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Docs-as-Code arc42, AsciiDoc, Gradle & Co. combined Ralf D. Müller @docToolchain

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Ralf D. Müller By Day Solution Architect @ Deutsche Bank Digital Factory In my spare time Geek: Web-Technologies Quality (Security, Testautomation) Productivity (Gradle, Groovy, Grails) arc42 contributor & docToolchain maintainer 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 2

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What you can expect… Pragmatic architecture documentation Tips‘n‘Tricks for arc42 and docs-like-code Experimental Features :-) Best Practice but no Silver Bullets 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 3 5

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31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 4 Treat Docs-as-Code or Docs-like-Code a short History of Docs-as-Code

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demo.adoc build.gradle console output = A first Headline And a first paragraph. It continous on the next headline Second paragraph. == Second-Level Headline A link to[] Demo – Convert AsciiDoc 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 5

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demo.adoc build.gradle console output plugins { id "org.asciidoctor.convert" version "1.5.3" } Demo – Convert AsciiDoc 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 6

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build.gradle demo.adoc console output PS C:\Users\Demo\greach2018\demo1> gradle asciidoc :asciidoctor io/console not supported; tty will not be manipulated BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 4.554 secs PS C:\Users\Demo\greach2018\demo1> Demo – Convert AsciiDoc 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 7

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build.gradle demo.adoc console output Demo – Convert AsciiDoc 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 8

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Out-of-the-Box Features „distraction free“ – write docs like code or an email Modular docs Reference images – don‘t embedd them Integration of source code Easy reviews, pull-requests and versioning through Git Convert to HTML5, DocBook 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 9

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treat Docs-as-Code III: Build-Server .adoc .adoc .adoc .html Fork PR .adoc Build- Server On Change Publish 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 10

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Focus for today: Architecture Docs-as-Code How to write a Solution Architecture? 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 11 Dr. Peter Hruscka Dr. Gernot Starke the Template for documentation of software and system architecture.

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arc42 … 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 12 … is the standard template in german speaking countries … is available in German, English and Spanish … is available in 9 formats (.adoc, .docx, .rst, .md, .tex …) … gives your docs a structure … is available with or without help … helps you to write the right content, the right way

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arc42 – a wardrobe for your docs 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 13

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arc42 – a wardrobe for your docs 1. Requirements & Goals 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 14 2. Constraints 3. Scope & Context 4. Solution Strategy 5. Building Block View 6. Runtime View 7. Deployment View 10. Quality Scenarios 11. Risks & Tech Debt 12. Glossary 9. Decisions 8. Crosscutting Concepts

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arc42 as AsciiDoc Template 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 15 == Architecture Constraints [role="arc42help"] **** .Contents Any requirement that constrains software architects in their freedom of design and implementation decisions or decision about the development process. These constraints sometimes go beyond individual systems and are valid for whole organizations and companies. .Motivation Architects should know exactly where they are free in their design decisions and where they must adhere to constraints. Constraints must always be dealt with; they may be negotiable, though. .Form Simple tables of constraints with explanations. If needed you can subdivide them into technical constraints, organizational and political constraints and conventions (e.g. programming or versioning guidelines, documentation or naming conventions) ****

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Diagrams30.05.2018 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 16

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Diagrams 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 17 …let‘s you handle your diagrams as Text!

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Diagrams: PlantUML .Benutzer und Benutzergruppen von VENOM [plantuml] ---- !pragma graphviz_dot jdot (VENOM\ni.B.O.S.S) as venom "Private User" -right-> venom "User Groups" --> venom "Corporate Users" --> venom "Government Users" -up-> venom "Regulation &\nStandard Bodies" -up-> venom "Operations" --> venom "Internal Users" -left-> venom ---- 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 18

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Diagrams: PlantUML 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 19

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Diagrams: PlantUML 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 20

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PlantUML Not all types of diagrams are well suited for plantUML. But sequencediagrams are a perfect fit! 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 21

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Diagrams: Don‘t draw – model! 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 22

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treat Docs-as-Code: automate! Betreiber und Administratoren von VENOM Flexibilität hinsichtlich Betriebsumgebung, Betriebssystem. Möglichst wenig Aufwand bei technischer Administration und Inbetriebnahmen. Technisches Monitoring. 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 23

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treat Docs-as-Code: automate! {adoc:stakeholder} | Operations | Betreiber und Administratoren von VENOM | Flexibilität hinsichtlich Betriebsumgebung, Betriebssystem. Möglichst wenig Aufwand bei technischer Administration und Inbetriebnahmen. Technisches Monitoring. 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 24

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=== Stakeholder ==== Users and Groups of Users [[figure-users]] image::ea/1.5_Stakeholder.png[title="Users and Groups of Users"] [cols="2,3,3,2" options="header"] .Users and Groups of Users |=== | Role | Description | Goal | Comment include::../../ea/[] |=== treat Docs-as-Code: automate! 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 25

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treat Docs-as-Code: automate! 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 26

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Diagrams Don‘t know how to draw your component diagrams? => take a look at the C4-Model by Simon Brown Context, Containers, Components, Classes 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 27

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Stakeholder 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 28

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.docx / MS Word 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 29

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.docx bzw. MS Word 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 30

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...or maybe pdf? 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 31

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Page Breaks … don‘t make sense for single-page HTML … but for PDF and .docx! <<<< 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 32

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Collaboration 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 33

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Working Together „… but all other docs are in Confluence“ Confluence stores pages as xhtml… …and provides a REST-API! et voilá… 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 34

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Working Together 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 35

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Working Together 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 36

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Working Together 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 37

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Working Together 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 38

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Working Together 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 39

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Managing Tables in AsciiDoc 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 40 [options="header",cols="7,23,17,33,11,11"] |=== | Nr. | Name | Rolle | Email | Telefon | PLZ | 1 | Hubert Kleinschmidt | Product Owner | [email protected] | 555 102 | 40388 | 2 | Erika Mustermann | Scrum Master | [email protected] | 555 103 | 41222 |=== with MS Excel

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Managing Tables in AsciiDoc 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 41

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Testing 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 42

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Automated Tests for your Docs Broken Cross References (aka Broken Internal Links) Missing Images Files Multiple Definitions of Bookmarks or ID’s Missing Local Resources Missing Alt-tags in Images 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 43

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Automated Tests for your Docs 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 44

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… coming soon: Linting 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 45

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Bonus: Export PPT Speakernotes contain AsciiDoc Automatic export of slides and AsciiDoc 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 46

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Bonus: Export PPT 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 47

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docToolchain 31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 48

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31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 49 Clipart:, licenced to [email protected] Questions?

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31.05.2018 @RalfDMueller @arc42Tipps @docToolchain 50 Clipart:, licenced to [email protected] Thanx for your Attention!