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Ext. Desert. Day
The sun is beating down on the scorched earth. A lizard darts from under one
rock and quickly takes shelter in the shade of another. From off screen, the sound
of digging and scraping. Camera pans across the arid landscape to find Reinholdt
Jackson digging up dirt from a hole in the ground.
It has to be it has to be…. This was the spot
He keeps digging in desperation. He is now neck-deep in the hole.
This was the spot marked X. It has to be!...
He gives up, crawls out and throws his shovel down in frustration and shakes his
fist at the sky
Curse you Bob Appleby!! Curse you. I’ll get you
Back if it’s the last thing I do.
Ext. Town. Day
The sound of a saloon piano drifts across the street. Sherriff Silas Tucker crosses
the street and walks up the steps of the saloon.
Int. Saloon. Day
Inside the smoke filled room, the piano plays and customers are at tables
drinking. Sherriff tucker walks up to the bar
Abe, I need to speak to Gretta
Morning Sherriff. Gretta aint here at the moment.
Something I can help you with.
I need to speak to her. I know she’s here.
Uh… well, Sherriff… she’s indisposed at the moment