Slide 8
Slide 8 text
Regression is a subcategory of Supervised Learning (Machine Learning with a known past
outcome) where the goal is to predict a continuous-valued outcome for new records based on
past observations.
Examples of Regression:
• Compute "credit scoring" or a new "credit limit" of a person, based on income, past payments
behavior, credit limits, late payments, debt-to-income and debt-to-credit-limit ratios, housing
situation, etc.
• Predicting "future stock prices" based on past behavior and the relationship to the rest of the market
and other external economic influences
• Predict the "value of a house" based on location, number of rooms, lot size, neighborhood crime
levels, schools, etc.
• Estimate the "arrival delay" of a Flight based on the departure delay, carrier, day of the week, day of
the month, origin, destination, and other metrics
Machine learning can be applied to a wide range of business problems
What is Regression?
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