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ROHIT SANJAY Unit Testing in Python BELPY 2021

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Hi I’m Rohit Sanjay. - Final Year Engineering Undergraduate at MIT Manipal - Author and maintainer of testbook (under nteract org) - Incoming Software Engineer Intern at Goldman Sachs, Bengaluru

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--Boris Beizer, in "Software testing techniques" [source] More than the act of testing, the act of designing tests is one of the best bug preventers known.

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Agenda • Introduction to unit testing • Writing unit tests ❖ unittest vs pytest ❖ Mocking ❖ Using context managers ❖ PyTest features - f i xtures and parametrized tests

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Introduction to Unit Testing

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• A unit test is a test that checks that a single component operates in the right way. • A unit test helps you to isolate what is broken in your application and fix it faster. Unit Testing in two sentences That’s it! Moving on..

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unittest vs pytest

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unittest pytest

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• Too much boilerplate code is needed. • The API can make the test code's intent hard to understand • camelCase naming unittest

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• Detailed info on failing assert statements • Auto-discovery of test modules and functions (searches for test_*.py or * files) • Modular fixtures for managing small or parametrized long-lived test resources • Tests parametrization • Can run unittest test suites out of the box • Rich plugin architecture, with over 315+ external plugins and thriving community Why pytest is the better option..

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Also, you have to admit, pytest looks so much better

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Mocking Source: Simulates the look and feel of real world objects.

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unittest.mock Mock()

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unittest.mock Mock() patch()

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Mock an object where it is used, not where it came from.

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When to use mocks

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System calls jovian/utils/ jovian/tests/utils/

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Network/API calls jovian/utils/ jovian/tests/utils/

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Network/API calls jovian/tests/utils/ Using patch as decorator

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Network/API calls jovian/tests/utils/ What is side_effect?

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A little about side_effect When side_effect is an exception

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A little about side_effect When side_effect is a function (or any callable)

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A little about side_effect When side_effect is an iterable Let us get back to when we should use mocks

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• System calls • Network/API calls • I/O operations • Unpredictable results (random) When to use mocks

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Using context managers

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• It’s a simple “protocol” (or interface) that your object needs to follow so it can be used with the with statement. • Basically all you need to do is add __enter__ and __exit__ methods to an object if you want it to function as a context manager. • Python will call these two methods at the appropriate times in the resource management cycle. Context Managers in Python Are you with me?

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With that context managed, we can now move on to the next part

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Context managers in unit tests jovian/tests/resources/ @contextmanager def temp_directory(): orig_path = os.getcwd() try: with TemporaryDirectory() as dir: os.chdir(dir) yield dir finally: os.chdir(orig_path)

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@contextmanager def mock_git_repo(): orig_dir = os.getcwd() with temp_directory() as dir: os.mkdir("mock_git_repo") os.chdir("mock_git_repo") commands = textwrap.dedent(""" git init git remote add origin touch notebook.ipynb git add . git commit -m "initialcommit" """).splitlines()[1:] for command in commands: check_call(command.split()) yield dir os.chdir(orig_dir) jovian/tests/resources/

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• capsys - Capture, as text, output to sys.stdout and sys.stderr. • testdir - Provide a temporary test directory to aid in running, and testing, pytest plugins. • tmp_path - Provide a pathlib.Path object to a temporary directory which is unique to each test function. • tmpdir - Provide a py.path.local object to a temporary directory which is unique to each test function; replaced by tmp_path. pytest fixtures

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Custom pytest fixtures import pytest @pytest.fixture def smtp(): import smtplib return smtplib.SMTP("") def test_ehlo(smtp): response, msg = smtp.ehlo() assert response == 250 assert 0 # for demo purposes

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Custom pytest fixtures import pytest from click.testing import CliRunner @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def runner(): # Get instance of CliRunner runner = CliRunner() return runner jovian/tests/utils/

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pytest parametrize import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_input, expected", [ ("3+5", 8), ("2+4", 6), ("6*9", 42) ] ) def test_eval(test_input, expected): assert eval(test_input) == expected

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pytest parametrize @pytest.mark.parametrize( "urls, expected_result", [ ([""], ""), ([""], ""), (["///user/siddhant"], "user/siddhant"), (["", "user/siddhant"], ""), (["", "/user/siddhant"], ""), ] ) def test_urljoin(urls, expected_result): assert urljoin(*urls) == expected_result jovian/tests/utils/

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That’s all folks.

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• To mock, or not to mock - PyCon 2016 • Context Managers and the “with” Statement in Python References