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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR
Making a bioeconomy business case
• Macro economic stability
• Liberal system and fiscal policies
• Impressive growth at 4% or more (AfDB, 2024), but mostly infrastructure, security, FDI.
• But efforts should increase and sustain growth at 7% pa to attain middle income status.
• Where? How? Bioeconomy; economic diversification!
• Biodiversity richness
• Rich biodiversity – gene, species & ecosystem levels
• Herbal medicines (e.g., Covidex in Uganda)
• CDB 1992 & Nagoya Protocol – access to genetic resources and benefit sharing, but should be more
• Biotechnology capacity
• Investment in modern biotechnology (rDNA techniques in crop & livestock improvement, pharmaceuticals
• Several trials of GM crops done, some release in .South Africa, Burkina Faso, Ghana, - still controversies but
opportunity exists.