Enterprise-grade quality!
• 10 years of continuous innovation
• Standards first – HTTP of course, etc.
• Decoupled – interoperable
• Automate all the things
• Professionals all around
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A vibrant community!
• 20 people in the Core Team
• +2000 contributors
• Support
• Coopetition
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Stability and predictability are king!
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Designed for seamless migrations!
• Semantic Versioning
• The Backward Compatibility Promise
• @trigger_error(…, E_USER_DEPRECATED);
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No content
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has processes
to DROP code!!!
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No content
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What is a Symfony
(let’s make something crazy with the components)
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A Symfony app
Uses dependency injection
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A Symfony app
Is compiled (offline)
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A Symfony app
Is configured dynamically
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> composer create-project symfony/skeleton demo
> cd demo
> composer require console twig annotations
> composer require debug profiler server
> composer create-project symfony/skeleton demo
> cd demo
> composer require twig annotations doctrine
> composer require debug profiler server
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Symfony 4 spirit
Keep coding features
By automating your configuration
and providing you with great error messages
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Symfony is your superpower
• startup to fortune, hobby to engineering, RAD
to clean architecture, single host to cloud
scale, single dev to big teams, prototypes to
years-long projects!
• Featureful, fast as hell, DX oriented