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The framework that we wanted that day ... k-kuwahara @kuwahara_jsri @clown0082 Sep 22, 2018 ʲୈ4ճʳJSϑϨʔϜϫʔΫ(·ͨ͸ϥΠϒϥϦ)× ϏΞόογϡ ॳ৺ऀษڧձ

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About me const my_info = { Workplace: ‘Yumemi Inc’, Community: ‘Riot.js, Ionic, Dist’, Favorites: ‘CLI made by Node.js’, PokemonGO: ‘TL38’ }

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Sorry... " As usual, there is no line of source code. Plz feedback for me called “Masakari” about my English

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Please use whatever you like

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The appearance of the first framework

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so-called “Chaos” Pure JS with

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so-called “Chaos” Pure JS with

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The load named frameworks for JavaScripts

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The former three major frameworks

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Thought of expanding HTML to create dynamic web apps Two-way data bindings Modularization of JavaScript source code Thought of MVVM Flexible expression and extensibility Features

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React and Componentry

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It is not two-way data binding! Unify the flow of data and manage the state! ※That's not all Extension of HTML is painful. Let's go with components!

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ɹ Header Footer Navigation Bars Main Contents2 Main Contents3 Main Contents1 Hero Menu Componentry

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Flux image by:

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Componentry One-way data binding State management Idea of so-called Flux Things for View to the end Features

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BTW, start to reduce the weight of the library

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Attack to Vue.js

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No content

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We use two-way data bindings! ※That's not all Vue.js is componentry, also uses flux-based state management

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GitHub stars

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GitHub stars

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GitHub stars

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Conclusion (again)

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Please use whatever you like

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Have a nice JavaScript life!!

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We’re looking for Engineers!!

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No content

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No content