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(without introducing more risk) Serverless, not infrastructureless Puppet Gareth Rushgrove More than just functions, unfortunately

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(without introducing more risk) @garethr

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) (as a service) Just add function

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Replacing cron jobs with Lambda Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Clojure hello world (ns net.morethanseven.hello (:gen-class :implements []) (:require [ :as io] [clojure.string :as str]) (:import ( Context))) (defn -handleRequest [this input-stream output-stream context] (let [handle (io/writer output-stream)] (.write handle (str "hello" "world")) (.flush handle)))

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Javascript hello world exports.myHandler = function(event, context, callback) { callback(null, "Hello World"); }

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(without introducing more risk) Sorry, I couldn’t resist Not so faas(t)

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Some required configuration… variable "aws_region" { description = "AWS Region Lambda function is deployed to" } variable "apex_environment" { description = "Apex configured environment. Auto provided by 'apex infra'" } variable "apex_function_role" { description = "Provisioned Lambda Role ARN via Apex. Auto provided by 'apex i } variable "apex_function_hub" { description = "Provisioned function 'hub' ARN information. Auto provided by ' } variable "apex_function_hub_name" { description = "Provisioned function 'hub' name information. Auto provided by }

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove …some more required configuration resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" "every_five_minutes" { name = "every-five-minutes" description = "Fires every five minutes" schedule_expression = "rate(5 minutes)" } resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "check_hub_every_five_minutes" { rule = "${}" target_id = "${var.apex_function_hub_name}" arn = "${var.apex_function_hub}" } resource "aws_lambda_permission" "allow_cloudwatch_to_call_hub" { statement_id = "AllowExecutionFromCloudWatch" action = "lambda:InvokeFunction" function_name = "${var.apex_function_hub_name}" principal = ""

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For the 3 line Javascript function we needed 32 lines of configuration Gareth Rushgrove

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I had to care about CloudWatch event targets, event rules and Lambda permissions, all of which are platform specific Gareth Rushgrove

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A real world example from Serverless Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove and more different configuration "EbsBackupSnapper": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "DependsOn": [ "EbsBackupExecutionRole", "EbsBackupExecutionPolicy" ], "Properties": { "Code": { "S3Bucket": "", "S3Key": "2015-11-ebs-snapshots/" }, "Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["EbsBackupExecutionRole", "Arn"] }, "Timeout": 60, "Handler": "lambda_function.lambda_handler", "Runtime": "python2.7",

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For the 33 line Python function we needed 100 lines of configuration Gareth Rushgrove

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I had to care about IAM policies and roles, which again are platform specific Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) All the configuration Imagine

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Running the same function on multiple platforms? Gareth Rushgrove

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Multiple functions doing similar things? Gareth Rushgrove

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infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə/ noun 1. the installations that form the basis for any operation or system Gareth Rushgrove

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Removing servers doesn’t appear to have removed the need for infrastructure Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) If all you remember is Conclusions

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Will all serverless developers write the functions and associated configuration? Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Do we need better abstractions? */5 * * * * node /home/garethr/hello.js

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Will we need people who specialise in the configuration of serverless systems? Gareth Rushgrove

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Maybe we’ll call those people Systems Administrators Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Thanks for listening Find me later for questions