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Low level APIs
 using three.js Presented by Akihiro Oyamada (@yomotsu) Jul 6, 2015

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Frontend Engineer at PixelGrid, Inc. @yomotsu recent works • • Akihiro Oyamada

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three.js makes WebGL easier

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• Too lengthy initialization of WebGL • Shaders in GLSL • Math: Linear algebra, physics, etc and others. *USFEVDFT

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You may think that’s all?

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You can also use
 low level APIs,
 like pure WebGL.

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 for attributes

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THREE.ShaderMaterial and
 for uniforms
 and shaders in GLSL

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sorry for a CHEAP figure, ive been having a cold…

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var width = window.innerWidth; var height = window.innerHeight; var clock = new THREE.Clock(); var scene = new THREE.Scene(); var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 60, width / height, .1, 100 ); camera.position.set( 0, 0, 2 ); var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); renderer.setSize( width, height ); document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); ! ! var indices = new Uint16Array( [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ); ! var vertices = new Float32Array( [ -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1, 1, 0, !

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! ! var indices = new Uint16Array( [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ); ! var vertices = new Float32Array( [ -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1, 1, 0, ! -1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0 ] ); ! var uvs = new Float32Array( [ 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, ! 0, 0,

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! ! var indexBuffer = new THREE.BufferAttribute( indices, 1 ); var vertexBuffer = new THREE.BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ); var uvBuffer = new THREE.BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ); ! ! var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); geometry.addAttribute( 'index', indexBuffer ); geometry.addAttribute( 'position', vertexBuffer ); geometry.addAttribute( 'uv', uvBuffer ); ! ! // // You don't need to put following uniforms. // modelMatrix is automatically linked to `mesh.matrixWorld` // viewMatrix is automatically linked to `camera.matrixWorldInverse` // projectionMatrix is automatically linked to `camera.projectionMatrix` // var uniforms = { // modelMatrix : { type: 'm4', value: new THREE.Matrix4() }, // viewMatrix : { type: 'm4', value: new THREE.Matrix4() }, // projectionMatrix : { type: 'm4', value: new THREE.Matrix4() },

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! // // You don't need to put following uniforms. // modelMatrix is automatically linked to `mesh.matrixWorld` // viewMatrix is automatically linked to `camera.matrixWorldInverse` // projectionMatrix is automatically linked to `camera.projectionMatrix` // var uniforms = { // modelMatrix : { type: 'm4', value: new THREE.Matrix4() }, // viewMatrix : { type: 'm4', value: new THREE.Matrix4() }, // projectionMatrix : { type: 'm4', value: new THREE.Matrix4() }, diffuse : { type: "t", value: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'uv.png' ) } }; ! var vertexShader = [ ! 'attribute vec3 position;', 'attribute vec2 uv;', ! 'uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;', 'uniform mat4 viewMatrix;', 'uniform mat4 modelMatrix;', !

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! var vertexShader = [ ! 'attribute vec3 position;', 'attribute vec2 uv;', ! 'uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;', 'uniform mat4 viewMatrix;', 'uniform mat4 modelMatrix;', ! 'varying vec2 vUv;', ! 'void main() {', ! ' gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );', ' vUv = uv;', ! '}' ! ].join( "\n" ); ! !

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! ! var fragmentShader = [ ! 'precision mediump float;', ! 'uniform sampler2D diffuse;', ! 'varying vec2 vUv;', ! 'void main() {', ! 'vec4 diffuseColor = texture2D( diffuse, vUv );', 'gl_FragColor = diffuseColor;', // 'gl_FragColor = vec4( 1 );', ! '}', ! ].join( "\n" ); ! ! var material = new THREE.RawShaderMaterial( { vertexShader : vertexShader, fragmentShader : fragmentShader,

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! ! var material = new THREE.RawShaderMaterial( { vertexShader : vertexShader, fragmentShader : fragmentShader, attributes : { // if you put custom attributes except // positions, indices, normals, colors and UVs // you need to declare those like // // vertexOpacity: { type: 'f', value: [] } }, uniforms : uniforms, defines : {} } ); ! var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); scene.add( mesh ); ! ! ( function animate () { ! requestAnimationFrame( animate ); !

