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Improving your workflow With GitHub’s API keavy

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533 endpoints

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Hello world.

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Unauthenticated requests curl Practicality beats purity.

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Unauthenticated requests curl -i

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Unauthenticated requests

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Authenticated requests curl -i -u keavy:passw0rd

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Then what?

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Options for authentication • Personal Access Token • OAuth Application • GitHub Application

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Personal Access Token • It’s a String (“f3e4b0c62a15dc2e5c…”) • Like a password • Functions like an OAuth token - broad permissions.

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Personal Access Token: Good Ideas! • Acting just as yourself • Authenticating over the API as yourself • One off cURL commands • Personal scripts

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Personal Access Token: Bad Ideas! • Setting up something for your whole team/company to use • Pretending to be a bot

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No content

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OAuth Application • It’s an application. • It needs to be hosted somewhere. • You grant it broad permissions, e.g. to your repositories.

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OAuth Application: Good Ideas! • Act as a GitHub user, across all of GitHub • Just identity - “login with GitHub”

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OAuth Application: Bad Ideas! • Doing stuff on a specific repository (but not the rest!) • Doing stuff that should be acting as the Application itself

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No content

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GitHub App • It’s an application. • It needs to be hosted somewhere. • You install it on specific repositories. • You grant it narrow permissions, e.g. to write issues

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GitHub App: Good Ideas! • The app needs to take actions, independently of a user • You only want to do stuff on specific repos • You want a direct connection to an Organization • You don't need to know and do everything the user can

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GitHub App: Bad Ideas! • Identity provider: "login with GitHub” • Only want to act as the GitHub user, in everything they can do.

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Which is right? For you.

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No content

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For you

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API calls export GITHUB_TOKEN=47244ff0d0464521969 curl -u keavy:$GITHUB_TOKEN

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Script to fetch your contributions : ${GITHUB_TOKEN:=`git config github.token`} : ${GH_LOGIN:=`git config github.user`} # e.g. for PRs I opened that were merged query = "author:$GH_LOGIN+is:merged+is:pr" url=" access_token=$GITHUB_TOKEN&q=$query"

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For your team

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Script GitHub App

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GitHub App Slack App Email In-house App Another API GitHub

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Improving your workflow With GitHub’s API keavy

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Some examples

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Contributions for

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PRs labeled with

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PRs awaiting your team’s response

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Create an issue for your Team’s activity

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Create an issue for your Team’s activity

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How to build them

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1. Register a GitHub App 2. Configure your app 3. Host it somewhere 4. Install it on the desired repos on GitHub 5. Steps to building a GitHub App

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Step 1: Register a GitHub App

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Step 1: Register a GitHub App

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Step 1: Register a GitHub App

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Step 1: Register a GitHub App

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Step 1: Register a GitHub App

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Step 1: Register a GitHub App

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No content

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Step 2: Configure your GitHub App

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No content

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What installations do I have? Who am I? What installations can I show this user? Give me a token for this installation.

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What installations do I have? Who am I? What installations can I show this user? Give me a token for this installation. Authenticate as the App

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def self.private_key pem = ENV["GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY"] @private_key ||= end Configure your GitHub App App credentials

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payload = { iat:, exp: 10.minute.from_now, iss: ENV["GITHUB_APP_IDENTIFIER"] } JWT.encode payload, Config.private_key, "RS256" Configure your GitHub App App credentials

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@app_client = bearer_token: Demo::Config.jwt_assertion) Configure your GitHub App To make high-level API requests as the App

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@app_client.get "/app" Configure your GitHub App To make high-level API requests as the App

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What repositories can I work with? What repositories can I show this user? What are the latest PRs in this repo? What members are in this team? What issues have mentioned this team lately?

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What repositories can I work with? What repositories can I show this user? What are the latest PRs in this repo? What members are in this team? What issues have mentioned this team lately? Authenticate as the installation

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client.create_integration_installation_access_token( installation_github_identifier ) Configure your GitHub App To make API requests for a specific installation

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@installation_client = :access_token => @installation.current_token ) Configure your GitHub App To make API requests for a specific installation

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@installation_client.get "/installation/repositories" Configure your GitHub App To make API requests for a specific installation

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Watch out for

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401 But whyyyyy?

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401 But I’m doing everything right. Right?!

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401 Clearly the API just hates me.

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401 &&& Oh. It was that.

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It’s good to talk. '''

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Step 3: Host it somewhere

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No content

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Step 4: Install it

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No content

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No content

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post "/webhook" do case request.env['HTTP_X_GITHUB_EVENT'] when "installation" Demo::Installation.create_from_webhook( parsed_post_params["installation"] ) end halt 200 end Configure your GitHub App

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Step 5: Use it!

