Slide 50
Slide 50 text
power over others
This adds up to life-changing, career-determining, power over others,
genuine political power, and it’s a very good thing.
I think that here, in our Python world, power is in the hands of the right
people, who have already achieved some very remarkable things with it,
who have been of excellent service, and who positively want to share that
power with others - with you, with people like you, if you haven’t already
picked it up.
Our defence against abuse of that power is not to guard it jealously; on the
contrary, we’re safer if we do leave power lying around.
In fact, abuse of power is anyway less of a threat than power’s inadvertent
tendency to exclude, for those of us with power not to realise the subtle
ways it keeps out the people who don’t have it.
Our defence against both threats, whether deliberate abuse or
inadvertent exclusion, is the same: to talk about it, recognise it, and take