Slide 31
Slide 31 text
# The value must be the Array of Ruby and Array's contents are
# of Ruby. Though these Strings are converted to Regular Expression
# of Ruby when compared, you can't use Regexp of Ruby.
@no_referer = [
'^' + Regexp.quote( base_url ), # Your diary
# URLs which are only recorded into Today's Link (Regular Expression)
# @only_volatile is an array of URLs to record into only Today's
# When a referer match to this list, it will be recoreded to
# list. This list will be cleared when you make new text in new
# Specify @only_volatile same style of @no_referer.
@only_volatile = [
# The rules which convert the specified URL to the word (Regular
# @referer_table is configured so that readable URLs are shown in
This is example of tdiary configuration
If you try to customize tDiary behavior,
you should write method definitions,
variable settings and more into
It’s very useful.