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GitHub App Slack App Email In-house App Another API GitHub

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Connect it to a Slack App

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Create or change content on GitHub

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Send an email

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API details

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Contributions for

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Process the request POST text=keavy

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Process the request POST text=keavy login

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# PRs the user opened @installation.client.search_issues( “created:>#{started_at_string} @#{@account} author:#{login} type:pr state:open") Search for the data

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# PRs the user opened @installation.client.search_issues( “created:>#{started_at_string} @#{@account} author:#{login} type:pr state:open") Search for the data

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# PRs the user opened @installation.client.search_issues( “created:>#{started_at_string} @#{@account} author:#{login} type:pr state:open") Search for the data

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# PRs the user opened @installation.client.search_issues( “created:>#{started_at_string} @#{@account} author:#{login} type:pr state:open") Search for the data

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# PRs the user commented on @installation.client.search_issues( “created:>#{started_at_string} @#{@account} commenter:#{login} type:pr state:open") Search for the data

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No content

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# PRs the user opened @installation.client.search_issues( “created:>#{started_at_string} @#{@account} author:#{login} type:pr state:open") Search for the data

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Slide 92 text { "total_count": 280, "incomplete_results": false, "items": [ { "html_url": "", "number": 132, "title": "Line Number Indexes Beyond 20 Not Displayed", "user": { "login": "Nick3C", }, "labels": [ { "url": "", "name": "bug", "color": "ff0000" } ], "state": "open" } ] }

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Slide 93 text { "total_count": 280, "incomplete_results": false, "items": [ { "html_url": "", "number": 132, "title": "Line Number Indexes Beyond 20 Not Displayed", "user": { "login": "Nick3C", }, "labels": [ { "url": "", "name": "bug", "color": "ff0000" } ], "state": "open" } ] }

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def formatted_results(category, items) "\n### #{category} (#{items.count})\n" + # format each item end def formatted_result(item) # get the repo name for that item " * [x] [#{repo}##{item.number}](#{item.html_url}) #{item.title}" end Format the results

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def deliver!(content) status = 200 content_type :json { :response_type => 'in_channel', :text => content }.to_json end Send the results to a Slack App

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Contributions for

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PRs labeled with

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Process the request POST text=reviewable,bug

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Process the request POST text=reviewable,bug labels

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is:open is:pr repo:org/repo_a repo:org/repo_b label:reviewable label:bug -label:blocked Build up a query

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# Search issues via the API @installation.client.search_issues(query.join(" ")).items Request the data from the API

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PRs labeled with

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PRs awaiting your team’s response

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Build the query is:open is:pr org:api-playground team:api-playground/test-team -commenter:keavy -commenter:tarebyte updated:>2017-09-13

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@installation.client.search_issues(query.join(" ")).items Request the data from the API

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No content

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PRs awaiting your team’s response

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Create an issue for your Team’s activity

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Process the request POST text=@api-playground/test-team api-sandbox

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Process the request POST text=@api-playground/test-team api-sandbox team_name repo_name

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Prepare the content # Check for data from other tools, e.g. who’s on call via PagerDuty # Check for checkbox items from the previous week’s radar # Prepare the text bits: @title ||= "Radar: Week of #{}” @body << "What's up, #{team_name}? What happened? " + "What's about to happen? What's going on in your head? "

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Deliver output @installation.client.create_issue(@repo_name, @title, @body)

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Deliver output @installation.client.create_issue(@repo_name, @title, @body)

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Create an issue for your Team’s activity

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Onboard new team member • Add someone as a collaborator to certain repositories • Add them to certain teams (and/or the organization itself)

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PR approval process • At least 2 people have reviewed a PR • The PR has been reviewed by someone who didn’t write the code • Separate approval for the code AND deployment • A manager has approved it, on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

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PR approval process • At least 2 people have reviewed a PR • The PR has been reviewed by someone who didn’t write the code • Separate approval for the code AND deployment • A manager has approved it, on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

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We’re hiring

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PR approval process • At least 2 people have reviewed a PR • The PR has been reviewed by someone who didn’t write the code • Separate approval for the code AND deployment • A manager has approved it, on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

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List commits on a PR

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List commits on a PR [ { "sha": "6dcb09b5b57875f334f61aebed695e2e4193db5e", "commit": { "url": "", "message": "Fix all the bugs", }, "author": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1 } } ]

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List commits on a PR [ { "sha": "6dcb09b5b57875f334f61aebed695e2e4193db5e", "commit": { "url": "", "message": "Fix all the bugs", }, "author": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1 } } ]

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List reviews on a PR

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List reviews on a PR [ { "id": 80, "user": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1 }, "body": "Here is the body for the review." } ]

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List reviews on a PR [ { "id": 80, "user": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1 }, "body": "Here is the body for the review." } ]

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Create a status POST /repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/:sha { "state": "success", "description": "Approved by the wider crew", "context": "Review Process" }

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Create a status

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Improving your workflow With GitHub’s API keavy

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Work back from the problem • I want an ‘at a glance’ view of current bugs. • I want to check what PRs my team should look into. • I want to know what my team is up to.

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Then from what you want to get

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Then from what you want to get

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Then from what you want to get

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It’s good to talk. '''

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401 Clearly the API just hates me.

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200 I made that.

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Thank you. keavy