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Akshay Chordiya Go with the Flow

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Akshay Chordiya Go with the Flow

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Coroutines Let’s rewind ⏪ a little bit

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Synchronous code fun showUser() { val user = db.loadUser() // Blocks the thread render(user) }

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Synchronous code fun showUser() { val user = db.loadUser() // Blocks the thread render(user) } loadUser

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Synchronous code fun showUser() { val user = db.loadUser() // Blocks the thread render(user) } loadUser render

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With Coroutines fun showUser() { val user = db.loadUser() render(user) }

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With Coroutines suspend fun showUser() { val user = db.loadUser() // Background thread render(user) }

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With Coroutines suspend fun showUser() { val user = db.loadUser() // Background thread render(user) }

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With Coroutines suspend fun showUser() { val user = db.loadUser() // Background thread withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { render(user) // UI thread } }

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With Coroutines suspend fun showUser() { val user = db.loadUser() // Background thread withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { render(user) // UI thread } } showUser

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With Coroutines suspend fun showUser() { val user = db.loadUser() // Background thread withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { render(user) // UI thread } } showUser loadUser

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With Coroutines suspend fun showUser() { val user = db.loadUser() // Background thread withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { render(user) // UI thread } } showUser loadUser render

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A suspend function can only be called from another suspend function

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A suspend function can only be called from another suspend function or a coroutine scope

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Coroutine scope

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Coroutine scope ~ Lifecycle scope

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fun main() { lifecycleScope.launch { showUser() } } * available in lifecycle-ktx Jetpack library

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fun main() { lifecycleScope.launch { showUser() } } CREATED DESTROYED

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fun main() { lifecycleScope.launch { showUser() } }

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“A coroutine scope is kinda a subscription management system associated to lifecycle ♻”

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Structured Concurrency

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Why Kotlin Flow?

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Why Kotlin Flow? Kotlin Coroutine

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RxKotlin or from scratch?

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Me “At the end it’s important that any new library raises the bar compared to existing ones and is not just a replica with slight improvements”

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So What’s special

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What’s special ✨ Null safety in streams ✨ Interoperability between other reactive streams and coroutines ✨ Supports Kotlin multiplatform ✨ No special handling for back pressure ✨ Fewer and simple operators ✨ Perks of structured concurrency

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What is Flow?

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What is Flow? Based upon reactive stream specification Similar to a list / collection It has operators like map, switchMap, etc Built on top of coroutines It’s ❄ in nature

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") }

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") }

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") }

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } }

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } } main() stream()

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } } main() stream()

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } } main() stream()

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } } main() stream()

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } } main() stream() collect

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } } main() stream() collect emit

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } } main() stream() collect emit

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } } main() stream() collect emit collect emit ⚽

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } } main() stream() collect emit collect emit ⚽ ⚽

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } } main() stream() collect emit collect emit ⚽ ⚽ ..

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fun stream(): Flow = flow { emit("") // Emits the value upstream ☝ emit("⚽") emit("") } Emitter Collector fun main() = runBlocking { stream().collect { value -> println(value) } } main() stream() collect emit collect emit ⚽ ⚽ collect ..

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Let’s dive deeper

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public interface Flow { public suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector) } Collector

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public interface Flow { public suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector) } Collector public interface FlowCollector { public suspend fun emit(value: T) } Emitter

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public interface Flow { public suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector) } Collector public interface FlowCollector { public suspend fun emit(value: T) } Emitter

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Flow ❤ Coroutines

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fun loadFromDatabase(): String { // Heavy operation of fetching from DB return "Very heavy " }

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suspend fun loadFromDatabase(): String { // Heavy operation of fetching from DB return "Very heavy " }

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suspend fun loadFromDatabase(): String { // Heavy operation of fetching from DB return "Very heavy " } fun stream() = flow { val value = loadFromDatabase() emit(value) }

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suspend fun loadFromDatabase(): String { // Heavy operation of fetching from DB return "Very heavy " } fun stream() = flow { val value = loadFromDatabase() emit(value) } public fun flow(@BuilderInference block: suspend FlowCollector.() -> Unit): Flow

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Principles of Flow

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fun main() = runBlocking { flow { emit("Context") } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) }

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fun main() = runBlocking { flow { emit("Context") // IO thread } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) } ‐

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fun main() = runBlocking { flow { emit("Context") // IO thread } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .map { "$it Preservation" } }