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! var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); scene.add( mesh ); ! ! ( function animate () { ! requestAnimationFrame( animate ); ! var theta = clock.getElapsedTime(); mesh.rotation.set( 0, theta, 0 ); ! renderer.render( scene, camera ); ! } )();

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A gas-ish fluid object in a MMO game

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21 Fire in three.js using
 THREE.BufferGeometry and THREE.RawShaderMaterial

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Extended build-in shades

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In a MMO game what I play… Similar to THREE.MeshPhongMaterial, but edge of the model is different. It seems, normal directions make it…

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You can use THREE.ShaderChank
 in your custom shader

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var uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.merge( [ ! THREE.UniformsLib[ "common" ], THREE.UniformsLib[ "bump" ], THREE.UniformsLib[ "normalmap" ], THREE.UniformsLib[ "fog" ], THREE.UniformsLib[ "lights" ], THREE.UniformsLib[ "shadowmap" ], ! { "emissive" : { type: "c", value: new THREE.Color( 0x000000 ) }, "specular" : { type: "c", value: new THREE.Color( 0x111111 ) }, "shininess": { type: "f", value: 30 }, "wrapRGB" : { type: "v3", value: new THREE.Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ) } }, ! { // ADDED UNIFROMS The same as actual code of
 build-in PhongMaterial

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"shininess": { type: "f", value: 30 }, "wrapRGB" : { type: "v3", value: new THREE.Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ) } }, ! { // ADDED UNIFROMS glowColor : { type: "c", value: new THREE.Color( 0x84ccff ) }, viewVector: { type: "v3", value: new THREE.Vector3() }, viewMatrixInverse : { type: 'm4', value: new THREE.Matrix4() } }, ! ] ); ! var vertexShader = [ ! "#define PHONG", ! "varying vec3 vViewPosition;", ! "#ifndef FLAT_SHADED", The same as actual code of
 build-in PhongMaterial

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! var vertexShader = [ ! "#define PHONG", ! "varying vec3 vViewPosition;", ! "#ifndef FLAT_SHADED", ! " varying vec3 vNormal;", ! "#endif", ! THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "map_pars_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lightmap_pars_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "envmap_pars_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lights_phong_pars_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphtarget_pars_vertex" ], The same as actual code of
 build-in PhongMaterial

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THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinning_pars_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "shadowmap_pars_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "logdepthbuf_pars_vertex" ], ! ! 'uniform mat4 viewMatrixInverse;', //ADDED 'uniform vec3 viewVector;', //ADDED 'varying float vIntensity;', //ADDED ! "void main() {", ! THREE.ShaderChunk[ "map_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lightmap_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_vertex" ], ! THREE.ShaderChunk[ "morphnormal_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinbase_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "skinnormal_vertex" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "defaultnormal_vertex" ], ! The same as actual code of
 build-in PhongMaterial

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! ! var fragmentShader = [ ! "#define PHONG", ! "uniform vec3 diffuse;", "uniform vec3 emissive;", "uniform vec3 specular;", "uniform float shininess;", "uniform float opacity;", ! "uniform vec3 glowColor;", //ADDED 'varying float vIntensity;', //ADDED ! THREE.ShaderChunk[ "common" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "color_pars_fragment" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "map_pars_fragment" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "alphamap_pars_fragment" ], THREE.ShaderChunk[ "lightmap_pars_fragment" ], The same as actual code of
 build-in PhongMaterial

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this should be pre-multiplied to allow for bright highlights on very transparent objects // 'gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );', // REMOVED ! 'vec3 glow = glowColor * vIntensity;', 'gl_FragColor = vec4(', // 'glow,', 'outgoingLight + glow,', 'diffuseColor.a', ');', ! "}" ! ].join( "\n" ); ! ! ! var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { vertexShader : vertexShader,

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! ! var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { vertexShader : vertexShader, fragmentShader: fragmentShader, attributes: {}, uniforms: uniforms, defines: {}, ! fog: true, lights: true, // side: THREE.FrontSide, // blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending, skinning: true, transparent: true, // depthWrite: false // wireframe: true } ); ! = { type: 't', value: texture }

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// side: THREE.FrontSide, // blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending, skinning: true, transparent: true, // depthWrite: false // wireframe: true } ); ! = { type: 't', value: texture } material.defines.USE_MAP = '';

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build in shader custom shader

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Three.js is not only high level APIs,
 but also it provides low level APIs

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• THREE.BufferAttribute • THREE.BufferGeometry • THREE.ShaderMaterial • THREE.RawShaderMaterial "WBJMBCMFGFBUVSFTJOUISFFKT

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Three.js is a
 flexible and extensible library

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gl.finish(); @yomotsu