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Olga Maciaszek-Sharma Improve developer experience with Spring Interface Clients Copyright © 2022 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.

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About Olga Staff Software Engineer in Spring Cloud team Spring Cloud LoadBalancer, Spring Cloud OpenFeign, Spring Cloud Netflix, AOT and native image support in Spring Cloud projects, Spring Interface Clients

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What is a declarative client?

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Sample applications Customer Service Verification Service HTTP POST /verify Customer Verification Result

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Direct use of HTTP client

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Client interface

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Implementation with helper methods

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Client interface usage

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Annotated interface ⭆ HTTP calls Libraries/ frameworks already do it for us!

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Declarative/ interface client Client interface method calls HTTP calls Proxy

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Other implementations and support in Spring

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Feign & Spring Cloud OpenFeign

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A declarative/ interface client

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Retrofit & Spring Cloud Square

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Spring Interface Clients HTTP

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@HttpExchange attributes url method contentType accept

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@HttpExchange @GetExchange @PostExchange @PatchExchange @PutExchange @DeleteExchange

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Overriding URI

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Overriding base URL

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Object Map/ MultiValueMap Collection

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Object Map/ MultiValueMap Collection

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Object Map/ MultiValueMap Collection

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WebClient - working with request attributes

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Return values

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Status, headers, body

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Execute only

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Instantiating HTTP clients ● Create HttpServiceProxyFactory bean ● Create service instance bean

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Error handling

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Load-balancing Use instrumented WebClient/ RestClient/ RestTemplate

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DiscoveryClient Eureka Consul Zookeeper Kubernetes SimpleDiscoveryClient

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Load-balanced client builder bean You can use @LoadBalanced as qualifier serviceId in place of host:port

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Load-balanced client builder bean You can use @LoadBalanced as qualifier serviceId in place of host:port

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Load-balanced client bean You can use @LoadBalanced as qualifier serviceId in place of host:port

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Tracing Provided by instrumented WebClient/ RestClient/ RestTemplate

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@HtttpExchange on server side

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Spring Interface Clients RSocket

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RSocket Reactive Streams semantics on protocol level ● Message-driven, asynchronous ● No client/ server distinction once connection is made ● 4 modes ○ Fire and Forget ○ Request/ Response ○ Request/ Stream ○ Channel

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RSocket Reactive Streams semantics on protocol level ● Binary ● Flow control ○ Backpressure ○ Leasing ● Protocol support: ○ TCP ○ WebSockets ○ Aeron ○ QUIC?

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Handle added metadata in responder

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Return values

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Instantiating RSocket clients ● Create RSocketServiceProxyFactory bean ● Create service instance bean

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Set up RSocket strategies, including encoders and decoders

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@RSocketExchange annotated responders

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Enable AutoConfiguration A separate switch annotation/ a property/ looking for per-client annotation

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Find annotated interfaces Any interface with @...Exchange/ Dedicated annotation per client

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Match HTTP clients with infrastructure ● Find/ create WebClient/ RestClient/ RestTemplate/ RSocketRequester ● Find/ create HTTP/ RSocket ServiceProxyFactory ● Qualifier/ dedicated annotation/ naming convention ● Default and per client implementations

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Registering bean definitions ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar/ BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor/ FactoryBean

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Existing implementations

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GitHub issue

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Thank you [email protected] @olga_maciaszek © 2020 Spring. A VMware-backed project.