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以 CNCF ⾓角度淺談『Cloud Native』 DevOps Taiwan Meetup #11

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About Me ⽩白凱仁(Kyle Bai) • Interested in emerging technologies. • COSCUP, Kubernetes Day and OpenStack Day Speaker • Certified Kubernetes Administrator • OpenStack and Kubernetes Contributor kairen([email protected])

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Cloud Native

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What is ‘Cloud Native’? Cloud native computing uses an open source software stack to be: • Containerized. • Dynamically orchestrated. • Microservices oriented.

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Containerized Each part (applications, processes, etc) is packaged in its own container. This facilitates reproducibility, transparency, and resource isolation.

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Containerized - Docker • Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptops, data center VMs, or the cloud. • OS Level virtualization

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Containerized - OCI The mission of the Open Container Initiative (OCI) is to promote a set of common, minimal, open standards and specifications around container technology

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Dynamically orchestrated Containers are actively scheduled and managed to optimize resource utilization.

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Dynamically orchestrated - Kubernetes “Kubernetes is becoming the Linux of the cloud” Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts, providing container-centric infrastructure.

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Microservices oriented Applications are segmented into microservices. This significantly increases the overall agility and maintainability of applications.

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Microservices oriented + Containerized

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What is the Purpose of Cloud Native? “Cloud Native” is the name of a particular approach to designing, building and running applications based on infrastructure-as-a-service combined with new operational tools and services like continuous integration, container engines and orchestrators.

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• Speed: companies of all sizes now see strategic advantage in being able to move quickly and get ideas to market fast. • Scale: as businesses grow, it becomes strategically necessary to support more users, in more locations, with a broader range of devices, while maintaining responsiveness, managing costs, and not falling over. • Margin: in the new world of infrastructure-as-a-service, a strategic goal may be to pay for additional resources only as they’re needed – as new customers come online. Spending moves from up-front CAPEX (按需求的 預估購買新設備) to OPEX (按實際發⽣生的需求購買).

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How Does Cloud Native Work? • Use infrastructure-as-a-service: run on servers that can be flexibly provisioned on demand. • Design systems using, or evolve them towards, a microservices architecture: individual components are small and decoupled. • Automate and encode: replace manual tasks with scripts or code.

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• Containerize: package processes with their dependencies making them easy to test, move and deploy. • Orchestrate: abstract away individual servers in production using off-the- shelf management and orchestration tools.

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Cloud Native Value Propositions • Isolation:Container packaged applications achieve dev/prod parity, faster code and component reuse and simplify operations. • No Lock-in:Open source software stack enables deployment on any public or private cloud(or in combinations). • Unlimited Scalability:Optimized for modern distrubuted systems environments capable of scaling to tens of thousands of self healing multi- tenant nodes.

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• Improved Efficiency and Resource Utilization:Via a central orchestrating process that dynamically manages and schedules microservices. This reduces the costs associated with maintenance and operations. • Resiliency:To failures of individual containers, machines, and even data centers and to varying levels of demand.

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Cloud Native Software Stack This stack goes beyond the application level and includes the infrastructure, ways to automate it, and services that orchestrate and schedule computing nodes atop of these layers. The Twelve-Factor App.

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Summary • Cloud Native is structuring teams, culture and technology to utilize automation and architectures to manage complexity and unlock velocity. • Cloud-native is an approach to building and running applications that fully exploits the advantages of the cloud computing delivery model. Cloud- native is about how applications are created and deployed, not where.

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“Cloud Native 概念念指出必須將應⽤用程式發展與運作的各環節⾃自動化,⽅方能有 效地持續發布。DevOps、微服務與容器技術即是實現 Cloud Native 持續整 合與交付⽬目標的關鍵因素” 蔣是⽂文(Mac)等⼈人

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Cloud Native Computing Foundation

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CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation) The Cloud Native Computing Foundation builds sustainable ecosystems and fosters a community around a constellation of high-quality projects that orchestrate containers as part of a microservices architecture. CNCF technologies enable cloud portability without vendor lock-in.

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Members of CNCF Meetups

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KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Attendees

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CNCF Projects

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170 Members and Growing

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170 Members and Growing (Silver)

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Cloud Native Landscape

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Cloud Native Landscape

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SDN x Cloud Native Meetup • We come from twoTaiwan user communities. • SDNDS.TW (Software Defined Network) • Cloud Native Taiwan User Group • We love to user/study/learn those technologies. • We also try to contribute to those open source projects.

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