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Sass: An Introduction Founder’s Hub, Cardiff. January 2014

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About Me. Stuart Robson ! front-end developer ! ! Sassifaction

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A small caveat I don’t know _everything_

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What is Sass?

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Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets A pre-processor making CSS fun again.! Hampton Catlin created it in 2006 to work along side HAML! Nathan Weizenbaum began to assist and develop it late 2006! Chris Epstein committed the first version of Compass in Autumn 2008

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Alternatives to Sass

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The Tale of Two Syntaxes

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Installing Sass… PrePros

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Your First Sass file

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CSS and Sass commenting ‘CSS’ style comments are retained unless :compressed Unless you write - /*! comment */

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Sass > CSS compile options :nested :expanded :compact :compressed

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@import In CSS In Sass

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So, what can Sass do?

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$variables what could we use it for?

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The Facebook Blue Declared 261 times throughout all stylesheets! Imagine if Zuck wanted to change the shade? #3B5998

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Webfonts with easy fallbacks

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Border Radius Margin Media Queries Border Padding

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Don’t follow DOM

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3 levels deep When nesting your Sass, don’t go any further than 3 levels deep helps performance (although negligible).! helps sanity when looking at your code.

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Combining Selectors

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The Powerful Ampersand

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The Parent Selector using the &(ampersand) reference the parent selector

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@mixins resusable code snippets! customisable but you can set default $arguments

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@mixins Make Sass write the menial bits of CSS for you

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@extend clones the attributes from a rule and adds them to another rule! be careful, with great power comes great responsibility

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Using @extend badly

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%placeholders they can be @extend-ed just like existing classes or IDs.! the @extend-ed %placeholder will be generated.! the actual %placeholder selector won’t be generated. or ‘silent classes’

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%placeholders or ‘silent classes’

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Functions Math Operators +, -, *, /, and %

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Functions Number Functions

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Functions Control Directives @if @for @each @while

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Functions @for loop

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Functions @each loop

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@content allow you to pass anything into a mixin! I mainly use it for media queries! could be added to the bottom of any mixin, 
 just in case

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@content & media queries

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@content, media queries and Internet Explorer

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A CSS authoring framework

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What’s in Compass CSS3 mixins! typographic rhythm! sprite generation! loads of helpers

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Lots of Sass mixins grids typographical ! stylesheet

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Sass 3.3

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Sass 3.3 Sourcemaps - so you can see what you’re editing in devtools.! Improved & support! Maps support! @at-root rule