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Symfony4: a new way to develop applications Antonio Perić-Mažar, Locastic 26.05.2019 - #phpsrb

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Antonio Perić-Mažar CEO @ Locastic Co-founder @ Tinel Meetup Co-founder @ Blockada t: antonioperic m: [email protected]

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Locastic Helping clients create web and mobile apps since 2011 • UX/UI • Mobile apps • Web apps • Training & Consulting @locastic

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php 5.3 2009. 2005.

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php 5.3 2009. 2005. 2015.

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php 5.3 2009. 2005. 2015. Nov 2017.

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• Installing bundle is too cumbersome • Remove bundle is too cumbersome • The standard edition is not good enough • You always had a feeling that you have a bunch of code and packages that your are not using What we can do better?

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– Fabien Potencier “As a developer, I want to start small, without too many dependencies. But I also want to be able to grow my application as I see fit. From a micro-framework style app to a gigantic monolith. Your choice. The framework should not get in the way.”

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Composition over inheritance

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• Starting as micro framework • Compose your application • Build anything you want; console app, traditional web app, etc • Based on a micro-kernel and contain 70% less code and files than new Symfony 3 apps Symfony4

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Composer started as a conversation about how to generically install bundles/plugins/extensions for Symfony and phpBB. Fun fact

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Composer started as a conversation about how to generically install bundles/plugins/extensions for Symfony and phpBB. Fun fact Neither Symfony nor phpBB uses Composer as a way to install its bundles/plugins/extensions. WTF fact

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• Composer plugin • Auto-configurable via recipes • Official and private recipes Symfony Flex

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Decide which package to install Run any task to configure them

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{ "bundles": { "Symfony\\Bundle\\SwiftmailerBundle\\SwiftmailerBundle": ["all"] }, "copy-from-recipe": { "config/": "%CONFIG_DIR%/" }, "env": { "#1": "For Gmail as a transport, use: \"gmail:// username:password@localhost\"", "#2": "For a generic SMTP server, use: \"smtp://localhost: 25?encryption=&auth_mode=\"", "#3": "Delivery is disabled by default via \"null:// localhost\"", "MAILER_URL": "null://localhost" }, "aliases": ["mailer", "mail"] } Symfony mailer recipe

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• Two repositories • symfony/recipies • maintained by Symfony core team, contains only recipies for components and bundles ‘opinionated’ by core team • can use alias • symfony/recipies-contrib • anyone can contribute • cannot use alias Symfony Flex Recipies

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• With composer • composer create-project symfony/skeleton • composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton • composer create-project symfony/demo Starting a new project

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• With Symfony Client • Helps you create new Symfony applications • supports multiple PHP versions, different PHP config per directory • Provides a local HTTP/2 web server • Generates TLS certificates • Checks for security vulnerabilities • Seamlessly integrates with SymfonyCloud • Works on Windows also Starting a new project

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• With Symfony Client • symfony new my_project • symfony new ——full my_poject • symfony serve Starting a new project

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No more different controllers for different enviroments

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Your code goes here

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Cache, log…

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.env variables

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symfony.lock is used by flex to track which recipies are installed in the project

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• parameters.yaml is gone • more flexible but still you need to care about security • .env - commit - defaults • .env.local - gitignore • .env.test - commit - defaults • .env.test.local - gitignore .env

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Don’t put secrets in .env file!!!

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• Bundle vs no-bundle apps • All in src/ folder • App/ namespace • You should separate, but no need for bundles • Moving forward to standardisation • Reduces the perceived complexity, makes your code feels more decoupled from symfony • Bundle inheritance mechanisms are depricated in 3.4, removed in 4.0 Bundle-less applications

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Say hi to autowiring

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• Introduced in Symfony3 • Allows you to manage services in the container with minimal configuration • Reads type-hints on your constructor (or other methods) and automatically passes the correct services • Designed to be predictable; if it is not absolutely clear which dependency should be passed, you will see actionable exception Autowiring

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# This file is the entry point to configure your own services. # Files in the packages/ subdirectory configure your dependencies. # Put parameters here that don't need to change on each machine where the app is deployed # parameters: services: # default configuration for services in *this* file _defaults: autowire: true # Automatically injects dependencies in your services. autoconfigure: true # Automatically registers your services as commands, event subscribers, etc. # makes classes in src/ available to be used as services # this creates a service per class whose id is the fully-qualified class name App\: resource: '../src/*' exclude: '../src/{DependencyInjection,Entity,Migrations,Tests,Kernel.php}' # controllers are imported separately to make sure services can be injected # as action arguments even if you don't extend any base controller class App\Controller\: resource: '../src/Controller' tags: ['controller.service_arguments'] # add more service definitions when explicit configuration is needed # please note that last definitions always *replace* previous ones

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By default, all services are now private. $container->get(‘service_name’) is dead

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transformer = $transformer; } public function tweet($user, $key, $status) { $transformedStatus = $this->transformer->transform($status); // ... connect to Twitter and send the encoded status } }

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bin/console debug:autowiring

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• Webpack Encore is a simpler way to integrate Webpack into your application • Step forward after AsseticBundle • composer require webpack-encore • Works outside of Symfony Symfony Webpack Encore

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• Symfony on PHP 7.2 makes your code quite a bit faster than 7.1 • Symfony 2.3 is the second fastest Symfony release since 2.0 • Symfony 3.4 is the slowest release since 2.0 (deprecated features are probably one of the reasons); • Symfony 4.0 is almost three times faster as Laravel 5.5. Performance

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Stability and predictability

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• It is possible, not so complex (depending on project) • It will take a little bit of time • Upgrade first to Symfony 3.4 Updating to Symfony4

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Keep cooding features! Symfony4 spirit

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• It is a great feeling working with Symfony4 • Symfony has great community that is moving framework forward • Flex is amazing thing • New folder structure is more organised and more natural • Better standardisation A year later

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• Symfony is great as microframework • Higher level of abstraction is better for prototyping and building things faster • Very easy to start, but maybe new developers will think there is to much magic • Symfony as framework should not be a limitation for you A year later

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Thank you!

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Questions? Antonio Perić-Mažar t: antonioperic m: [email protected]