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weaveworks- etcd over gossip Strongly-consistent semantics
 in a weakly-consistent world

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weaveworks- ~or~
 Embedding etcd in your application

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weaveworks- ~or~
 Porting etcd to a different transport

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weaveworks- weavemesh

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weaveworks- Gossip communication protocol CRDT data model

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weaveworks- Gossip communication protocol CRDT data model Your application

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weaveworks- Gossip communication protocol CRDT data model weavenet Virtual network interface + IP

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weaveworks- Gossip communication protocol CRDT data model Your application

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weaveworks- Your application Router :6379 Gossip Receiver Gossip Sender Gossip Data

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weaveworks- Your application Router :6379 Gossip Receiver Gossip Sender Gossip Data

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weaveworks- Router Router Router Router Router

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weaveworks- Router Router Router Router Router

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weaveworks- Your application Router :6379 Gossip Receiver Gossip Sender Gossip Data GossipUnicast(dst Peer, m Msg) GossipBroadcast(m Msg) OnGossip(src Peer, m Msg) Peers() []Peer

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weaveworks- Gossip communication protocol Your application

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weaveworks- Gossip communication protocol etcd

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weaveworks- Raft

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weaveworks- Raft node Other nodes Write(X, 123) Proposal accepted X=123 Sounds good Read(X) 123

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weaveworks- Send(dst Node, m Msg)

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weaveworks- Send(dst Node, m Msg) GossipUnicast(dst Peer, m Msg) GossipBroadcast(m Msg)

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weaveworks- etcd

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weaveworks- Raft core (raft) Storage
 (store) Persistence
 (WAL) Transport
 (HTTP) API (etcdserverpb)

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weaveworks- Raft core (raft) Storage
 (store) Persistence
 (WAL) Transport
 (Mesh) API (etcdserverpb) ✕

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weaveworks- Raft core Storage Persistence Transport API mechanical bits propose/commit

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weaveworks- Raft Storage Persistence Transport API mechanical bits propose/commit lol nope

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weaveworks- Deep dive

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weaveworks- raft.Node driver

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weaveworks- raft.Node

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weaveworks- ProposeEntry ProposeConf raft.Node

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weaveworks- ProposeEntry ProposeConf Commit Error raft.Node

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weaveworks- ProposeEntry ProposeConf Storage Persistence Commit Error Transport raft.Node

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weaveworks- type Proposer interface { ProposeEntry(Entry) error ProposeConfChange(ConfChange) error } type CommitReceiver interface { ReceiveCommit(Entry) } type ErrorReceiver interface { ReceiveError(error) }

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weaveworks- type Proposer interface { ProposeEntry(Entry) error ProposeConfChange(ConfChange) error } type CommitReceiver interface { ReceiveCommit(Entry) } type ErrorReceiver interface { ReceiveError(error) } func main() { n := newRaftNode(...) s := newStore(...) a := newAPI(...) n.commitReceiver = s n.errorReceiver = s = s a.proposer = n // ... }

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weaveworks- type Proposer interface { ProposeEntry(Entry) error ProposeConfChange(ConfChange) error } type CommitReceiver interface { ReceiveCommit(Entry) } type ErrorReceiver interface { ReceiveError(error) } func main() { n := newRaftNode(...) s := newStore(...) a := newAPI(...) n.commitReceiver = s n.errorReceiver = s = s a.proposer = n // ... } ✕

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weaveworks- ProposeEntry ProposeConf Commit Error raft.Node chan entry chan confchange chan entry chan error

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weaveworks- func main() { var ( entryc = make(chan entry) confchangec = make(chan confchange) commitc = make(chan entry) errorc = make(chan error) ) n := newRaftNode(entryc, confchangec, commitc, errorc, ...) s := newStore(commitc, ...) a := newAPI(entryc, ...) // ... }

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weaveworks- type raftNode struct { node raft.Node entryc <-chan entry confchangec <-chan confchange commitc chan<- entry errorc chan<- error // storage? // transport? // ... quitc chan struct{} }

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weaveworks- Transport

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weaveworks- Router Router Router Router Router

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weaveworks- Router Router Router Router Router

