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Enterprise ecommerce with at the center PEI Media - a case study by Pragmatic

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Introduction Once upon a time in London

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Introduction - client profile PEI Media is an international financial media group that produces editorial, data, event and advertising products for alternative asset classes within the private equity market. @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Introduction - client profile PEI Media is an international financial media group that produces editorial, data, event and advertising products for alternative asset classes within the private equity market. @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Introduction - client profile PEI Media is an international financial media group that produces editorial, data, event and advertising products for alternative asset classes within the private equity market. @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Introduction - Programme Purpose "Transform the PEI Media business to deliver significant growth from premium products based on a modern flexible technology platform" @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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Introduction - Programme Purpose "Transform the PEI Media business to deliver significant growth from premium products based on a modern flexible technology platform" @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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Introduction - Programme Purpose "Transform the PEI Media business to deliver significant growth from premium products based on a modern flexible technology platform" @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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Introduction - Programme Purpose "Transform the PEI Media business to deliver significant growth from premium products based on a modern flexible technology platform" @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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Introduction - Programme Purpose "Transform the PEI Media business to deliver significant growth from premium products based on a modern flexible technology platform" @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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Why Pragmatic? @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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Why Pragmatic? Trusted partner for many years @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Why Pragmatic? WordPress @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Why Pragmatic? Shared vision @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Why Pragmatic? Capability + Capacity + Culture @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Why Pragmatic? Bias for action @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Why WordPress? @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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Why WordPress? Great for content publishing @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Why Pragmatic? Good score on RFP @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Why WordPress? Loved Visual Composer’s flexibility @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Why WordPress? @pragmaticweb / / [email protected] Off-the-shelf theming created early trust and alignment

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Why WooCommerce? @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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Why WooCommerce? @pragmaticweb / / [email protected] Streamlined checkout experience

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Why WooCommerce? @pragmaticweb / / [email protected] Centralised content management alongside editorial

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Supports multiple product types Why WooCommerce? @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Integratable and extendable Why WooCommerce? @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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Technical design @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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Webpage http://

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience

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“Intuitive and easy interfaces to ease adoption for editorial teams to manage content production and presentation themselves, with no technical input required“ WordPress

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience

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“Integrate ecommerce content with editorial and other web content” WooCommerce CRM

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience IDAM

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Screenshot without paywall Identity & Access Management “New identity & access models including...”

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“...password-less authentication, progressive data capture and metered access for audience development” Passwordless Access CRM

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience IDAM

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience IDAM Search Result

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“Supports SEO/SEM and social best practice” SEO Webpage http://

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience IDAM Search Result

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience IDAM Search Result R&A Database Elastic Search

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“A new website, with enriched presentation of content combining articles & tabulated data” Enhanced web page R&A Database

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience IDAM Search Result R&A Database Elastic Search

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience IDAM Search Result R&A Database Elastic Search CRM

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“Improve conversion rates through shorter checkout journey and a better customer experience” WooCommerce checkout CRM

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“Increased productivity of customer service and sales team” Updated entitlement CRM

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience IDAM Search Result R&A Database Elastic Search CRM

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience IDAM Search Result R&A Database Elastic Search CRM Tag Manager Business Intelligence Google Analytics

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Screenshot without paywall “Improve sales through marketing automation” “Create propensity models from e-sales and continuously improve acquisition and retention efforts” GTM datalayer CRM Google Analytics

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Webpage http:// Data Architecture Experience IDAM Search Result R&A Database Elastic Search CRM Tag Manager Business Intelligence Google Analytics

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Webpage http:// Tag Manager Business Intelligence CRM Google Analytics EMS R&A Database Elastic Search Data Architecture Experience IDAM Search Result Newsletter

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“Drive audience engagement, sessions, session times, pageviews & repeat visits” “Enriched, contextual tagging of content and data” “New personalised customer experience” Personalisation CRM Google Analytics Tag Manager Business Intelligence

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Webpage http:// Tag Manager Business Intelligence CRM Google Analytics EMS R&A Database Elastic Search Data Architecture Experience IDAM Search Result Newsletter

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Operational design @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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Operational design Agile / Scrum PEI & Pragmatic

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Operational design Building trust Agile / Scrum PEI & Pragmatic

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Operational design Agile / Scrum Re-skilling & Re-rolling PEI & Pragmatic Building trust

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Operational design WoW with stakeholders Agile / Scrum Re-skilling & Re-rolling PEI & Pragmatic Building trust

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Operational design WoW with stakeholders Agile / Scrum Delivery Re-skilling & Re-rolling PEI & Pragmatic Building trust

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Example programme status report @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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“The project to be delivered in iterative phases – following Agile methodologies” Operational design

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Results @pragmaticweb [email protected]

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“It’s remarkable to think how far we’ve come as a business in less than a year” “I’ve seen similar projects take twice as long and cost four times as much” Results ● PEI now has a team of Agile-trained product managers, subject matter experts ● The business product now has representation at the highest level ● Increased organisational confidence with digital ● Improved IP protection through passwordless ● Editors and journalists are happier and more empowered ● Now remediation is well underway, eyes are turning towards achieving the vision ahead

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@pragmaticweb [email protected] Results - Migration status Live Testing To start SI PEI

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@pragmaticweb [email protected] Results - Migration status Live Testing To start PERE PDI II PFM

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@pragmaticweb [email protected] Results - Migration status Live Testing To start REC AGRI

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Total traffic UP 23% UP 27% Results - Quantitative - Organic traffic

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Mobile traffic UP 40% Results - Quantitative - Organic traffic UP 20%

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● Don't underestimate how quickly the commercial runway ends. ● Importance of having client-side expertise and trusted voices ● Understand your stakeholders ● The transitions and gaps are the toughest parts ● Invest in the relationships ● T-shirt sizing works Results - Lessons learned ● The real power of tools: JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket, Slack, Jenkins ● The sheer betterness of Agile ● Sometimes you have to trust your team to deliver. ● Off-the-shelf themes and visual composer: haters gonna hate but we've seen great success.

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Q&A Pragmatic Team at WordCamp EU, Paris I’d love to hear your questions! @pragmaticweb / / [email protected]

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@pragmaticweb / / [email protected]