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How Melinda Seckington @mseckington Why & We R nternal i ackdays un H i

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Am Whoi? j

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Event Organiser

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ackdays H i

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Hacking at hackdays

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Organising hackdays

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Running ackdays H nternal i

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No content

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To pioneer the best social learning experiences for everyone, everywhere

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How Create L earning Culture A Do You Of ?

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learn on your own learn from each other learn from the community learn by teaching

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learn on your own learn from each other learn from the community learn by teaching

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Run ackday? H nternal i How Do You An

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When onsider C ackday? H What Organizing T o nternal i An 4 ackdays H nternal iExamples Of

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When onsider C ackday? H What Organizing T o nternal i An

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where who why when how

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why why are you running the hackday?

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why is there a specific theme?

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where who why when how

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who is the hackday for? who

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limited to devs/designers? who entire company? external guests?

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if everyone: who how do you involve everybody? does everyone need to code?

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where who why when how

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where where are you running the hackday?

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where external vs internal

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where who why when how

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when are you running the hackday? when

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how many days? when weekday vs weekend specific days tricky for certain teams? timing with other events?

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where who why when how

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how how are you running the hackday?

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how demos? prizes? schedule? judges? food?

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where who why when how

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When onsider C ackday? H What Organizing T o nternal i An

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When onsider C ackday? H What Organizing T o nternal i An 4 ackdays H nternal iExamples Of

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4 ackdays H nternal iExamples Of

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may 2014 futurelearn hackday

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where who why when how

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why Highlight talent & creativity among the team Get people working across teams

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why Let people be creative and experiment!

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why How do we make clear that people can work on what they want?

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What can I work on? Whatever you want. Well, as long as it is related to FutureLearn in some way or another. Has there always been one thing you wish FutureLearn did? Got some crazy idea that you’d love to experiment with? Go ahead and build it! Our hacks should showcase what FutureLearn could be, so your ideas can range from features that we could add tomorrow to something completely blue sky. why

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where who why when how

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Everyone in the company who

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How to get everyone involved? who

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Do I need to know how to code? Nope, you don’t! Hacking is all about playing with technology and using it in new and creative ways. For our hackday it means coming up with new ideas for FutureLearn and creating something to showcase that idea, be it in code, in semi- decipherable whiteboard scribbles, or in interpretive song and dance. who

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where who why when how

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Our office where

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How to make sure people don’t get distracted by the day-to-day? where

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Create a hackspace where

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Full day 10:00 - 17:00 when

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Allow people to form their own teams and choose hack ideas how

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Hack Whiteboard how

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how What next? 1. Checkout the whiteboard, get inspired and add your idea 2. Add +1 to any idea you like, add your name to ones you’re interested in working on 3. Talk to people! Think you need a developer or a designer to pair with during the day? Talk to them beforehand to see if they want to help out 4. Think about which tools you might need to install beforehand 5. Check out the Slack #hackday channel for inspiration

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3 minute demos 1 prize Audience vote how

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where who why when how

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stats 16 hacks 23 people

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? what did we learn?

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1 Lots of discussion to form teams, less hacking lessons learnt

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2 Not everyone was sure they should join a team lessons learnt

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3 Lots of great ideas, but only one got rewarded lessons learnt

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4 What happens with the ideas after the hackday? lessons learnt

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may 2014 futurelearn hackday

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july 2014 growth hackday

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where who why when how

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why This hackday we want to generate as many hacks as possible around how we can grow our number of registered users. We want you to come up with any ideas that can help grow our user base - from small changes on the platform to creative concepts for other corners of the web.

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why How to encourage people to come up with different and lots of ideas?

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why Prize categories: Most likely to grow awareness of FutureLearn offline Most likely to grow awareness of FutureLearn online Most likely to increase new registrations Most likely to improve number of shares Most likely to reduce bounce rate Most likely to improve conversion from sign up to active learner Best use of social media Simplest change we can make Best hack inspired by data Best international hack

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where who why when how

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when Half day 13:00 - 17:00

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where who why when how

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1 Lots of discussion to form teams, less hacking lessons learnt how

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2 Not everyone was sure they should join a team lessons learnt how

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how Hack Whiteboard

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where who why when how

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stats 19 hacks 33 people

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? what did we learn?

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1 Too many hacks! lessons learnt

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1 Don’t promise one thing and then do something else lessons learnt

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2 Half day is too short lessons learnt

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3 Judging took too much time lessons learnt

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4 Not everyone felt comfortable just joining a team lessons learnt

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july 2014 growth hackday

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december 2014 christmas hackday

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where who why when how

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why This time around we want you all to create something that is full of delight, play or fun for our users.

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when The day before the Christmas Party

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where who why when how

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4 Not everyone felt comfortable just joining a team lessons learnt how

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how How can we encourage everyone to participate?

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how How can we get people working across teams?

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how Pre-assigned teams

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how 5 minutes to present per team

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how Challenges + leaderboard

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how Challenges: Wear clothes with colours from the FutureLearn gradient (blue to pink to yellow) Bring a Secret Santa present in the theme of delight & play, for less than £8.53 Find the hidden chocolate coins Solve the cryptic riddles Make your own lunch and be creative! Perform a song/poem with FutureLearn as the topic (they can be based on real songs and poems).

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where who why when how

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stats 14 hacks 48 people 7 teams

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? what did we learn?

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1 Teams worked lessons learnt

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2 Challenges were fun for ‘this’ hackday lessons learnt

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december 2014 christmas hackday

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june 2015 partner hackday

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where who why when how

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why Explore ideas from and for our partners

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why Show our partners our team and how we work

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who Invite representatives from each of our partners

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when The day after our Partner Forum

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where who why when how

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how How can we encourage people to participate?

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how Emails and blog posts explaining what the day was for

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how Pre-assigned teams + Google Docs + Slack

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stats 21 hacks 43 partners 10 teams 38 fl-ers

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? what did we learn?

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1 Developers & designers felt stretched lessons learnt

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2 How to share what effect the hackday had? lessons learnt

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june 2015 partner hackday

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june 2015 partner hackday december 2014 christmas hackday july 2014 growth hackday may 2014 futurelearn hackday

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? what did we learn?

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1 communicate

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2 reflect

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3 iterate

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Melinda Seckington @mseckington FutureLearn