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IP Switch Gateway
On Ramp to High Performance
The IP Switch Gateway from IpsilonTM Networks is the on ramp to unprece-
dented performance for today’s IP networks. Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and
FDDI LANs and backbones can boost IP traffic throughputs fivefold by con-
necting to an IP Switch network through the IP Switch Gateway.
Transparent LAN-to-ATM Acceleration
The IP Switch Gateway is a Pentium-based hardware platform running the
Ipsilon system software that converts incoming IP-based Ethernet, Fast
Ethernet, or FDDI packets into ATM cells and forwards the traffic to the IP
Switch network. An ATM interface connects the IP Switch Gateway to the IP
Switch ATM1600, which uses ATM hardware acceleration to achieve through-
puts of up to 5.3 million packets per second. Multiple LANs can gain routed
access to the high speed IP Switch mesh through the IP Switch Gateway.
Hosts, routers and other edge devices that support Ipsilon’s Flow Management
Protocol (IFMP) can attach directly to IP Switches without the assistance of an
IP Switch Gateway.
Fully Interoperable with Existing IP Protocols and Applications
The IP Switch Gateway delivers high performance IP routing and intelligent
flow classification using IFMP. The IP Switch Gateway is fully compatible
with existing IP protocols, including the Routing Information Protocol (RIP),
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR),
Distance Vector Multicast Protocol (DVMRP), and Internet Group Membership
Protocol (IGMP). The IP Switch Gateway is naturally interoperable with exist-
ing IP devices and applications.
Web-Based and SNMP Management
The IP Switch Gateway supports all standard IP network tools and management
systems, as well as the Ipsilon Network Voyager Web-based graphical manage-
ment interface. From a systems perspective, the IP Switch Gateway appears as
a standard IP router node in network views provided by SNMP-compatible
platforms, including HP OpenView®, SunNet™ Manager, IBM NetView®
6000, Microsoft Windows™, and Windows NT. At the device level, network
managers can install, configure, and manage the IP Switch Gateway from
remote locations through the easy-to-understand Ipsilon Network Voyager
forms-based interface. The IP Switch Gateway also supports telnet and text-
based commands, including ping, traceroute, and netstat.
Software Upgradability
The IP Switch Gateway supports software upgrades through Web and FTP
access. User name and password authentication secure configuration data.
Key Attributes
• Integrates Existing
LANs with Accelerated
IP Switched Network
• Supports Multiple LAN
Fast Ethernet, and FDDI
• Supports Standard
Internet Routing
• Web-Based and SNMP
• Software Upgradable
The gateway that
integrates existing
LANs with accelerated
IP Switched Networks.