learning rubymotion
by garrett heinlen
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who am i?
• ruby dev by day
• dancer by night
• drinking enthusiasts always
• recently ruby motion dev
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ruby motion is ballin’
• obj-c sucks (not really, but it’s a little gross)
• i do ruby 8+ hours a day - allows me reuse that
• easy to get started, use any editor, REPL (irb like)
• native performance
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where to start?
• i have found myself learning in a cycle of 3 stages
• immersion
• zombie coding
• terrible code
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immerse yourself
• read every book, blog, article, neighbor's screen
you can get your hands on
• watch screencast
• go to meet-ups (good job)
• you will not understand it all
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zombie coding
• work through a lot of example code
• do not copy and paste anything
• run into compile issues, run into syntax errors, run
into all the errors
• this is where i often feel i’m not learning anything
and wasting my time
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terrible code
• so good you won’t even know you’re doing it!
• you will get stuck: ask plenty of questions (really)
• move on if you get really stuck (rare)
• make a goal and just do it