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(keep it fun)

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Science Grandma (story time) for

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100% DIY. !

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How do people get podcasts?

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Womp womp.

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What I want: (What I really, really, want)

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SMS Messenger

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But how? (patience)

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That’s just one story.

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This would not be possible/viable without Laravel.

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Laravel for Fun and Profit Matt Stauffer @stauffermatt

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Matt Stauffer @stauffermatt Laravel for Fun and Profit

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The Theory a + b = 180˚ Postulate 22: Angle-Angle (AA) Similarity Postulate The sum of the angles a b K L l2 l1 If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then the two triangles are similar.

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My whole life I been making apps

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… which never make me rich. "

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How do I monetize:

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Five-Minute Geek Show

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Laravel Tricks Bought & removed the ads

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It turns out… I don’t care

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Matt’s app dev workflow See need Imagine how to meet that need as simply as possible Build the ugliest simplest solution Buy a domain Throw it up on Forge Send out a tweet and never look back

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Poor Adam Wathan

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Not just once or twice. PulledOver Symposium Confomo SimplePodcastSite SmarterThings Mergency MarkedStyle

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Some never even get finished

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Finished… some day? MarvelWatch Suggestive Live Stream Timeline KeepIt140 SimplePodcastSite SmarterThings Probably a lot more

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I used to feel bad.

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Paying your bills with Dusk?

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… really?

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What if there are other reasons to write code?

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Slide 45 text DHH “EXITING THE DARK AGES OF CAPITALISM” “Squeezing out every last dollar from a relationship will leave it sour and dry. […] It’s a two-dimensional, flat, and antagonistic relationship. It’s also frequently completely unnecessary, and nearly always unsustainable.”

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Just because it doesn’t make you rich and famous, it doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing.

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How we decide which apps to make

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Common reasons to build apps Makes me money Makes me famous Gets me a job Usable by a large section of the community in a traditional open source context

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Making money, getting famous, getting a job, contributing to open source, and any other common motivations for building apps are perfectly fine. DISCLAIMER But everyone knows that already.

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But… what about… Caleb and the SouthWest Scraper HireMoreVets (my apps I mentioned earlier)

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Makes me money Makes me famous Gets me a job Usable by a large section of the community in a traditional open source context Makes me laugh Makes my kid laugh Makes my friends laugh Would be fun to build I want to try out a fun idea It would help me in a small way It would help my spouse Common reasons to build apps Less common reasons to build apps

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“A state where people experience positive emotions, positive psychological functioning and positive social functioning, most of the time,” living "within an optimal range of human functioning” Human Flourishing

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Using Laravel to do things you couldn’t without it. Laravel for Fun Laravel for human flourishing. Enabling a better, fuller life with Laravel.

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How we evaluate tools

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How would you respond if I had said:
 “I’m doing a
 chatbot talk”?

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That was me, too… until

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Clients are asking for it Clients will ask for it Can use it to build an app that will bring money/fame Can apply on apps I’m currently running Simplify/replace currently-used tech Common reasons to adopt tech

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Clients are asking for it Clients will ask for it Can use it to build an app that will bring money/ fame Can apply on apps I’m currently running Simplify/replace currently-used tech It will let my grandma do something cool I can talk with my dog using it My daughter can use it to play her favorite game My spouse will totes appreciate it OMFG I feel like a wizard Common reasons to adopt tech Less common reasons to adopt tech

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Speed matters Interlude:

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Remember my Rapid Application Development talk a few years ago?

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Is the takeaway:
 “Less things are worth automating than I thought” ?

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“The faster I can build, the more things I can justify building.”