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Context Preservation

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Observable.just("") .map{ /* IO thread */ } .subscribeOn( .map{ /* IO thread */ } .subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()) .map{ /* IO thread */ } RxJava example

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Observable.just("") .map{ /* IO thread */ } .subscribeOn( .map{ /* IO thread */ } .subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()) .map{ /* IO thread */ } .observeOn(Schedulers.computation()) .map { /* */ } RxJava example

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Exception Transparency ☢

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flow { val value = loadFromDatabase() emit(value) }

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flow { val value = loadFromDatabase() emit(value) } .catch { emit("Fallback value") }

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flow { try { val value = loadFromDatabase() emit(value) } catch (e: Exception) { emit("Fallback value") } }

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flow { try { val value = loadFromDatabase() emit(value) } catch (e: Exception) { when (e) { is CancellationException -> throw e else -> emit("Fallback value") } } }

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flow { try { val value = loadFromDatabase() emit(value) } catch (e: IOException) { emit("Fallback value") } }

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flow { val value = loadFromDatabase() emit(value) } .catch { emit("Fallback value") } .collect { }

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sealed class State { object Success: State() object Failure: State() } fun main() = runBlocking { flow { emit(State.Success) } .catch { emit(State.Failure) } .collect { state -> when (state) { State.Success -> println("Success") State.Failure -> println("Failure") } } } x Example

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“- Use suspend for one-shot operations like insert operation or a network operation - Use Flow to get stream of data like getting updates on data changes in the database.”

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“- Use suspend for one-shot operations like insert operation or a network operation - Use Flow to get stream of data like getting updates on data changes in the database.”

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“- Use suspend for one-shot operations like insert operation or a network operation - Use Flow to get stream of data like getting updates on data changes in the database.”

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Channels are communication primitives

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Channels are communication primitives Source

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Source Channels are communication primitives

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Channels are hot in nature

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Channels are low level primitives

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private val searchQueryChannel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel()

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private val searchQueryChannel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel()

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private val searchQueryChannel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel()

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// On text change searchQueryChannel.send("Bob the builder ") private val searchQueryChannel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel()

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// On text change searchQueryChannel.send("Bob the builder ") private val searchQueryChannel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel() searchQueryChannel .asFlow() /* Get the results for the search query */ .distinctUntilChanged() .collect { // Render the result on UI }

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private val searchQueryFlow = MutableStateFlow("")

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private val searchQueryFlow = MutableStateFlow("") // On text change searchQueryFlow.value = "Bob the builder "

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private val searchQueryFlow = MutableStateFlow("") // On text change searchQueryFlow.value = "Bob the builder " searchQueryFlow /* Get the results for the search query */ .collect { // Render the result on UI }

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private val searchQueryFlow = MutableStateFlow("") // On text change searchQueryFlow.value = "Bob the builder " searchQueryFlow /* Get the results for the search query */ .distinctUntilChanged() .collect { // Render the result on UI }

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Legacy ➡ Flow

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Setup migration process

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Discuss with your team

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Discuss with your team Setup a meeting

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Discuss with your team Setup a meeting Getting comfortable

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Discuss with your team Setup a meeting Getting comfortable Evaluate

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Discuss with your team Setup a meeting Getting comfortable Evaluate Set the common goal

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Setup foundation ⛩

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Setup foundation ⛩ Setup guidelines

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Setup foundation ⛩ Setup guidelines Setup the necessary base classes

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Setup foundation ⛩ Setup guidelines Setup the necessary base classes Setup the testing framework

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Setup foundation ⛩ Setup guidelines Setup the necessary base classes Setup the testing framework Expose common features as Flow

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Expose common features as Flow interface UserRepository { // Legacy function fun observeUser(): Observable }

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Expose common features as Flow interface UserRepository { // Legacy function fun observeUser(): Observable // Flow equivalent of [observeUser]. fun getUser(): Flow }

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Expose common features as Flow interface UserRepository { // Legacy function @Deprecated( message = "Use the flow equivalent -> getUser()", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("getUser()", "") ) fun observeUser(): Observable // Flow equivalent of [observeUser]. fun getUser(): Flow } ☠

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Setup safeguards ☢

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Setup safeguards ☢ • Ensuring that the new code is written using Kotlin Coroutines while doing the PR reviews • Ensuring when the legacy code is touched, the developer has tried to convert it coroutines or flow • Monthly or quarterly checking of progress of the gradual migration • And other ideas which will pop in your brilliant minds

