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Serverspec The Simplest Server Testing Tool Ever #ChefConf 2014 Gosuke Miyashita

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Let me introduce myself

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ٶԼ ߶ี Miyashita, Gosuke

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Freelance software engineer

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Chef in Japan

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What is serverspec ?

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“RSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet, Chef or anything else.”

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cgroup/command/cron/ default_gateway/file/group/host/ iis_app_pool/iis_website/interface/ ipfilter/ipnat/iptables/kernel_module/ linux_kernel_parameter/lxc/ mail_alias/package/php_config/port/ process/routing_table/selinux/service/ user/windows_feature/ windows_registry_key/yum_repo/zfs

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See: resource_types.html

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RedHat/CentOS/SuSE Debian/Ubuntu Arch/Gentoo/Plamo AIX/Solaris/SmartOS FreeBSD/Mac OS X MS Windows

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How to work ?

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Run commands, simply via local/SSH/WinRM

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Detect OS automatically and Run suitable command

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Change local/SSH/ WinRM by including appropriate helper

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OS Detection Helper #BDLFOE Helper

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What is SpecInfra ?

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SpecInfra is a command execution framework separated from serverspec

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SpecInfra serverspec DSL by RSpec Call specinfra API API … OS Abstraction Layer (OS Helper) Commands for Linux Commands for Debian Commands for Solaris Commands forWindows Backend Abstraction Layer (Backend Helper)

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? Why I separated into serverspec and specinfra

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I’ve created a very simple configuration management tool as a proof of concept

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You can create Another type of serverspec with SpecInfra easily

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But higher abstraction brings more complexity …

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Why I started this project ?

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I’m heavy Puppet user since 2007

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My old puppet manifests are not fully modularized

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I’ve decided to refactor my puppet manifests

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Refactoring needs test code

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But there are no testing tools meet my needs

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So I made my own testing tool

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Philosophy "

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Easy to use

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Support Ruby 1.8.7 (Because for supporting RHEL/CentOS)

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No need other than Ruby

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Even Ruby is not needed with SSH

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Independent from any configuration management tools

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I love the UNIX philosophy, KISS principle

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Advanced Topics "

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How to Customize ?

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Combination with other tools

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Serverspec is simple and agnostic

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Test Kitchen

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See: getting-started/ writing-server-test

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See: jvoorhis/vagrant- serverspec

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Caution "

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Integration test of serverspec itself

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serverspec/serverspec- integration-test

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Wercker + DigitalOcean

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# 1. Pull code 2. Create machines 3. Run Chef and tests 4. Get result

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Now only support CentOS 6 and a few serverspec test code

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So now I’m working on increasing OS and test code