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Build Your Own ROS 2 Robot from Scratch ver. 2 Yutaka Kondo [email protected]

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I’m Yutaka Kondo or @youtalk Ph. D. Engineer of Preferred Robotics, Inc. Author of world first ROS 2 book (in Japanese) Ex-organizer of ROS Japan Users Group NVIDIA Jetson Influencer Father of 2 kids 2

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Preferred Robotics, Inc. Established in 2021 A carve-out company from Preferred Networks, Inc. to focus on robot product and business development 3

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Agenda 1. ROS and ROS 2 2. Robot Design with ROS 2 3. Robot Control by ROS 2 4. Use Cases Goal: be able to build your original ROS 2 arm robot from scratch 5

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Build Your Own ROS 2 Robot from Scratch ver. 1 6

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ROS and ROS 2 7

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Use cases 9 Original use cases # of robots A single robot Computation Workstation-class computational resources on board Real-timeness No real-time requirements Network quality Excellent network connectivity Users Applications in research, mostly academia Programming style Maximum flexibility, with nothing prescribed or proscribed ROS ROS 2 New use cases Teams of multiple robots Small embedded platforms Real-time systems Non-ideal networks Production environments Prescribed patterns for building and structuring systems

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10 %202016%20-%20ROS%202%20Update.pdf

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DDS DDS is a middleware protocol and API standard for data-centric connectivity from the Object Management Group. 11

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ROS 2 Architecture 12 ROS Middleware (rmw) ● Interface of DDS vendor implementations ● Message transport and serialization ROS Client library (rcl) ● Interface of client programming languages %202016%20-%20ROS%202%20Update.pdf

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ROS 2 Ecosystem rosbag 2: Data record and play tool RViz 2: Data visualization platform Ignition Gazebo: Simulation MoveIt 2: Manipulation Nav 2: Navigation 13

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Robot Design with ROS 2 14

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pantilt_bot Design and Build Minimum viable arm robot ● Pan/tilt axes: ROBOTIS Dynamixel XM435-W350 ● Camera: Intel RealSense D435i 15

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ROBOTIS Dynamixel Servo motor for robots Operation modes: ● Current Control Mode ● Velocity Control Mode ● Position Control Mode ● Extended Position Control Mode ● Current-based Position Control Mode ● PWM Control Mode There is official ROS 1 packages but no ROS 2 packages… But I’ve made them! 16

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ROBOTIS Dynamixel The CAD models of the motors and hinges are downloadable 17

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Intel RealSense Color and Depth cameras with IMU Specs: ● Field of view: 87° x 58° ● Global Shutter ● Ideal range: 0.6m ~ 6.0m There is official ROS 2 packages! 18

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Steps 1. Design the robot by 3D CAD software 2. Export the URDF from the CAD model 3. Migrate the ROS format to the ROS 2 fomart 4. Enable the ROS 2 control confguration 5. Run with ROS 2 applications 19

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URDF Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) is an XML format for representing a robot model Real robot URDF Applications 20

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Fusion 360 One of the 3D CAD software There is a personal license for hobby use and it’s free! 21

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URDF Exporter Plugin fusion2urdf can convert the Fusion 360 model to the URDF model Note that fusion2urdf can only export ROS format 22

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Migration to ROS 2 package 1. Replace the package format to the ROS 2 format 2. Replace the launch files to ROS 2 format ones 3. Replace the ros_control tag to the ros2_control tag in the URDF files 24

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Intel RealSense Camera Attachment Attach the RealSense D435i sensor on top of the pantilt_bot Official realsense2_description package contains the D435i URDF file 25 pantilt_bot_description/urdf/pantilt_bot.urdf.xacro

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Operation Check by joint_state_publisher_gui $ ros2 launch pantilt_bot_description 26

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Robot Control by ROS 2 27

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ROS 2 Control 28

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dynamixel_control Repository dynamixel_hardware: ● SystemInterface implementation for Dynamixel pantilt_bot_description: ● Use case for pantilt_bot open_manipulator_x_description: ● Use case for ROBOTIS OpenManipulator-X 29

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dynamixel_hardware Package 30

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ros2_control Plugin Configuration Resource configuration hardware tag: ● plugin: SystemInterface ● usb_port ● baud_rate ● use_dummy: dummy mode joint tags: ● id: motor ID ● command_interaface ● state_interface 31

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ros2_controllers Plugin Configuration Controller configuration controller_manager: ● ROS params for controller manager ● List up of controller plugins ***_controller: ● ROS params for each controller 32

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Operation Check with Dummy Robot 1. Check use_dummy parameter is enabled 2. Launch ros2_control manager $ ros2 launch pantilt_bot_description 33 antilt_bot_description/urdf/pantilt_bot.ros2_control.xacro

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Operation Check with Dummy Robot 3. Switch to joint_trajectory_controller and send trajectory $ ros2 control switch_controllers --start joint_state_broadcaster --start joint_trajectory_controller --stop velocity_controller $ ros2 action send_goal /joint_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory control_msgs/action/FollowJointTrajectory -f "{ trajectory: { joint_names: [joint1, joint2], points: [...] }}" 34

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Operation Check with Real Robot Just disable use_dummy parameter 36

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Use Cases 38

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ROBOTIS OpenManipulator-X 39

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ROBOTIS OpenManipulator-X cription 40

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Original Mobile Manipulator 41

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Original Mobile Manipulator 42

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Neural Network Applications Inverse Kinematics Estimation by NN Gripper Control by Hand Gesture Estimation 43

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Neural Network Applications 44

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And More Fencing Robot Digger 45

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Build Your Own ROS 2 Robot from Scratch Yutaka Kondo [email protected] Let’s