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😎 A journey to commit like a hipster

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🖖 Hello! @spontoreau Sylvain Pontoreau How it’s going 🌹 ⚔ 😐 How it started -<@ O=|====> o_o Emo(ticons/jis), I’m in that business since 1998 © And I like to do funny things with them 😬 🎪 Co-organizer 📕 Book writer Microsoft 󰳕 Work with

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🤔 what is the problem?

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💬 Commit messages… (The guy who left the company) Friday afternoon: (You, trying to understand what is going on…) Monday morning, outage on prod:

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😞 But it’s not that easy! (Maybe you everyday) (The guy who’s joining your team)

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📘 Convention to the rescue The conventional commits specification

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📚 Conventional Commits A set of rules for creating explicit commit history • How it works: Format types(context): message Breaking changes ! • Types can be extended easily (impr, chore, refactor, perf, docs, …) • Automation made simple (changelog, semantic versioning, …) Types fix / feat

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💩 Is Conventional Commits bad?

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👀 Predictability of the human eye Do you know F-Pattern? • In text-heavy content, most humans scan information by making an “F” • F-Pattern is bad for user • Optimize horizontal movement of the eye is a key point • This is why Conventional Commits specification is not that great

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❓ Why consider emojis instead? (No need to explain what it stands for) First, the are super expressive! 🎉 ✅ 📱 🚧 💩 🐛 🗑

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🎉 Tada! ✅ Test are ok! 🚧 We are working on it! 🗑 Let’s drop that! 🐛 It’s not working 👁 Why consider emojis instead? Where is the bug? 👀 Your eyes directly look here Secondly, they optimize reading! 😉 Optimized scan

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A convention based on emojis! 📒Gitmoji

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😜 Gitmoji The basic ones! 🐛 :bug: Fix a bug. ✨ :sparkles: Introduce new feature.

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😍Gitmoji Refacto / Improvement ♻ :recycle: Refactor code. ⚡ :zap: Improve preformance. 🚚 :truck: Move or rename resources 🏗 :building_construct ion: Make architectural changes. 🎨 :art: Improve structure / format of the code.

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😆 Gitmoji Package management ➖ :heavy_minus_sign: Remove a dependency. ➕ :heavy_plus_sign: Add a dependency. ⬆ :arrow_up: Upgrade dependencies ⬇ :arror_down: Downgrade dependencies. 📌 :pushpin: Pin dependencies to specific versions.

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🤡 :clown_face: Mock things. 🧪 :test_tube: Add a failing test. 😳 Gitmoji Testing ✅ :white_check_mark: Add, update, or pass tests.

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😂 Gitmoji Other useful emojis 🚨 :rotating_light: FIx compiler / linter warnings. 👷 :construction_work er: Add or update CI build system. 🙈 :see_no_evil: Add or update a .gitignore file. 💥 :boom: Introduce breaking changes. 🔧 :wrench: Add or update configuration files.

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󰠁 for developers 󰞵

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💻 Gitmoji CLI There is a CLI for that 🤩

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🖥 Gitmoji plugins/extensions For people who don’t like terminals 😅 And more: - atom - sublim - macOS app - … Browser extensions IntelliJ VS Code

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📝 Changelog No more excuses 😊

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🔖Semantic versioning Major messages.contains(💥) Minor !messages.contains(💥) && messages.contains(✨) Not a big deal 🦸 Patch !messages.contains(💥) && !messages.contains(✨)

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🥳 conclusion

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Questions❓ Feel free to ask! 󰢨󰢧

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🙏 Thanks! 󰢛