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weaveworks- Router GossipUnicast(dst Peer, m Msg) GossipBroadcast(m Msg) OnGossip(src Peer, m Msg)

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weaveworks- type PacketConn interface { ReadFrom(b []byte) (n int, addr Addr, err error) WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) (n int, err error) Close() error LocalAddr() Addr SetDeadline(t time.Time) error SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error }

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weaveworks- type PacketConn interface { ReadFrom(b []byte) (n int, addr Addr, err error) WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) (n int, err error) Close() error LocalAddr() Addr SetDeadline(t time.Time) error SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error }

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weaveworks- Router GossipUnicast(dst Peer, m Msg) GossipBroadcast(m Msg) OnGossip(src Peer, m Msg) Adapter? ReadFrom(b []byte) ... WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) ...

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weaveworks- Router GossipUnicast(dst Peer, m Msg) GossipBroadcast(m Msg) OnGossip(src Peer, m Msg) meshconn.Peer ReadFrom(b []byte) ... WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) ...

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weaveworks- Router GossipUnicast(dst Peer, m Msg) GossipBroadcast(m Msg) OnGossip(src Peer, m Msg) meshconn.Peer ReadFrom(b []byte) ... WriteTo(b []byte, addr Addr) ... incomingc chan Msg outgoingc chan Msg

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weaveworks- type raftNode struct { node raft.Node entryc <-chan entry confchangec <-chan confchange commitc chan<- entry errorc chan<- error // storage? incoming <-chan msg // transport outgoing chan<- msg // transport // ... quitc chan struct{} }

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weaveworks- The controller

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weaveworks- for { select { case <-ticker: c.node.Tick() case r := <-c.node.Ready(): // save entries // send messages // publish entries // advance case <-c.quitc: return } }

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weaveworks- for { select { case <-ticker: c.node.Tick() case r := <-c.node.Ready(): // save entries // send messages // publish entries // advance case <-c.quitc: return } }

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weaveworks- case r := <-c.node.Ready(): // save entries // send messages // publish entries // advance

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weaveworks- case r := <-c.node.Ready(): // save entries // send messages // publish entries // advance

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weaveworks- case r := <-c.node.Ready(): // save entries // send messages // publish entries // advance

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weaveworks- case r := <-c.node.Ready(): c.readySave(r) c.readySend(r) c.readyApply(r) c.readyAdvance()

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weaveworks- case r := <-c.node.Ready(): if !c.readySave(r) { return } c.readySend(r) if !c.readyApply(r) { return } c.readyAdvance()

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weaveworks- type raftNode struct { node raft.Node incomingc <-chan raftpb.Message // from the transport unreachablec <-chan nodeID // from the transport confchangec <-chan raftpb.ConfChange // from the mesh proposalc <-chan []byte // from the state machine outgoingc chan<- raftpb.Message // to the transport entryc chan<- raftpb.Entry // to the demuxer snapshotc chan<- raftpb.Snapshot // to the state machine removedc chan<- struct{} // to calling context stopc chan struct{} // from the user terminatedc chan struct{} // to the user // storage? }

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weaveworks- type raftNode struct { node raft.Node incomingc <-chan raftpb.Message // from the transport unreachablec <-chan nodeID // from the transport confchangec <-chan raftpb.ConfChange // from the mesh proposalc <-chan []byte // from the state machine outgoingc chan<- raftpb.Message // to the transport entryc chan<- raftpb.Entry // to the demuxer snapshotc chan<- raftpb.Snapshot // to the state machine removedc chan<- struct{} // to calling context stopc chan struct{} // from the user terminatedc chan struct{} // to the user // storage? }

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weaveworks- type raftNode struct { node raft.Node incomingc <-chan raftpb.Message // from the transport unreachablec <-chan nodeID // from the transport confchangec <-chan raftpb.ConfChange // from the mesh proposalc <-chan []byte // from the state machine outgoingc chan<- raftpb.Message // to the transport entryc chan<- raftpb.Entry // to the demuxer snapshotc chan<- raftpb.Snapshot // to the state machine removedc chan<- struct{} // to calling context stopc chan struct{} // from the user terminatedc chan struct{} // to the user // storage? }

