentation needs to get them to that point.
Leer la fuente funciona para alguien que ya está
familiarizado con su proyecto. Tus artículos sobre el
proyecto y tu documentación pueden ayudar el
proceso de familiarización.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Dumb things down
(without making them dumb.)
Haz cosas más simples
(sin volverlas tontas.)
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Use gender-neutral language.
Utilizar un lenguaje neutro en
función del género.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Try to avoid pronouns or rewrite your sentences to
use plural pronouns.
Tratá de evitar los pronombres o reescribí sus
oraciones para usar pronombres plurales.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
1. Take a break.
2. Have a friend review
your writing.
1. Tomá un descanso.
2. Pedí a un amigo que
revise su escritura.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
The basics of
writing clearly.
Los fundamentos de la
escritura con claridad.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Cut down your content.
Two to three sentences per
Reducí tu contenido.
Dos a tres oraciones por párrafo.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Simplify your language.
Is there a more direct way to write the same thing?
Simplificá su idioma.
¿Hay una manera más directa de escribir lo mismo?
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
It is important to
note that you
need to be very
careful when
modifying your
source code.
Be careful when
modifying your
source code.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Break into bullets and use lots of
headers. Make it easy to skim.
Romper en balas y utilizar un montón de
cabeceras. Hacer que sea fácil de roer.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Use italics and bolding to
break up paragraphs.
Utilizá cursiva y negrita para
dividir los párrafos.
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T RAC Y O S B OR N @limedaring
Please note that although
Chrome is supported for both
Mac and Windows operating
systems, it is recommended
that all users of this site switch
to the most up-to-date version
of the Firefox web browser for
the best possible results.
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T RAC Y O S B OR N @limedaring
Please note that although
Chrome is supported for both
Mac and Windows operating
systems, it is recommended
that all users of this site switch
to the most up-to-date version
of the Firefox web browser for
the best possible results.
For best results, use the
latest version of Firefox.
Chrome for Mac and
Windows is also
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
We made a bunch of changes:
The registration chapter has
been split in two, between
adding registration and then
associating users with objects.
The chapter was giant before
so this makes it more
manageable. Screenshots of
the admin have been updated
to reflect the new Django 1.9
styles. The few minor typos
have been fixed. Updated the
version of django-
registration-redux that we use
to 1.3. Last but not least, the
Introduction has been
We made a bunch of changes:
• The registration chapter has
been split in two, between
adding registration and then
associating users with
objects. The chapter was
giant before so this makes it
more manageable.
• Screenshots of the admin
have been updated to reflect
the new Django 1.9 styles.
• The few minor typos have
been fixed.
• Updated the version of
that we use to 1.3.
• Introduction has been
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
We made a bunch of changes:
• The registration chapter has
been split in two, between
adding registration and
then associating users with
objects. The chapter was
giant before so this makes it
more manageable.
• Screenshots of the admin
have been updated to
reflect the new Django 1.9
• The few minor typos have
been fixed.
• Updated the version of
that we use to 1.3.
• Introduction has been
We made a bunch of changes:
• The registration chapter has been
split in two, between adding
registration and then associating users
with objects. The chapter was giant
before so this makes it more
• Screenshots of the admin have been
updated to reflect the new Django 1.9
• The few minor typos have been fixed.
• Updated the version of django-
registration-redux that we use to 1.3.
• Introduction has been updated.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
We made a bunch of changes:
• The registration chapter has been split
in two, between adding registration and
then associating users with objects. The
chapter was giant before so this makes it
more manageable.
• Screenshots of the admin have been
updated to reflect the new Django 1.9
• The few minor typos have been fixed.
• Updated the version of django-
registration-redux that we use to 1.3.
• Introduction has been updated.
We made a bunch of changes:
The registration chapter has
been split in two, between
adding registration and then
associating users with objects.
The chapter was giant before
so this makes it more
manageable. Screenshots of
the admin have been updated
to reflect the new Django 1.9
styles. The few minor typos
have been fixed. Updated the
version of django-
registration-redux that we use
to 1.3. Last but not least, the
Introduction has been
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Don’t forget your headlines.
No olvides tustitulares.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Document with pictures.
Documentá utilizando imágenes.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
In conclusion…
En conclusión…
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Remember that your readers have
different backgrounds and
experiences than you.
Recuerde que sus lectores tienen
diferentes antecedentes y
experiencias que usted.
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
Be friendly and write like a human.
Sé amable y escribí como un ser
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T R AC Y O S B O R N @limedaring
(applies to length, word choice and complexity,
layout, everything.)
(Se aplica a la longitud, elección de palabras y
complejidad, diseño, todo.)
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