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Deep Learning at the Edge with TensorFlow.js Bradley Holt Program Manager, Developer Advocacy Center for Open-Source Data and AI Technologies @BradleyHolt DOC ID / Month XX, 2018 / © 2018 IBM Corporation

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Is AI overhyped?

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Thank you for coming to my talk

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General AI Metal Skull With Terminator Eye by L.C. Nøttaasen, on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

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Broad AI -[ electrIc b88Gal88 ]- by JD Hancock, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

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Narrow AI Danbo on the Lookout by IQRemix, on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

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Deep Learning

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Demo: Veremin, A Video Theremin Based on PoseNet

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Try Veremin Yourself

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Demo: Object Identification and Image Segmentation

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Install magicat $ npm install -g magicat + [email protected] added 255 packages from 209 contributors in 11.798s

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23895621638_535be71dee_k.jpg 37038669284_899d7784a9_k.jpg 37489697170_31d05aa027_k.jpg 37699459356_24fd526a5e_k.jpg 37699976806_5ce694be36_k.jpg Animal photos by Susanne Nilsson, on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

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Scan Directory with magicat $ magicat . Scanning directory '/Users/bradleydholt/tfjs-demos/magicat'... The image '23895621638_535be71dee_k.jpg' contains the following segments: background, cat. The image '37038669284_899d7784a9_k.jpg' contains the following segments: background, sheep. The image '37489697170_31d05aa027_k.jpg' contains the following segments: background, sheep. The image '37699459356_24fd526a5e_k.jpg' contains the following segments: background, cat. The image '37699976806_5ce694be36_k.jpg' contains the following segments: background, horse.

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background, cat background, sheep background, sheep background, cat background, horse Animal photos by Susanne Nilsson, on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

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Save Image Segment with magicat $ magicat 37699976806_5ce694be36_k.jpg --save horse The image '37699976806_5ce694be36_k.jpg' contains the following segments: background, horse. saved 37699976806_5ce694be36_k-horse.png Animal photos by Susanne Nilsson, on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

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Demo: Object Identification and Image Segmentation with the Magic Cropping Tool

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Deep Learning Use Cases

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Software Programming Untitled by Marcin Wichary, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

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0101100100101100000110101101 0101001001100000110101101011 0110010010101010011101001011 0101010011100101010101010000 1010101011100000011010101010 1001000110000011010011010101 0010001011010101011101000101 Software Program Business Logic

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0101100100101100000110101101 0101001001100000110101101011 0110010010101010011101001011 0101010011100101010101010000 1010101011100000011010101010 1001000110000011010011010101 0010001011010101011101000101 Software Program Input Program Execution Output

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Deep Learning

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Input Layer Hidden Layers Output Layer

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Labeled Training Data Backpropagation Animal photos by Susanne Nilsson, on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0). Output Errors Cat ❌ Not Cat ❌ Cat ❌ Cat Cat

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Input Neural Network Inferencing Output Cat Animal photos by Susanne Nilsson, on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

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Neural Network Inferencing Output Not Cat Input Animal photos by Susanne Nilsson, on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

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Machine Learning Libraries The Leeds Library by Michael D Beckwith, on Flickr (CC0 1.0).

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Demo: Minimal Train and Predict with TensorFlow.js

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Training Data (y = 2x - 1) x y -1 -3 0 -1 1 1 2 3 3 5 4 7

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Prepare the Model for Training // Create a sequential model const model = tf.sequential(); model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [1]})); // Prepare the model for training model.compile({loss: 'meanSquaredError', optimizer: 'sgd'});

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Train the Model // Create synthetic training data (y = 2x - 1) const xs = tf.tensor2d([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [6, 1]); const ys = tf.tensor2d([-3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7], [6, 1]); // Train the model await, ys, {epochs: 250});

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Predict Outputs on Training Inputs // Predict outputs for training inputs const trainingInputs = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]; const trainingOutputs = => model.predict(tf.tensor2d([input], [1, 1])) );

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Sample Prediction Results on Training Data x y inferenced y calculated -1 -2.8576648235321045 -3 0 -0.892378032207489 -1 1 1.072908639907837 1 2 3.0381953716278076 3 3 5.003482341766357 5 4 6.968769073486328 7

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Predict Outputs on Test Inputs // Predict outputs for a set of test inputs const testInputs = [3, 14, 25, 43, 56, 72]; const testOutputs = => model.predict(tf.tensor2d([input], [1, 1])) );

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Sample Prediction Results on Test Data x y inferenced y calculated 3 5.003482341766357 5 14 26.62163734436035 27 25 48.23978805541992 49 43 83.61495208740234 85 56 109.16368103027344 111 72 140.60826110839844 143

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Applying Deep Learning Data Science Expertise Computing Resources High-Quality Training Data Model Deployment Time Model Integration Inferencing Code And more…

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Model Asset Exchange (MAX) Classify Generate Recognize

