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Google dork secret Hope Everything Is Going Well Today in this Blog we will Explore A hidden Way to find Critical Information . Here We Will utilize Search engine Through Google dork . How Google dork Help You to find Secret Organization’s data . I encountered Different Critical Bug p1 to p4 Using Google dork , Here about My Story By: P J Borah Instagram: @pj_boorah linkedin: pallab-jyoti-borah-20874a18 Twitter: @PJBorah2 VAPT Analyst | Bugbounty hunter

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Here We will Find Out confidential Data using google dork : Dork 1 site: confidential OR “top secret” POC

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Basically I start My google dorking using query filetype:php As we know php Application Are most vulnerable so I look for php extension Against Target using : Dork 2 Site:* filetype:php OR ext:php POC Found two LFI

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Now look for yml which Mostly Contain backend Structure such as credentials , users etc Dork 3 dork ext:yml inurl:Orgname POC: found LDAP Credentials Leak

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More google dork ext:txt | ext:log | ext:cfg | ext:yml "administrator:500:"intitle:"index of" "password.yml filetype:xls inurl:”email.xls” filetype:bak inurl:\"htaccess|passwd|shadow|htusers\" ste:* intitle:"Index-Of" Instagram: @pj_boorah Twitter: @PJBorah2 linkedin: pallab-jyoti-borah-20874a18

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Actual Blog: give-you-all-secrets-de9df507a3ca End Instagram: @pj_boorah Twitter: @PJBorah2 linkedin: pallab-jyoti-borah-20874a18

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