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AndroidAnnotations Efficient code for Android Romain Piel Android developer at MPme 1830 WEN 24 APR 2013

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Who am I ? • Android addict since 2010 • Developed multiple apps • Post Office UK, Kiss Kube, Robin for • Android developer for MPme in London

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Tonight Android, what’s not handy AndroidAnnotations diet Android and annotations

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Android, what’s not handy

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Android, what’s not handy Actions on UI elements TextView myTextView = (TextView)findViewById(; ((Button)findViewById( OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Toast.make("sup?", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }, 500); } });

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Android, what’s not handy AsyncTasks class MakeCoffeeTask extends AsyncTask { @Override protected Coffee doInBackground(String... params) { String brand = params[0]; Boolean withSugar = params[1]; Coffee coffee = makeCoffee(coffeeBrand, withSugar); return coffee; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Coffee result) { drinkCoffee(result); } }

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Android, what’s not handy And many other things... @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle bundle) { super.onSaveInstanceState(bundle); bundle.putSerializable("items", items); } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.containsKey("items")) { items = ((ArrayList ) savedInstanceState.getSerializable("items")); } } ClipboardManager clipboardManager = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);

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Consequences Your code You

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“The ratio of time spent reading (code) versus writing is well over 10 to 1 (therefore) making it easy to read makes it easier to write.” Robert C. Martin

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AndroidAnnotations diet By Pierre-Yves Ricau and 18 other contributors

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@EActivity(R.layout.translate) public class TranslateActivity extends Activity { @ViewById EditText textInput; @ViewById( TextView result; @AnimationRes Animation fadeIn; @Click void doTranslate() { translateInBackground(textInput.getText().toString()); } @Background void translateInBackground(String textToTranslate) { String translatedText = callGoogleTranslate(textToTranslate); showResult(translatedText); } @UiThread void showResult(String translatedText) { result.setText(translatedText); result.startAnimation(fadeIn); } } View injection Mission : Simplify developers’ life Resource injection Events Threads Layout @EActivity(R.layout.translate) public class TranslateActivity extends Activity { @ViewById EditText textInput; @ViewById( TextView result; @AnimationRes Animation fadeIn; @Click void doTranslate() { translateInBackground(textInput.getText().toSt } @Background void translateInBackground(String textToTranslate) String translatedText = callGoogleTranslate(te showResult(translatedText); } @UiThread void showResult(String translatedText) { result.setText(translatedText); result.startAnimation(fadeIn); } }

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@EActivity(R.layout.translate) public class TranslateActivity extends Activity { @ViewById EditText textInput; @ViewById( TextView result; @AnimationRes Animation fadeIn; @Click void doTranslate() { translateInBackground(textInput.getText().toS } @Background void translateInBackground(String textToTranslate) String translatedText = callGoogleTranslate(t showResult(translatedText); } @UiThread void showResult(String translatedText) { result.setText(translatedText); result.startAnimation(fadeIn); View injection Resource injection Events Threads Layout @EActivity(R.layout.translate) public class TranslateActivity extends Activity { @ViewById EditText textInput; @ViewById( TextView result; @AnimationRes Animation fadeIn; @Click void doTranslate() { translateInBackground(textInput.getText().toSt } @Background void translateInBackground(String textToTranslate) String translatedText = callGoogleTranslate(te showResult(translatedText); } @UiThread void showResult(String translatedText) { result.setText(translatedText); result.startAnimation(fadeIn); } }

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More than 80 annotations: • Enhanced components • Activity, Service, etc... • Injections • Views, resources, dependencies... • Event binding • Simple threading Easy integration with other libraries Mission : Simplify developers’ life

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Basic annotations @EActivity(R.layout.translate) public final class TranslateActivity { } Activities are annotated @EActivity Annotations exist for every main components @EService @EReceiver @EApplication @EFragment @EProvider ...

