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Using Heroku to build Heroku Postgres Harold Giménez @hgmnz Dreamforce 2013 +

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What is Heroku?

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We run your code in the cloud

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app logic with code, not clicks

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Use the tools you know

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Use the tools you love

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Use the tools that make you happy

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Use the tools that make you productive

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Use the tools that make you productive

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your app is the center of the universe

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Creating demo-app... done, region is us | [email protected]:demo- app.git Git remote heroku added $ $ heroku apps:create demo-app ----> Heroku receiving push ----> Rails app detected ----> Compiled slug size is 8.0MB deployed to Heroku $ git push heroku master

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Tell us how to run your code

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web: bundle exec thin start -p $PORT -e $RACK_ENV worker: bundle exec rake worker --trace clock: bundle exec bin/clock $ $ cat Procfile foreman start 18:08:22 web.1 | started with pid 3371 18:08:22 worker.1 | started with pid 3372 18:08:22 clock.1 | started with pid 3373

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And scale it right up!

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Scaling web dynos... done, now running 10 Scaling worker dynos... done, now running 5 $ $ heroku ps:scale web=10 worker=5 -a demo-app

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Attach some add-ons

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Adding loggly on demo-app… done, v161 (free) Use `heroku addons:docs loggly` to view documentation. $ $ heroku addons:add loggly

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Heroku Postgres

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No content

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Heroku Origins

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focus on Rails

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Rails apps need a database

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web apps need a database

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thankfully postgres was chosen

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otherwise I wouldn’t be here

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“let’s build a production grade database service”

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No content

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Heroku Postgres loggly you Heroku Add-ons

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Adding heroku-postgresql on demo-app… done, v129 (free) Attached as HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_ORANGE_URL Database has been created and is available Use `heroku addons:docs heroku-postgresql` to view documentation. $ $ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql --app demo-app Plan: Dev Status: available Connections: 1 PG Version: 9.2.4 Data Size: 6.3 MB Tables: 0 Rows: 0/10000 (In compliance) Fork/Follow: Unsupported heroku pg:info -a demo-app

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Heroku Postgres v0 A sinatra app implementing the heroku addons API create servers install postgres service create database for user - a “Resource” Sequel talks to postgres stem talks to AWS

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the simplest thing that could possibly work, but no less

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two main entities

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Resource { database: ‘d3lwi9ef2’, port: 5432, username: ‘u23f8doife9’, password: ‘dfwefujp’, created_at: ‘2012-05-02’, state: ‘available’ }

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Server { ip: ‘’ instance_id: ‘i-2fidj3c8’, ami: ‘pg-prod’, availability_zone: ‘us-east-1a’ created_at: ‘2012-05-02’, state: ‘booting’ }

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and a thin web interface erb templates 
 served by sinatra app

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we’ve come a long way since then

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Workflow and Monitoring

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draw inspiration from game programming

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observe environment finite state machine

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available creating uncertain unavailable deprovisioning deprovisioned

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class Resource def feel observations.create( ) end end ! class Feeler def current_environment { services_available?: service_available?, connections: connections, row_count: row_count, table_count: table_count, seq_scans: seq_scans, index_scans: index_scans } end end

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class Resource include Stateful ! state :available do unless service_available? transition :uncertain end end end ! resource = Resource.find resource.transition :available resource.feel resource.tick puts resource.state # => :uncertain

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module Stateful def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end ! module ClassMethods def state(name, &block) state[name] = block end def states; @states ||={}; end end ! def tick self.instance_eval( &self.class.states[self.state.to_sym] ) end def transition(state); end end

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resource.feel resource.tick Need to do this all the time

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db1 db2 db3 db4 db5 db6 db7 db8 dbn W orkers db1.feel

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db4 db3 db2 db1 dbn Enqueue

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Durability and Availability

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INSERT INTO … 1. Write to WAL 2. Keep it in memory 4. Flush to disk 3. Respond to client

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Ship WAL at least every 60s multi-datacenter storage

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need a more flexible object model

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timeline T0

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recovery STONITH

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big project

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lots of moving parts long test suite

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modularize and build APIs

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move away from the large monolithic application

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and into a constellation of apps talking to each other

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Dashboard Dataclips Resources Heroku Admin UI Participants
 Servers CLI infra Monitoring

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gain in agility

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composable services

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independently scalable

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independently testable

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current tooling

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Rails Sinatra sequel fog ruby python bash go coffeescript backbone.js Dashboard Dataclips Resources Heroku Admin UI Participants
 Servers CLI infra Monitoring

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Lessons managing databases is hard start simple extract and share code separate concerns into services

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Thanks! @hgmnz @herokupostgres +