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28th January, 2014 Drew Neil @nelstrom FOLLOW my

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Using let mapleader = "," nnoremap :noh

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VIM’S GRAMMAR and its blind-spots

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operator operator d d y y > > delete line yank line indent line

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operator motion d w y $ > G delete word yank from cursor to EOL indent to end of file

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operator non-motion d p d o same as :diffput same as :diffget AVAILABLE!

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operator non-motion y s surround.vim c o unimpaired.vim c x exchange.vim

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operator-1 operator-2 d c c d AVAILABLE!

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TEXT-OBJECTS have vacancies

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{i,a} object i “ a ) i t inside double-quotes around parentheses inside XML tag

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{i,a} object i a AVAILABLE! AVAILABLE!

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{i,a} object {i,a} l {i,a} e {i,a} r vim-textobj-line vim-textobj-entire vim-textobj-rubyblock

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NAMESPACED MAPS have vacancies

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namespace command g w z a reformat selected text toggle fold open/closed {[,]} c jump to prev/next diff

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namespace command g c {[,]} o commentary.vim unimpaired.vim {[,]} {u,x,y} unimpaired.vim

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SUPERCHARGE built-in commands

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namespace command g f rails.vim

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OVERRIDE COMMANDS that are meant to be overridden

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executes `formatprg` = {motion} executes `equalprg` gq {motion}

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Using formatprg let &formatprg=“pandoc -f html -t markdown” executes `formatprg`, filtering text through pandoc gq {motion}

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28th January, 2014 Drew Neil @nelstrom FOLLOW my