Vue’s “Provide / Inject”
An advanced pattern
that isn’t very useful!
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A thought experiment
You’re building a component library that provides and components. You know it will
be easier to code if v-option could know about the “type” prop you passed to v-menu.
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How would you
make that work?
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Possible solutions
- Make the user pass all the necessary data to every single component ugh
- A shared JavaScript singleton with some, uh, IDs and stuff to keep the component reusable
- Something with scoped slots this isn’t what scoped slots are for but yolo i guess
- Any other ideas?
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Provide/Inject: What is it?
- A pattern for sneaking stuff around in Vue without using props.
- A way to send secret messages to child and grandchild components.
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Why would I ever use it?
If you’re building a Vue component library and it simplifies the user interface.
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Why would I ever use it? (continued)
- You are providing two black-box components
- One of them is meant to be used inside of the other one
- You want the outer one to share data with the inner one
- OR, you want the inner one to emit events to the outer one
- The user would probably be annoyed if they had to pass the same data as props
to both components
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Let’s try it out!
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Back in days of yore (Vue.js v0.11)
var myObject = { msg: ‘hello’ };
{{ msg }}
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Let’s build a component library
that does this
I’m gonna be GitHub
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First, the interface
var myObject = { msg: ‘hello’ };
Check it out
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Can you think of
other use cases?
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See it in action!
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Isaac Lyman
Twitter: @isaacandsuch