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fun updateOnDocumentChange(document: Document) { val listener = Document.ChangeListener { updateUI(it) } document.addChangeListener(listener) }

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fun updateOnDocumentChange(document: Document) { val listener = Document.ChangeListener { updateUI(it) } document.addChangeListener(listener) } removeChangeListener(listener)

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fun Document.awaitChange(): Flow = callbackFlow { }

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fun Document.awaitChange(): Flow = callbackFlow { val listener = Document.ChangeListener { } addChangeListener(listener) }

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fun Document.awaitChange(): Flow = callbackFlow { val listener = Document.ChangeListener { offer(it) } addChangeListener(listener) }

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fun Document.awaitChange(): Flow = callbackFlow { val listener = Document.ChangeListener { offer(it) } addChangeListener(listener) awaitClose { removeChangeListener(listener) } }

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/** * Listen for changes in the [Document] and notify the * receivers about changes. */ fun Document.awaitChange(): Flow = callbackFlow { val listener = Document.ChangeListener { offer(it) } addChangeListener(listener) awaitClose { removeChangeListener(listener) } }

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Rx ➡ Flow

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Reactive Stream Specification Flow Rx

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fun observable(): Observable { return flow { emit("a") }.asObservable() } fun flow(): Flow { return Observable.just("a") .asFlow() }

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Rx Coroutines Single / Completable / Maybe suspend function Observable Flow Subject Channel Schedulers Dispatchers Disposables Scopes subscribe collect Terminology between Rx and Coroutine world

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Fun part

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public fun ObservableSource.asFlow(): Flow = callbackFlow { val observer = object : Observer { override fun onComplete() { close() } override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) { .. } override fun onNext(t: T) { sendBlocking(t) } override fun onError(e: Throwable) { close(e) } } subscribe(observer) awaitClose { /* Dispose */ } }

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Rx1 ➡ Flow

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import rx.Observable fun observable(): Observable { return flow { emit("a") }.asObservable() } import rx.Observable fun flow(): Flow { return Observable.just("a") .asFlow() }

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@RunWith(JUnit4::class) class TestingWithFlow { fun getFlow() = flow { emit("Bob the builder ") } }

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@RunWith(JUnit4::class) class TestingWithFlow { fun getFlow() = flow { emit("Bob the builder ") } @Test fun testFlow() = runBlocking { } }

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@RunWith(JUnit4::class) class TestingWithFlow { fun getFlow() = flow { emit("Bob the builder ") } @Test fun testFlow() = runBlocking { val expected = listOf("Bob the builder ") val actualList = getFlow().take(1).toList() // Assert the list assertEquals(expected, actualList) } }

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@RunWith(JUnit4::class) class TestingWithFlow { fun getFlow() = flow { emit("Bob the builder ") } @Test fun testFlow() = runBlocking { val expected = listOf("Bob the builder ") val actualList = getFlow().take(1).toList() // Assert the list assertEquals(expected, actualList) } }

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@RunWith(JUnit4::class) class TestingWithFlow { fun getFlow() = flow { emit("Bob the builder ") } @Test fun testFlow() = runBlocking { val expected = listOf("Bob the builder ") val actualList = getFlow().take(1).toList() // Assert the list assertEquals(expected, actualList) } }

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/** * Asserts only the [expected] items by just taking that many from the stream */ suspend fun Flow.assertItems(vararg expected: T) { assertEquals(expected.toList(), this.take(expected.size).toList()) }

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@RunWith(JUnit4::class) class TestingWithFlow { fun getFlow() = flow { emit("Bob the builder ") } @Test fun testFlow() = runBlocking { val expected = "Bob the builder " // Assert the list getFlow().assertItems(expected) } }

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Conclusion • Revisited coroutines • Why Flow? And what makes it special? • Basics of Flow • Principles of Flow • Legacy code -> Flow • Testing • Pro-tips along the way

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Me “Kotlin Flow raises the bar and introduces easy reactive streaming, that said it’s work in progress and lots of exciting things are coming sooooooon ” Final thoughts

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Further resources • News App • Go with the Kotlin Flow kotlin-flow-7067564665a3 • Migrating from legacy code to Kotlin Flow flow-3f3e1854925

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Thank You