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Valet Lambo Eloquent Laravel Frontend Presets Tailwind Autowiring, route model binding, routes/ console.php, service discovery, ignoring type hints and return type hints, realtime Facades, etc. Which is why I love…

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The simplest Laravel app (1) It's basically Excel/Access... hosted on the cloud and shareable among your friends for $5/mo. Karani SmarterThings Symposium MarkedStyle

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The simplest Laravel app (2) Or another super simple type: just takes some other source of data and manipulates it or responds to it. MarvelWatch SimplePodcastSite Giscus

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Science Grandma for How I built

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 1: Simplecast

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 2: Publish on Apple Podcasts

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 3: Announce on Twitter

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Science for Grandma How I Built • todo get a screenshot of the post Step 4: Announce on Facebook

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 5: LAMBOOOOOOOOOO

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 6: Build Signup views

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 7: Create users class CreateUsersTable extends Migration { /** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('phone_number')->nullable(); $table->string('facebook_id')->nullable(); $table->timestamps(); }); } }

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 8: RSS -> notifications Artisan::command('check', function (FeedsFactory $feeds) { $feedItems = $feeds->make(config('subscriber.rss_url'))->get_items(); collect($feedItems)->reject(function ($episode) { return $this->episodeExists($episode); })->each(function ($episode)) { Episode::create(['permalink' => $episode->get_permalink()]); dispatch(new NotifySubscribersOfNewEpisode($episode)); }); })->describe('Check for a new episode, and notify if appropriate.');

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 8: RSS -> notifications (2) // Job, notifying all users class NotifySubscribersOfNewEpisode implements ShouldQueue { ... public function handle() { Notification::send( User::all(), new NewEpisodeReleased($this->episode) ); } }

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 8: RSS -> notifications (3) // Notification (multi-channel) class NewEpisodeReleased extends Notification { ... public function via($notifiable) { return $notifiable->notificationChannel(); } public function toTwilio($notifiable) { return (new TwilioSmsMessage)->content("Message announcing new episode here"); } public function toFacebook($notifiable) { return FacebookMessage::create("Message announcing new episode here"); } }

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 8: RSS -> notifications (4) // User class, specifying notification channel class User { ... public function notificationChannel() { if ($this->phone_number) { return TwilioChannel::class; } if ($this->facebook_id) { return FacebookChannel::class; } throw new Exception('Un-notifiable user'); } }

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Science for Grandma How I Built • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing Page Title ❤

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 9: Hook it into Twilio

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Science for Grandma How I Built • @todo move some stuff into here? Step 9: Hook it into Twilio

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 10: Hook it into Facebook… ❌

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Science for Grandma How I Built Wherefore art thou, Facebook ID?

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 10: Hook it into Facebook… %

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Science for Grandma How I Built • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing Step 10: Hook it into Facebook… &

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Science for Grandma How I Built • Turns out it needs interactivity. Step 11: Get rejected, try again • Modify this for multiple inputs? NOPE.

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 12: Enter Botman '

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 12: Enter Botman // routes/botman.php $botman->hears('.*(Hi|Hello|Hey).*', function ($bot) { $bot->reply('Hello! What can I do for you today? Try "info" for more information.' }); $botman->hears('.*(info|help).*', function ($bot) { $bot->reply('Info message here but it is too long for Keynote HI LARACON ONLINE'); }); $botman->hears('subscribe.*', function ($bot) { $user = $bot->getUser(); Log::info('FB User subscribed! ' . $user->getId()); User::firstOrCreate(['facebook_id' => $user->getId()]); $bot->reply("You're now subscribed to " . config('') . "!"); }); $botman->hears('unsubscribe.*', function ($bot) { $user = $bot->getUser();

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Science for Grandma How I Built Step 13: Flash lights (why not?) Zttp::post( '' . config('services.ifttt.webhook_key'), [ 'value1' => 'blue', ] );

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Science for Grandma How I Built Tweet from @StaufferScience with new posts Listen for Facebook messages suggesting videos lil’ man can watch Let lil’ man press a button that releases each new episode Give lil’ man an SMS address he can text science pictures to that auto-posts to Twitter and his web site Step 14+: Future ideas?

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Tech we often underestimate Facebook SMS iOS/Android apps Internet of Things (see other Laravel Notification Channels) That which reaches people more in the real world/day-to-day:

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Slide 97 text Deploy Your Laravel Forge Sites With Your Voice 2

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Accept voicemails 3

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Super-easy IOT! 4

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IFTTT into your app! IFTTT OUT of your app! the possibilities are endless!

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What change can I make today?

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Change your perspective of what is worth building. Change your perspective of what is worth using. Change your perspective of what you're capable of. Work for human flourishing… and fun.

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Recognize the power we have to change other people’s lives.

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I can do that!
 I’m a programmer!