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weaveworks- type raftNode struct { node raft.Node incomingc <-chan raftpb.Message // from the transport unreachablec <-chan nodeID // from the transport confchangec <-chan raftpb.ConfChange // from the mesh proposalc <-chan []byte // from the state machine outgoingc chan<- raftpb.Message // to the transport entryc chan<- raftpb.Entry // to the demuxer snapshotc chan<- raftpb.Snapshot // to the state machine removedc chan<- struct{} // to calling context stopc chan struct{} // from the user terminatedc chan struct{} // to the user // storage? }

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weaveworks- Drawing

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weaveworks- Controller raft.Node

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weaveworks- meshconn Controller incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step

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weaveworks- Transport meshconn Controller incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step

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weaveworks- Transport Router meshconn Controller incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step

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weaveworks- Transport Router meshconn Controller incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step unreachablec ReportUnreachable

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weaveworks- Transport Router meshconn Controller incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange unreachablec confchangec ReportUnreachable

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weaveworks- Transport Router meshconn Controller incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange entryc unreachablec ReportUnreachable confchangec

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weaveworks- Transport Router meshconn Controller incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange entryc Demuxer Normal entries ConfChange entries unreachablec ReportUnreachable confchangec

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weaveworks- Transport Router meshconn Controller incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange entryc Demuxer Normal entries ConfChange entries unreachablec ReportUnreachable confchangec

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weaveworks- Transport Router Membership meshconn Controller incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange entryc Demuxer Normal entries ConfChange entries unreachablec confchangec ReportUnreachable

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weaveworks- Transport Router Membership meshconn Controller State incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange entryc Demuxer Normal entries ConfChange entries unreachablec confchangec ReportUnreachable

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weaveworks- Transport Router Membership meshconn Controller State incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange snapshotc entryc Demuxer Normal entries ConfChange entries unreachablec confchangec ReportUnreachable

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weaveworks- Transport Router Membership meshconn Controller State incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange ProposeEntry proposalc snapshotc entryc Demuxer Normal entries ConfChange entries unreachablec confchangec ReportUnreachable

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weaveworks- Transport Router Membership meshconn Controller State incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange ProposeEntry proposalc snapshotc entryc Demuxer Normal entries ConfChange entries unreachablec confchangec ReportUnreachable

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weaveworks- type raftNode struct { node raft.Node incomingc <-chan raftpb.Message // from the transport unreachablec <-chan nodeID // from the transport confchangec <-chan raftpb.ConfChange // from the mesh proposalc <-chan []byte // from the state machine outgoingc chan<- raftpb.Message // to the transport entryc chan<- raftpb.Entry // to the demuxer snapshotc chan<- raftpb.Snapshot // to the state machine removedc chan<- struct{} // to calling context stopc chan struct{} // from the user terminatedc chan struct{} // to the user // storage? }

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weaveworks- Transport Router Membership meshconn Controller State incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange ProposeEntry proposalc snapshotc entryc Demuxer Normal entries ConfChange entries unreachablec confchangec ReportUnreachable

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weaveworks- State & the API

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weaveworks- State

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weaveworks- State API?

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weaveworks- State etcd V3

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weaveworks- State etcd V3

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weaveworks- Transport Router Membership meshconn Controller State incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange ProposeEntry proposalc snapshotc entryc Demuxer Normal entries ConfChange entries unreachablec confchangec ReportUnreachable

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weaveworks- ¯\_(ϑ)_/¯

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weaveworks- Demo

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weaveworks- Conclusion & next steps

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weaveworks- I've made a huge mistake.

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weaveworks- Transport Router Membership meshconn Controller State incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange ProposeEntry proposalc snapshotc entryc Demuxer Normal entries ConfChange entries unreachablec confchangec ReportUnreachable

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weaveworks- Transport Router Membership meshconn Controller State incomingc outgoingc raft.Node Step ProposeConfChange ProposeEntry proposalc snapshotc entryc Demuxer Normal entries ConfChange entries unreachablec confchangec ReportUnreachable

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weaveworks- The purpose of this project may be to serve as a warning to others.

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weaveworks- Thanks for listening! (I'll be at the bar.) (I assume there's a bar.)