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Current Adoption Status October 2020 Projects 20+ App Configs 130+ K8s Clusters 50+

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Infrastructure Modernization

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Cloud-Native Applications Microservices Containers DevOps

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Why Modernize Infrastructure? Scalability Developer On-boarding Portability

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Developer On-boarding Why Modernize Infrastructure? BEFORE. Install dependencies, setup environments, lots of moving parts AFTER. Self-contained, ready-to-go Docker images can be run anywhere with Docker Scalability Portability

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Developer On-boarding Why Modernize Infrastructure? BEFORE. Take days if not weeks to get a development environment setup AFTER. The entire stack is only a single kubectl apply command away Scalability Portability

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Developer On-boarding Why Modernize Infrastructure? BEFORE. Scaling with VMs, high overhead, slower startup time AFTER. Seconds to start, run more applications or replicas on a node, higher utilization Scalability Portability

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› Started at beginning of 2018 › "One cluster for all" approach › Separate clusters for dev, staging and production environments › K8s provisioned and managed by Rancher Kubernetesization at LINE Taiwan

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Shared K8s Cluster at LINE Taiwan December 2019 Namespaces 35 Running Pods 3500+ Nodes 100+

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Challenges of Adopting Kubernetes

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Needs for Developer Tooling Limited K8s Knowledge Lack of Awareness of K8s Challenges of Adopting Kubernetes Config & Manifests Management Arbitrary Cluster Manipulations Lack of Best Practices

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› Most teams thought of Rancher as a sort of "PaaS" › Configure and deploy workloads directly from Rancher UI › No awareness of what's "underneath" Rancher Lack of Awareness of Kubernetes

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› Most teams thought of Rancher as a sort of "PaaS" › Configure and deploy workloads directly from Rancher UI › No awareness of what's "underneath" Rancher Lack of Awareness of Kubernetes

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› Limited Kubernetes knowledge due to the ease-of-use of Rancher UI › Hard to communicate when encountering issues › Guess and check approach to troubleshooting Limited Kubernetes Knowledge

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› VKS is our in-house managed Kubernetes service › Need for more developer-friendly tooling after VKS migration › Rancher UI was used by developers, QAs and even non-technical people › Importing VKS clusters to Rancher is not possible Needs for Developer Tooling

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› Where to store YAML files? › How to handle configuration changes? › Permission & access control of files Configuration & Manifests Management

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› Easily obtained kubeconfigs › Direct cluster manipulation thru kubectl › Difficult to track changes made to Kubernetes objects Arbitrary Cluster Manipulations

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› Many ways of implementing and exposing services › Choice of ingress controllers › Resource & capacity planning › Observability of services & applications Lack of Best Practices

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Benefits of GitOps Single Source of Truth Minimal Direct Manipulations Developer-Friendly

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› Single Git repository to store configuration for all environments › Declarative configuration with Kubernetes manifests in YAML format Single Source of Truth

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› Manage Kubernetes clusters with familiar Git workflows › Git history becomes the change log of Kubernetes objects and cluster states Developer- Friendly

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› Provide a safer manner for changing cluster states › Minimize the need to manipulate Kubernetes objects manually › All changes could be verified thru code reviews › Live cluster states can be synced with the changes automatically Minimal Direct Manipulations

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Developer Config Repository Pull Request Developers Create Code Review Merge Sync Agent Pull Sync K8s Cluster

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GitOps at LINE Taiwan

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How We Implement GitOps ArgoCD Standardized Apps & Practices Kustomize

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ArgoCD › Declarative Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes › The controller/sync agent for config repository and Kubernetes clusters › Web UI for live comparison between desired state and live state

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ArgoCD Dashboard

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ArgoCD Application View

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ArgoCD App Diff

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Developer Config Repository Pull Request Developers Create Code Review Merge Sync Agent Pull Sync K8s Cluster

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Developer Config Repository Pull Request Developers Create Code Review Merge ArgoCD Webhook Sync K8s Cluster

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Kustomize › Kubernetes native configuration management › Plain, template-free YAMLs › Supported natively by ArgoCD › Encourage using with GitOps

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Manifests , kustomization.yaml Reference BASE Patches , kustomization.yaml Reference OVERLAY Reference Kustomize Build Final Manifests

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base overlay kustomization

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Generated YAML Output

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Developer Config Repository Pull Request Developers Create Code Review Merge ArgoCD Webhook Sync K8s Cluster

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Developer Config Repository Pull Request Developers Create Code Review Merge ArgoCD Webhook Sync K8s Cluster Kustomize Build

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› All clusters need to have common infrastructure setup › Ingress controller › Observability agents › Collect all readily deployable application in a single repository Standardized Common Apps

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Kustomization with Remote Base

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K8s + GitOps Package applications in Docker images Write base manifests, use standardized apps if necessary Prepare overlays for different environments Sync manifests to live clusters Base Config Overlays Sync Containerize

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Developer Config Repository Pull Request Developers Create Code Review Merge ArgoCD Webhook Sync K8s Cluster Kustomize Build

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› Create separate read-only accounts for daily use › Create usage specific accounts for manual operation › Setup different roles by using Kubernetes RBAC Other Common Practices

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Solving Challenges of Adopting K8s › Migrate from shared cluster with Rancher to VKS Lack of Awareness of K8s › From shared cluster to project-owned clusters › Introducing GitOps and related tooling Limited K8s Knowledge Needs for Developer Tooling › Use Git as the single source of truth for manifests › Kustomize for manifest customization Config & Manifests Management › Sync cluster states with ArgoCD › Avoid direct usage of kubectl › Standardized common apps › Implement industry-wide best practices Arbitrary Cluster Manipulations Lack of Best Practices

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Next Steps › Automate new cluster on-boarding process › YAML validation › Kubernetes object validation › Manifest policy checks

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