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Building Ruby Bots on AWS Lambda

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# Gemfile gem 'httparty' gem 'oga' gem 'actionmailer' gem 'rake' gem 'whenever'

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AWS Lambda

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Language support Java, Node.js, Python

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29 0ct 2015

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No Ruby? :(

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Traveling Ruby MRuby JRuby

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Traveling Ruby

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Shrink The Code Base

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Gemfile gem 'httparty' gem 'actionmailer' gem 'whenever' gem 'rake' gem 'oga'

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Use net/http gem 'httparty' gem 'actionmailer' gem 'whenever' gem 'rake' gem 'oga'

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Use net/http gem 'httparty' gem 'actionmailer' gem 'whenever' gem 'rake' gem 'oga'

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Use Lambda scheduler gem 'httparty' gem 'actionmailer' gem 'whenever' gem 'rake' gem 'oga'

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There must be an API!

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1. Download the Android apk file. 2. Decompile the apk file 3. Reverse engineer the code.

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1. Install the iOS app 2. Plug my mobile to a computer 3. Use Charles to sniff traffic

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They have an API!

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Regex it is.

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Ruby Bot Code

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# main.rb require 'net/http' require 'time' class ApartmentPublishDates LAST_SCRAPPED_AT = - 1 * 60 # 1 minute ago. attr_reader :url def initialize(url) @url = url end def all response_body .scan(/datetime\="(.*)" /) .map(&:first) .map { |time| Time.parse(time) } end def recent { |publish_date| publish_date > LAST_SCRAPPED_AT } end private def response_body Net::HTTP.get(URI(url)) end end

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class MailgunEmailer def Net::HTTP.post_form( URI("https://api:key-#{MAILGUN_API_KEY}{MAILGUN_DOMAIN}/messages"), from: "Apartment Bot ", to: RECIPIENT, subject: 'New Apartments found!', html: "Check new apartments" ) end end

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Implementing the Bot with Traveling Ruby Packaged MRI runtimes

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Download the runtimes OS X for our dev machine Linux x86_64 compatible binary for AWS Lambda

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curl -O curl -O

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mkdir ruby-linux-x86_64 tar -xzf traveling-ruby-20141215-2.1.5-linux-x86_64.tar.gz -C ruby-linux-x86_64 mkdir ruby-os-x tar -xzf traveling-ruby-20141215-2.1.5-osx.tar.gz -C ruby-os-x

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traveling-ruby-bot - ruby-linux-x86_64/ - ruby-os-x/

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traveling-ruby-bot - ruby-linux-x86_64 - bin/ - ruby - ... - ... - ruby-os-x - bin/ - ruby - ... - ...

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traveling-ruby-bot - ruby-linux-x86_64/ - ruby-os-x/ - main.rb

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Execute the code ruby-os-x/bin/ruby main.rb

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Uploading the bot to AWS Lambda

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// lambda-function-wrapper.js var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; exports.handler = function(event, context) { var child = spawn('ruby-linux-x86_64/bin/ruby main.rb'); child.stdout.on('data', function (data) { console.log("stdout:\n"+data); }); child.stderr.on('data', function (data) { console.log("stderr:\n"+data); }); child.on('close', function (code) { context.done(); }); }

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zip ruby-linux-x86_64 main.rb lambda-function-wrapper.js

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1. Create a function

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2. Create a trigger

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3. Create a rule for the trigger

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4. Upload the function code

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5. Set a handler

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Good Traveling Ruby Tutorials hello world app app with gems app with native extensions such as Nokogiri

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Implementing the Bot with mruby

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Two ways to build apps with MRuby: - download mruby source directly from Github - mruby-cli - platform for building native command line applications for Linux, Windows, and OS X.

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Building directly from mruby source

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git clone

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mruby-bot - bin - build_config.rb - minirake

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mruby-bot - bin/ - mruby - mirb - build_config.rb - minirake

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> echo "puts 'hello world'" >> hello_world.rb > bin/mruby hello_world.rb hello world

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> bin/ruby main.rb main.rb:1: undefined method 'require' for main (NoMethodError)

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# build_config.rb conf.gem github: 'iij/mruby-env' conf.gem github: 'mattn/mruby-curl' conf.gem github: 'mattn/mruby-onig-regexp'

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Execute the code bin/mruby main.rb

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zip bin/mruby main.rb lambda-function-wrapper.js

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Implementing the Bot with JRuby

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Download the jruby-complete.jar from their official downloads page.

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mv jruby-complete- ruby-bot.jar

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cp main.rb ruby-bot.rb

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jar -ufe ruby-bot.jar org.jruby.RubyBotMain ruby-bot.rb

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Execute the code java -jar ruby-bot.jar

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Metrics & Numbers

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Code Size Traveling Ruby 6.7 MB mruby 945 kB JRuby 23.2 MB

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Memory consumption Traveling Ruby 25 MB mruby 40 MB JRuby 150 MB

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Execution Time Traveling Ruby ~3900 ms mruby ~3900 ms JRuby ~12000 ms

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AWS Lambda Pricing

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AWS Lambda Pricing the number of requests (i.e. number of times our function is invoked) the sum of durations our functions took to execute (expressed in GB-seconds)

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Free Tier 1M requests & 400,000 GB-seconds per month

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1M times per month Rougly every 3 seconds

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400,000 GB-seconds / month memory size * duration in seconds

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e.g. 128MB * 4s = 0.5GB-second

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If we ran the bot every minute 48,960 GB-seconds

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Choosing the right Ruby for the job

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JRuby simple packaging / slow execution

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MRuby lightweight / good execution / bad library support

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Traveling Ruby good execution / well known environment

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