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Basic annotations These annotated classes allow to : • Enhance basic components • Layout injections • Fullscreen activities, etc... • Add annotations on attributes and methods

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Internal annotations - Injections • View injections • Resource injections • System service injections @ViewById( TextView result; @AnimationRes Animation fadeIn; @SystemService NotificationManager notificationManager;

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Internal annotations - Injections Annotated attributes cannot be directly used in constructors or in onCreate() @AfterInject : non view attributes are injected @AfterViews : views are injected @AfterInject public void doSomethingAfterInjection() { } @AfterViews public void updateTextWithDate() { result.setText("Date: " + new Date()); }

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Internal annotations - Threading Annotate you methods with @Background and @UiThread Bye AsyncTask! @Background void someBackgroundWork(String aParam, long anotherParam) { } @UiThread void doInUiThread(String result) { }

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Custom objects Custom classes can be annotated using @EBean : Then this class can be injected: @EBean public class MyClass { } @EActivity public class MyActivity extends Activity { @Bean MyClass myObject; }

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Not bad... But how does your thing work?

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But how does your thing work? Java 6 Annotation Processor Code generation at compile-time Each annotated class will have a generated subclass: public final class TranslateActivity_ extends TranslateActivity { ! // Ugly code you wish you would never have to write again }

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But how does your thing work? IDE configuration (eclipse) : 1.Add in /libs androidannotations-X.X.X-api.jar 2.Add this jar to the project’s build path 3.Add in a directory /compile-libs the jar androidannotations-X.X.X.jar 4.In project properties: Java Compiler > Annotation Processing Enable annotation processing Java Compiler > Annotation Processing > Factory Path Add the processor androidannotations-X.X.X.jar

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But watch out! startActivity(new Intent(this, TranslateActivity_.class)); @AfterViews public void updateTextWithDate() { result.setText("Date: " + new Date()); }

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Any performance impact? Nope Hard work is made during compile time Runtime is not affected

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Consequences Your code You

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Using AndroidAnnotations IRL • At start, hard to get into AndroidAnnotations logic. • Then quickly addictive... • A much more readable code. • Encourage to organize the code in modules. • Debugging : no difference. The generated code is not hidden.

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Using AndroidAnnotations IRL A few limitations: • Generic classes not supported • Not a good idea to integrate inheritance between two annotated classes. • Internal classes can’t be annotated

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Android and annotations 1. AndroidAnnotations “friends” 2. The others

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Roboguice Built on top of Google Guice View and dependency injections + Injection more powerful than AndroidAnnotations - Injections are done during runtime ‣ Performance impact - Activities must extend RoboActivity ‣ Issue for using other libraries

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Dagger Dependencies injection library similar to Google Guice. Like Roboguice, offers more options on dependencies injection than AndroidAnnotation Injections also done during runtime Not Android exclusive but very light. A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.

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Butter Knife Very simple library for view injections. Very similar to AndroidAnnotations view injection class ExampleActivity extends Activity { ! @InjectView( TextView title; ! @InjectView( TextView subtitle; ! @InjectView( TextView footer; ! @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ! ! super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ! ! setContentView(R.layout.simple_activity); ! ! Views.inject(this); ! } }

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Android and annotations 1. AndroidAnnotations “friends” 2. The others

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Project lombok Java library based on annotations to simplify the language: @AllArgsConstructor public class MyClass { ! @Getter @Setter private int age = 10; ! @Setter(AccessLevel.PROTECTED) private String name; }

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Otto Java library based on annotations offering an event bus: Otto An enhanced Guava-based event bus with emphasis on Android support. Bus Post Subscribe AnswerAvailableEvent(42)); @Subscribe public void answerAvailable(AnswerAvailableEvent event) { }

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Retrofit Java library to implement painlessly a REST client: public class Client { private static final String API_URL = ""; class Contributor { String login; int contributions; } interface GitHub { @GET("/repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors") List contributors( @Name("owner") String owner, @Name("repo") String repo ); } }

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Roboelectric Android oriented library for quick unit testing: @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) public class HomeActivityTest { ! private HomeActivity activity; private ImageView pivotalLogo; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { activity = new HomeActivity(); activity.onCreate(null); pivotalLogo = (ImageView) activity.findViewById(; } @Test public void shouldHaveALogo() throws Exception { assertThat(pivotalLogo.getVisibility(), equalTo(View.VISIBLE)); assertThat(shadowOf(pivotalLogo).getResourceId(), equalTo(R.drawable.pivotallabs_logo)); } }

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Conclusion Annotations for: • Readability • Maintainability • Reusability Keep it simple

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