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Fusarium graminearum species complex: Global database and mapping species and chemotypes Emerson M. Del Ponte, Gláucia M. Moreira, Carolina B. Pereira, Dauri J. Tessmann, Todd J. Ward, Kerry O'Donnell, Cees Waalwijk, Theo van der Lee, Zhang Hao, Sofia N. Chulze, Sebastian A. Steinglen, Dinorah Pan, Silvana Vero, Antonio Moretti and Antonio Logrieco 16 to 18 Sep 2018 - Wuhan China 2nd Mycokey International Conference Integrated Solutions for Mycotoxin Management

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Major disease of wheat and barley

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Source: Trail (2009) But also for other crops..

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Primarily, a yield-limiting disease... Attainable yield 4,000 kg 20% FHB index Actual yield: 3,000 to 3,200 kg Duffeck et al (unpublished) Paul et al. (2010)

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… but produces mycotoxins Del Ponte et al (2012) Duffeck et al. (2017) Deoxynivalenol and nivalenol (Brazilian wheat) Zearalenone (Brazilian wheat)

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The rise of a species complex Phylogenetic species recognition based on genealogical concordance

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FGSC species and trichothecene profile

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2012: Review on the complex

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First review: FGSC species distribution No quantitative data on species frequency Authors' collection

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First quantitative data from literature on FGSC distribution

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Fusarium graminearum

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Fusarium asiaticum

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Thorough, but only narrative review - no quantitative data

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First online database Limited to European continent

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Maps and plots only in the article

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Searchable and results in tabular format - no graphs and maps

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From a Lab electronic collection to a global database! How about a Pan-American database? I have US and CAN data. We should go Global!! Let's invite Zhang Hao and Moretti. I accept! I will send you all Chinese data I have in two days!! Of course! I Will send you the data in... two months, ok? February 2017 - Tropical Fusarium workshop in Brazil I presented an electronic collection FGSC strains from my Lab.

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How to make it? … not alone. Need a great postdoc! Strain info Article info article_ID, pub_order, citation, DOI, title, author 1 to 14, journal_name, vol, num, pages, year, category_jcr, IF, n_citations, country_1 to 6, n_isolates, Fasi, Fboo, Fcor, Fgra, Fmer, Fnep, Fvor, Fasi_DON, Fasi_3ADON, Fasi_15ADON, Fasi_NIV, Fboo_DON, Fboo_15ADON, Fcor_15ADON, Fcor_NIV, Fgra_DON, Fgra_3ADON, Fgra_15ADON, Fgra_FUSX, Fgra_NIV, Fmer_DON, Fmer_15ADON, Fmer_NIV, Fnep_DON, Fvor_DON, Fvor_NIV, Fvor_4ANIV, country_1a to 3a, host_1 to 4. ID, Host, Organ, Cultivar, Location name, Country, Year, Latitude, Longitude, FGSC Species, ID method, Strain code, Collection code, Tri_genotype, Genotyping method, Chemotype, Chemotyping method,chemotyping substrate, Pub1, Pub2,Pub3,Comments Raw data from collaborators Screening and extracting data from articles' tables and supplementals -> FGSC species ID Dr. Glaucia Moreira

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Article info datatable

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Strain info datatable

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HTML report high quality plots Interactive dashboard: maps, plots & tables Data tables My job: script dev.

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Summary of article data: strain info and articles per year peer-reviewed articles 2000 to 2018 40 articles raw data on strain info 23 strain info extracted from articles 14 no strain info 77

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Where are they published and impact? 27 PNAS

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Number of articles per author 323 unique authors Authorship analysis: WordCloud

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27 countries Authorship analysis: Country of authors

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Authorship collaboration networks Individual article no shared authorship Big node: several connections Center of large community Small isolated community

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14,553 strains Strain summary info - as of Sep. 2018

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Strain information: genotype by species 14,553 strains

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Correspondence analysis

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Open Fusarium strain database Interactive dashboard: maps, graphs and tables

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Open Fusarium strain database Search any field Download results as XLS or PDF file

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Future work > Submit a manuscript to Toxins > Get the new website up and running! > Encourage authors to deposit raw data > Include links to FusariumID, Fusarium MLST, etc > Extend to other species complex

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Universidade Federal de Viçosa 謝謝