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I wanna be a WP dev

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Who I am Filippo Gangi Dino @ weLaika

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Torino Coding Society - Every 2 weeks free and opened coding speechs (with food and beverage). If you love coding

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I wanna be a WP dev

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You are not alone

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think about other developers search better solutions avoid 'developer lock-in' use conventions

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whether you are using php (Haml, Slim), CSS (Sass, Scss) or javascript (coffescript) there are lot of style guides.

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Example multiple files data-hook naming conventions

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The editor is your better collegue. Choose it. Customize it.

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Sublime Text Sublime Text packages: Wordpress - Emmet - Foundation Snippets -

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Dev env

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You need it. Don't work live in production.

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CLI use the! Use the CLI!

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wp-cli - wp plugin install hello-dolly wp plugin activate hello-dolly wp user import-csv /path/to/users.csv

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wp-server - $ w p s e r v e r P H P 5 . 5 . 2 4 D e v e l o p m e n t S e r v e r s t a r t e d a t J u l 1 4 1 9 : 1 0 : 0 0 2 0 1 5 L i s t e n i n g o n h t t p : / / l o c a l h o s t : 8 0 8 0

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few is better that many Never change a winning team suspect about swiss army knife plugins

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Cons slowdown uncontrolled growth why ask to make something to a plugin when you can make yourself better? conflicts

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Make your own theme. Is the only perfect solution for your needs.

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There is only what you need.

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Read the official WP themes (twentyfifteen, twentyfourteen, ....)

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Don't let functions.php do everything. You need to use it (or debug it)!

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Conventions i n c / Put here your php logic.

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flame also twentyfifteen have 355 lines of code and twentyfourteen 519 lines code is poetry

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Use WordPress to manages queues of scripts and stylesheets.

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< ? p h p w p _ e n q u e u e _ s c r i p t ( $ h a n d l e , $ s r c , $ d e p s , $ v e r , $ i n _ f o o t e r ) ; ? > < ? p h p w p _ e n q u e u e _ s t y l e ( $ h a n d l e , $ s r c , $ d e p s , $ v e r , $ m e d i a ) ; ? >

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Remember everything you've done Make teamwork possible Isolated introduction of features Help you to find the bug

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WordPress is the most used CMS in the world. This is the problem.

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Basically follow the official instructions: Hardening Wordpress -

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Automate recurring tasks to avoid errors.

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Example, simple, manual deploy sequence Open FileZilla. Connect. Search local theme folder. Select modified files. Push to production. Verify. Select forgotten files. Push to production. Change directory to plugins folder. Select new plugins. Push to production. Make a db dump. Launch s e d changing domain. Visit production phpmyadmin. Import dump. Go to backend. Make manually changes for serialized arrays settings.

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Wordmove - $ w o r d m o v e p u s h - t p d

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Also with automat(t)ic updates your site needs maintenance. Make your customers conscious.

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Thanks to all Questions? @mukkoo - [email protected]