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Choose deployable model Deep Learning asset on MAX Deploy Swagger specification Inference endpoint Metadata endpoint Microservice Input pre-processing, model execution, and output post-processing Deploy model Use model

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Deep Learning at the Edge Global Network by fdecomite, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

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Device Deep Learning Model Data Cloud Results Results Network

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Device Deep Learning Model Data Results

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The Cloud STOP Doggy Driver by Eric Sonstroem, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

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Edge Device Inferencing* A large model with large input or output requires a slow and unreliable network API call July 13, 2018 / © 2018 IBM Corporation Large Model *Assumes limited edge device capabilities Fast Inferencing A network API request with small input and output can achieve fast, but unreliable, inferencing A small model run locally can achieve fast and reliable inferencing with large input and output Large Input/Output

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Converting a Pre-Trained Model to TensorFlow.js Portage by ThreeIfByBike, on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

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Downloading Model Files deeplabv3_mnv2_pascal_trainval_2018_01_29.tar.gz

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Extracting Model Files $ tar xzf deeplabv3_mnv2_pascal_trainval_2018_01_29.tar.gz $ ls -lh deeplabv3_mnv2_pascal_trainval 8.4M frozen_inference_graph.pb 16M 18K 2018 model.ckpt-30000.index

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TensorFlow Model Formats Frozen Graphs: Encapsulates model data in a single file Checkpoints: Allows for resuming of training SavedModel: TensorFlow’s Universal serialization format HDF5: Used by Keras to store model data

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Exploring the Model

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Model Input and Output

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Model Input and Output

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Model Input and Output

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Model Input and Output

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Model Input and Output

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Installing the TensorFlow.js Converter $ pip install tensorflowjs

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Converting the Model $ tensorflowjs_converter \ --input_format=tf_frozen_model \ --output_node_names='SemanticPredictions' \ frozen_inference_graph.pb \ model $ ls -lh model 4.0M group1-shard1of3 4.0M group1-shard2of3 27K group1-shard3of3 63K tensorflowjs_model.pb 16K weights_manifest.json

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Image Segmenter Demo App

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Including the TensorFlow.js Library

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Loading the Model in TensorFlow.js const MODEL_URL = '/model/tensorflowjs_model.pb' const WEIGHTS_URL = '/model/weights_manifest.json' const model = await tf.loadFrozenModel(MODEL_URL, WEIGHTS_URL)

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Pre-Processing Model Input // create a tensor from an image const imageTensor = tf.fromPixels(imageElement) // insert a dimension into the tensor's shape const preprocessedInput = imageTensor.expandDims()

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Running Predictions with the Model // generates output prediction const prediction = model.predict(preprocessedInput)

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Post-Processing Model Output // get image width, height from output const imageWidth = prediction.shape[2] const imageHeight = prediction.shape[1] // create a regular array from the model's output prediction (tensor) const segMap = Array.from(prediction.dataSync()) // create a new array with the corresponding segmentation colors const segMapColor = => colorMap[seg])

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Image Segmenter Demo App

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brain.js ONNX.js | Other JavaScript ML Libraries

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What will you build with deep learning at the edge? AZ 89A by Kevin Dooley, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

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Resources: Demos • Veremin: A Video Theremin Based on PoseNet • Veremin—A Browser-based Video Theremin Making music visually using TensorFlow.js, PoseNet, and the Web MIDI & Web Audio APIs • !" magicat • An Ode to the Terminal: The (Almost) Perfect Tool Bringing Deep Learning to the Terminal with Node and TensorFlow.js • Deploy a deep learning-powered ‘Magic cropping tool’ Deploy a deep learning-powered 'Magic cropping tool' using pretrained open source models

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Resources: Demos (cont’d) • Taking Selfies (and More) to the Next Level with Open Source Deep Learning Models Everything I’ve Learned About Machine Learning I’ve Learned From Machines. • TensorFlow.js Demos • Bring Machine Learning to the Browser With TensorFlow.js — Parts I, II & III • TensorFlow.js Model Playground Pre-trained models converted to the TensorFlow.js web friendly format

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Resources: Machine Learning • TensorFlow • Keras • PyTorch • Caffe2 • ONNX • Netron Visualizer for deep learning and machine learning models

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Resources: Edge Machine Learning • TensorFlow.js • TensorFlow Lite • ONNX.js • brain.js ! Neural networks in JavaScript • Core ML

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Resources: IBM Developer • Center for Open-Source Data & AI Technologies (CODAIT) • IBM Developer Model Asset Exchange (MAX) • Model Asset Exchange (MAX) Code Patterns • Image Segmenter Identify objects in an image, additionally assigning each pixel of the image to a particular object. • Image Segmenter Model Files

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Resources: IBM Cloud • IBM Cloud • IBM Watson Studio • IBM Watson Machine Learning • IBM Watson OpenScale

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Thank you

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