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Amanda Folson - Laracon 2016 @AmbassadorAwsum Zero to API with Lumen

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Who Am I? ▸ Amanda Folson ▸ Developer Advocate at GitLab ▸ Professional Conference Attendee ▸ OSS ~10 years ○ Many years of APIs

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About Lumen ▸ Microframework ▸ Circa April 2015 ▸ Trimmed down Laravel ▸ Laravel upgrade path

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Why Lumen?

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Blacklist Build Zones Honeypot API Scheduler Thing Restarter

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What the heck is an API?

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REST APIs ▸ Representational State Transfer ▸ Can return XML, JSON, YAML, Markdown ▸ RAPIDLY gaining adoption over SOAP/XML-RPC ○ No need to know order of parameters

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HTTP-based APIs ▸ Often HTTP-based ○ Many things natively speak HTTP ▸ Stateless ○ No sessions! ○ HATEOAS

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Coming From Laravel

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Getting Started

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Facades + Eloquent

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Routing Laravel Routing Lumen Routing

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Differences Between Laravel and Lumen in Artisan Lumen’s `artisan`: ▸ No `serve` command ▸ No `key:generate` ▸ No `tinker` ▸ No `env` ▸ No `down` ▸ No `vendor:publish`

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Migrations ▸ Install ▸ Refresh ▸ Reset ▸ Rollback ▸ Status ▸ `db:seed`

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Make Migrations

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Differences in Artisan’s Make Command Lumen’s `make`: ▸ ONLY has `make:migration` ▸ No `make:model` ▸ No `make:controller` ▸ No `make:auth` + scaffolding ▸ Many more since Lumen is slimmed down

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Pokémon API

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Resources ▸ /resource is a gateway to an area of an application ○ In this case, we hit /pokemon ○ We can get a single Pokémon or a collection of them

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Resource Collections

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Pokédex Routes

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A Note About Views...

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Pokémon Controller - Index and Store

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Pokémon Controller - Show

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Pokémon Controller - Update

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Pokémon Controller - Destroy

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Pokémon Model

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Authentication ▸ AuthServiceProvider provided ○ But needs to be uncommented in app.php ▸ PLENTY of other options ○ JWT

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Using Authentication Middleware ▸ Many packages available (JWT, OAUTH2, Stormpath, etc.) ▸ JWT used below:

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A Note About Authentication...

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Beyond This Talk ▸ HATEOAS and Hypermedia ▸ Rate limiting ▸ Running APIs at scale ▸ Events ▸ Queues ▸ Caching ▸ Encryption ▸ Logging ▸ Deploying

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/resources ▸ Lumen and Laravel docs ○ ▸ Paul Redmond’s Book ○ ▸ Build APIs You Won’t Hate by Phil Sturgeon ▸ RESTful Web APIs by Leonard Richardson, Mike Amundsen, and Sam Ruby ▸ Undisturbed REST by Mike Stowe ▸ Me!

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Thank You! Amanda Folson - @AmbassadorAwsum [email protected]