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How Todoist redesigned its FTUX

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Step 1. Sign up. Step 2. Almost there. Step 4. Pick your theme. Step 5. You're all set! Step 3. Hi, Florent! Step 6. Welcome Overview @fmerian F You're all set, Florent!

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Step 1. Sign up. It all starts with the signup page. Note: it could be different. @fmerian

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Alternative. More social proof to inspire action. The signup page is a great spot to add more social proof and inspire action. @fmerian

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Step 2. Almost there. @fmerian

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Step 4 Pick your theme. Step 3 Hi, Florent! Step 5 You're all set! ONBOARDING @fmerian After you sign up, a 3-step flow helped you set up your account. F You're all set, Florent!

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Step 3 Pick your theme. Step 3 Hi, Florent! Step 5 You're all set! ONBOARDING @fmerian The Todoist team removed 2 steps to make the onboarding experience simpler and more straightforward. F You're all set, Florent!

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Step 3. Pick your theme. Little big detail. When you can choose your UI style during the FTUX, you can expect a product designed with care. @fmerian

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Step 4. Welcome Todoist nailed this final step. Don't let your users start from a blank page. @fmerian

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Step 1 Sign up. Step 2 Almost there. Recap SIGNUP FLOW HOME @fmerian

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Step 3 Pick your theme. Recap @fmerian Step 4 Welcome DASHBOARD F You're all set, Florent!

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Lessons learned.

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@fmerian Remove steps that add low value to make your onboarding flow more enticing. F You're all set, Florent! Keep your flow simple and straightforward. Step 3 Pick your theme. Step 3 Hi, Florent! Step 5 You're all set!

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@fmerian Don't let your users start from a blank page.

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I review onboarding experiences from great B2B SaaS companies and share how I'd optimize them on Twitter. One more step