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delight improving e-commerce with General Assembly -

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Ben MacGowan @benmacgowan @creativejar

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Breaking Borders / Reading, UK ConfConf CONFCONF / TBC, UK

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@benmacgowan gratuitous animations the era of
 the-era-of-gratuitous-animations-1 human perception the speed of

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“ ” @benmacgowan Good UI animations have purpose, personality, and alignment with your message - they just feel right. - Val Head

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@benmacgowan “ ” I believe we can do more with motion than purely entertain. We can use motion graphics to teach, to engage, and illustrate our conclusions. - Sarah Allen

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@benmacgowan Icon by by mathies janssen Why can we not apply this logic to e-commerce?

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@benmacgowan functional reliable usable pleasurable

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@benmacgowan “ ” On the average web page, users have time to read at most 28% of the words during an average visit - Jakob Neilson

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@benmacgowan Attention ratio 6:1 1:1 3.71% 5.28%

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@benmacgowan give them what they want Visuals & rich experiences

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@benmacgowan Testimonials vs.

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@benmacgowan Large product images increase sales by 9%

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@benmacgowan Context of use

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@benmacgowan uplift in 
 new trial starts 45%

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@benmacgowan “ ” As elements respond to our interactions, it sometimes is a little easier to comprehend what just happened when we sprinkle in the element of time. A built in intentional delay in the form of an animation or transition, respects cognition and gives people the required time to understand a change in size or position. - GoodUI

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@benmacgowan 31% LIFT IN EMAIL SIGN-UPS

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@benmacgowan How can we delight rather than frustrate?

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@benmacgowan Click designed by Rohan Gupta from the Noun Project Photo credit: expectation

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@benmacgowan Rabbit designed by Thomas Hirter from the Noun Project Photo credit: distraction

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@benmacgowan Theater designed by Diego Naive from the Noun Project emotion

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@benmacgowan People designed by Naomi Atkinson from the Noun Project demographic

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@benmacgowan Chat designed by Ed Harrison from the Noun Project Photo credit: BRand messaging

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@benmacgowan functional reliable usable pleasurable

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thank you @benmacgowan