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Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks & Data Analysis using Kaggle

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LETICIA PORTELLA /in/leportella @leportella @leleportella

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Kaggle is a place where you can find a lot of datasets, it already have installed most of tools you’ll need for a basic analysis, is a good place to see the people’s code and built a portfolio Why Kaggle?

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Choosing a dataset

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Notebooks are a place where you can create code, show graphs, document your methodologies and findings… all in a single place

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You can write code You can write text

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And they work well together

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Numbers on code cells indicate the order in which each cell ran

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Notebooks always print the last line (event without the print statement)

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Jupyter Shortcuts Ctrl + Enter = Run cell ESC + B = New cell below ESC + dd = Delete cell

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Run the first cell

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Reading a document If you check the first cell, it will tell you that the documents are ready for you in ../input/. So, we can read the files by with a Pandas function and with the path of the file df = pd.read_csv(‘../input/train.csv')

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Dataframes Dataframes are similiar to what you find in Excel structures. You have rows indicated by numbers and columns with names. You can check the first 5 rows of a data frame to see the basic structure: df.head()

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Dataframes Dataframe columns: PassengerId, Survived, Pclass…

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Dataframes Dataframe rows: 0, 1, 2…

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Dataframes You can check the structure of a dataframe, to get an idea of how many rows and columns it has: df.shape

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Dataframes You can check the main statistical characteristics of the numerical columns of a data frame df.describe()

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Dataframes df.describe()

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Series You can select a single column of the data frame to work with. A column of a Dataframe is called Series and have some special properties df['Age']

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Series You can also check the statistical characteristics of a Series df['Age'].describe()

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Series You can filter a series to see which rows have adults. This will return a Series of True and False. df[‘Age'] > 10

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Series And Series have functions that help you quickly plot some of it. We can, for instance, check the histogram of Ages. df[‘Age’].plot.hist()

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Exercise Plot the histogram of Fares

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Series And Series have functions that help you quickly plot some of it. We can, for instance, check the histogram of Ages. df[‘Age’].plot.hist()

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Series We can count how many passengers were on each class df[‘Pclass’].value_counts()

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Series Since the result of a value_counts is also a Series, we can store this value in a variable and use it to plot a pie chart :) passengers_per_class = df[‘Pclass’].value_counts() passengers_per_class.plot.pie()

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Exercise Plot a bar plot with the number of people that survived and didn’t survive (Column Survived)

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Series Remember we could filter a series? We could use it to checkout our variables. Let’s see which class survived the most survived = df[‘Survived'] > 0 filtered_df = df[survived] passenger_per_class = filtered_df[“Pclass”].value_counts() passenger_per_class.plot.pie()

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Function Let’s build a function that “breaks" the age into classes:

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Function Now if we pass an age to the function it returns a label:

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Series We can create a new column (Ageclass) using the Column Age and this function :) df[“Ageclass”] = df[“Age”].apply(age_to_ageclass)

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Exercise Now we have classes for age, we can check which sector survived the most, the same we did with Class :)

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Dataframes We can group two columns to count df[“Ageclass”] = df[“Age”].apply(age_to_ageclass)