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Let’S Play with Cypress 2021/09/30 study group @ YUMEMI @kuwahara_jsri / kkeeth

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Table of Contents What’s Cypress? E2E(End-To-End) Testing Reviewing the definition of E2E testing again An introduction to what cypress is all about Get Started(Demo) Features Other features and what you can do Let's see it in action! 01 02 03 04

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Whoa! This slide is in English, but I’m not familiar with English yet. So, I may have a wrong expression. Plz feedback for me called “MASAKARI” about my English!!

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What’s Cypress? An introduction to what cypress is all about 01

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Cypress Image By:

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Cypress Image By:

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in short ● E2E Testing Framework ● Writing Easily, Quickly ● Simple and No dependencies

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What is an “E2E Testing” anyway…?

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E2E Testing Reviewing the definition of E2E testing again 02

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It is also called User Interface Test, and is used to test the entire system. E2E Testing

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by the way, Do you know “Testing Pyramid”?

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70% Image By: Testing Pyramid ROI 20% 10%

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Just hurry up and show me a demo of the Cypress code!!

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Get Started(Demo) Let's see it in action! 03

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Demo URL: More Information

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Demo URL: More Information

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Features Other features and what you can do 04

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how to write the base

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Basic Auth

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Using Fixture

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There are many more features, so check it out! We can write “Unit Test” by using Cypress!

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Let’s play E2E testing with cypress!!

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const my_info = { Name: ‘Kuwahara KEETH Kiyohito’, Position: ‘FE Tech Lead/Board’, Skills: ‘Riot.js/Next.js/Nuxt.js’, } Speaker

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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik THANKS! Do you have any questions? +81 03 5432 5801 Please keep this slide for attribution

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