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Lessons on the experimental edge of web technology Remy Sharp / @rem

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Experiment... Google IO... Head Shots.

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Two tranches of work 1. Real-time communication - WebRTC 2. Graphics and performance

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WebRTC... aaaahhahh.

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Don't make me write code • Peer.js • SimpleWebRTC • easyRTC •

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My Ed209

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Three simple tasks 1. Get a room (aka pin for my game) 2. Listen and action remote connections 3. Add my video stream

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// `pin` is the unique game id // basically a room name rtc.connect('wss:localhost:8000', pin); 1. Get a room

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rtc.on('add remote stream', function(stream, id) { // `stream` is the video stream // 'remote' refers to a video element on the page // with the id of 'remote' rtc.attachStream(stream, 'remote'); // in the actual game we'd trigger an event to // notify that the remote stream has been added, // and we'd start playing }); 2. Listen for join

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// this will give the video & audio stream // to any peers rtc.createStream({ 'video': true, 'audio': true }, function(stream) { // since this game doesn't show own our // face, we do nothing with the stream }); 3. Add my stream

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The lesson Libraries are good (when you're fumbling) Libraries are bad (when shit don't work)

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navigator.getUserMedia({ 'video': { 'mandatory': { maxWidth: 160, maxHeight: 90 } } }, function(stream) { video.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream); // will be true when stream is running // in video elem console.log(video.videoWidth === 160); });

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The lesson Only serve what you need. (an oldie, but a goodie)

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It's not all client side :(

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var express = require('express'), app = express(), server = require('http').createServer(app), webRTC = require('').listen(server); server.listen(8000); Bind Bosh.

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Data: RTCDataChannel 1. Reliable: true / TCP* 2. Reliable: false / UDP

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function dataChannelOpen() { for (var id in rtc.dataChannels) { // note: string based ready states // (rather than usual ints) if (rtc.dataChannels[id].readyState == 'open') { return true; } } return false; } Test for open channel

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Streaming shit loads of event data • If you can: avoid it • Head Shots only sends orientation event change • Peer only gets a single message

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Mechanics 1.Open Websocket for game discovery 2.Connect video & audio stream 3.Test if data channel is "open" 4.Allow game to start...

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How it originally worked 1. Welcome screen with join & start button 2. Start - automatically created a new game (now in waiting mode) 3. Join - prompted the user for a pin code 4. Waiting - this used a hanging XHR request 5. Play - wherein both players prompted for access to their camera

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But...connected games would instantly disconnect. W.T.F. ?

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Paper cup phone example

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The lesson SPA can save you. SPA for persistance.

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•Started with DOM, but 3D sucked •Moved to Three.js with help from @seb_ly 3D

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•CSS3 Renderer performed... •But caused entire chunks to vanish •Weekend later, bug fixed in Chrome Beta Fixing 3D

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•Render background once, separately from moving foreground •Only one video (not two) •rAF, not setInterval Back to 30fps+

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Playing in the future

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Crazy latest tech also means latest standards. •Micro DOM & event library: min.js •Extensive use of HTML5's classList & dataset •Micro data binding: bind.js •Super minimal xhr

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// `pin` is the unique game id var $ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document); Node.prototype.on = Node.prototype.addEventListener; $('#somelink')[0].on('touchstart', handleTouch); Less is $$$$

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$('#gameover').dataset.winner = winner; $('#gameover').classList.add('showWinner'); Less is...HTML5

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$.on('gameReady', startTheFunk); // Later that day... if (connected) { $.trigger('gameReady'); } Less is...pubsub

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var callback; if (typeof mapping[path.join('.')] === 'function') { callback = mapping[path.join('.')]; } else { callback = function (value) { if (callback.elements) {, function (element) { element.innerHTML = value; }); } }; callback.elements = $(mapping[path.join('.')] || '☺'); } Object.defineProperty(target, key, { set: function (v) { value = v; if (callback) { callback(value); } }, get: function () { return value; } }); target[key] = value; Data binding ~40 lines

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var callback; if (typeof mapping[path.join('.')] === 'function') { callback = mapping[path.join('.')]; } else { callback = function (value) { if (callback.elements) {, function (element) { element.innerHTML = value; }); } }; callback.elements = $(mapping[path.join('.')] || '☺'); } Object.defineProperty(target, key, { set: function (v) { value = v; if (callback) { callback(value); } }, get: function () { return value; } }); target[key] = value; Setter/getter action

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var callback; if (typeof mapping[path.join('.')] === 'function') { callback = mapping[path.join('.')]; } else { callback = function (value) { if (callback.elements) {, function (element) { element.innerHTML = value; }); } }; callback.elements = $(mapping[path.join('.')] || '☺'); } Object.defineProperty(target, key, { set: function (v) { value = v; if (callback) { callback(value); } }, get: function () { return value; } }); target[key] = value; innerHTML setting

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var callback; if (typeof mapping[path.join('.')] === 'function') { callback = mapping[path.join('.')]; } else { callback = function (value) { if (callback.elements) {, function (element) { element.innerHTML = value; }); } }; callback.elements = $(mapping[path.join('.')] || '☺'); } Object.defineProperty(target, key, { set: function (v) { value = v; if (callback) { callback(value); } }, get: function () { return value; } }); target[key] = value; Initialise

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game = new Bind({ me: { // original object score: 10 } }, { 'me.score': '#myscore' }); // DOM updates = 20; Binding

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game = new Bind(, { 'me.score': '#myscore', 'them.score': function (value) { $.trigger('theirScore', value); }, 'turn': function (myturn) { turnEl.dataset.turn = myturn; $.trigger('myturn', myturn); } });

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The biggies •Newness of WebRTC ate way more time than I anticipated •Google engineers are there to help •Maybe the horse came before the cart?

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Is WebRTC ready for prime time? •I'm not so sure •Support and interop is being aggressively worked on...but Microsoft...Apple? •Mobile looking hopeful •Give it 12 months* * Check expiry date

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Live here: Code: Yes, I know the source is a bit of a mess! Remy Sharp / @rem Have a pop.