Slide 4
Slide 4 text
Related work
• NVIDIA cuQuantum (cuStateVec)
implemented batched gate application and
measurement functions in version 1.4.0.
• However, to the best of our knowledge, no
quantum simulations utilize the batched
• This work is the
rst study to implement a
state vector simulator on VE and compare
with cuStateVec.
custatevecStatus_t custatevecApplyMatrixBatched(
custatevecHandle_t handle,
void *batchedSv,
cudaDataType_t svDataType,
const uint32_t nIndexBits,
const uint32_t nSVs,
custatevecIndex_t svStride,
custatevecMatrixMapType_t mapType,
const int32_t *matrixIndices,
const void *matrices,
cudaDataType_t matrixDataType,
custatevecMatrixLayout_t layout,
const int32_t adjoint,
const uint32_t nMatrices,
const int32_t *targets,
const uint32_t nTargets,
const int32_t *controls,
const int32_t *controlBitValues,
const uint32_t nControls,
custatevecComputeType_t computeType,
void *extraWorkspace,
size_t extraWorkspaceSizeInBytes
Target and
control bits
Gate matrices